
Do you know what the best Antiaging Skin Care Product is?

While searching for the world's best anti aging skin care product I found myself traveling to the mountains of the Swiss Alps, the jungles of Africa, the caves of Egypt. All the while in the ed my discover was on so simply yet incredible it was more then i had bargained for.

Green Tea as an Antiaging product?

Who knew that in one cup you could possess something that can prevent heart disease, gum diseases, help you lose weight and even cure cancer? The claims against green tea are bold, so what can it do in terms of an antiaging skin care product? It's an ancient drink that has been used as health food for all the benefits mentioned above and more.

Green tea has a high content of polyphenols. Polyphenols while in some plants contribute to the color of leaves during fall and autumn, in tea they act as an antioxidant. Helping to prevent cardio vascular disease and cancer.

The Polypheols in green tea which give it antiaging properties are known as catechins. Catechins make up almost 25% of the volume of a dried tea leaf. For comparison one cup of green tea will provide you with 10-40 mg of polyphenols which is more then a full serving of broccoli.

It turns out that green teas actually do help with skin care and the prospect of having healthy, younger-looking skin. There are polyphenols in tea that do a lot of the work and these are generally called "catechins”. These catechins perform the bulk of the work and believe me, there are a lot of different catechins in tea, especially green tea. In fact, green tea has almost 20 times the amount of catechins in it as black tea.

Tea increases the antioxidant quality of your skin and even your blood by allowing it to take on more oxygen and breathe easier, so naturally the higher amount of polyphenols you have working for you the greater antioxidant quality your skin has. It sounds like an unorthodox method in terms of skin care, especially in a market filled with creams and lotions and serums, but it is possible that the best antiaging skin care product out there is something you drink.

Further Research

While I continued to research antiaging skin care products, I was overwhelmed with the vast number of commercial creams, and lotions available. We are on a quest for the perfect product to reverse signs of aging, when really the best weapon we have to fight it is free. We should be using our knowledge and education on the topic to our advantage before we run out to purchase the latest fifty dollar jar of cream. The best weapon against aging is in fact our knowledge.

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Essential Ingredients for an Anti-Aging Formula

Each of us really has two ages: our chronological age and our body's age. Our genes may contribute to our aging process, but it is our lifestyles that can really cause us to accelerate aging. By changing our habits and consuming an anti-aging formula, we can no only stop the aging process, but we can actually reverse it.

When we're in the market for anti-aging products, though, how do we tell the best from the rest? After all, there are any number of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, herbs, minerals, and antioxidants that are bandied about as the Fountain of Youth. Here are essential ingredients that you should look for in any anti-aging supplement:

Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) greatly contribute to reversing the effects of aging. They act on many of the body's systems, including the metabolism, nervous system, joints, and immune system. Because they help maintain cell membranes and increase the body's intake of oxygen, they can even act as an "anti-wrinkle" formula. They also have significant cardiovascular benefits.

Unfortunately, our bodies can't manufacture essential fatty acids, so we must consume them. The best supplements contain flaxseed, which contains the Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids elcosapentoenoic acid, alfa-linolenic acid, docosahexoenoic acid, and gamma-linolenic acid. An anti-aging natural supplement should also contain oleic acid, an Omega 9 fatty acid.


A good anti-aging formula will contain trace amounts of minerals. Gold, for example, helps boost the immune system and shore up brain function and the nervous system. Some people report that gold also enhances their mood. Similarly, the human body needs copper for a variety of functions, including keeping connective tissues healthy, maintaining the metabolism, and in keeping the nervous system humming along. Chromium is also essential, in that it helps regulate blood sugar by processing carbohydrates and fats. Likewise, manganese helps ensure proper growth, bone and cartilage formation, and brain function. Moreover, manganese is a wonderful antioxidant formula; it has any number of properties that fight free radicals and the damage that free radicals cause.

Plants and Herbs

There are several plants and herbs that, when combined with other ingredients, contribute greatly to an anti-aging supplements. Alfalfa, for example, is a good source of many of the vitamins and minerals necessary to keep the body's systems functioning correctly. Olive leaf extract can help boost the immune system, while pumpkin seed has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Milk thistle is a strong antioxidant, and can also help with liver function, and astragalus root can help ward off colds and heal wounds and injuries.

The bottom line is that our genes aren't necessarily our destiny. When we make a conscious choice to lead a healthy lifestyle, and take a good anti-aging formula, our body's "age" can actually be younger than our chronological age. A younger body means a better quality of life - something that each of us should strive for.

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