
Dr Davis’s Wheat Belly

I would normally be skeptical about a book called “Wheat Belly”. As you would all know by reading this blog, I am a health conscious person with a healthy lifestyle and diet, but I was finding it difficult to shift about 5kgs of visceral fat.

Earlier this year I read the fascinating book Diet Evolution by Dr Steven Gundry.
Dr Gundry advocates removing all grains from our diet (“a healthy grain is an oxymoron”) and so I was open to what Dr Davis had to say about wheat.

And after reading “Wheat Belly”, I took action! Within two weeks, my waist size dropped by 2 inches. And I am slowly releasing weight. I am following Dr Gundry’s recommendations, but it was the bread at lunchtime (I was in denial) that was putting the brakes on, and they are now off!

I am a bit of a ‘how do the cells work’ person, and Dr Davis helped me to understand the role of cholesterol more thoroughly â€" I like the detail he gives on our body’s biology. Last year, my Naturopath told me to go on a gluten-free diet â€" and I have done more than that and I am feeling great!

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Omega-3 Fish oil and a high sugar diet

Fish oil. The flavour of the month. What can’t it do? An animal study published in Am J Physiol Endocrinol shows that the total (‘background’ is the word they use) diet exerts a crucial influence on the ability of fish oil to protect against developing obesity and adipose tissue inflammation. (Evidence has suggested that low-grade chronic inflammation plays a crucial role in the development of obesity related insulin resistance).

The authors show that sucrose (which is actually moderate not high GI) counteracts the anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil in adipose tissue and increases obesity development in mice. ‘To summarise’ they write, ‘it cannot be excluded that several additional beneficial effects of fish oil intake might be diminished or completely abrogated by a simultaneous intake of high-GI carbohydrates.

If similar effects are found in humans, this is of great concern because the intake of refined sugars from sources such as soft drinks has increased dramatically during the last several decades.’ The bottom line: stick to low GI carbs.

This article was taken from GI News

I would like to add that according to the latest books (Diet Evolution, Wheat Belly) that I have been reading, it is not only soft drinks that need to be avoided â€" it is all sugar and grain products.

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Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution

I have been immersed in Dr Gundry’s book ‘Diet Evolution’ for 2 days.
Dr Steven Gundry is one more highly qualified medical specialist who is on the prevention (not survival) wave.

Dr Gundry explains clearly how our genes work in relation to our need for food.  He explains why our genes have responded to our changed diets in our Western world, which has created so much chronic disease (heart disease, cancer, arthritis, strokes, diabetes). He advocates removing grains (eg flour and cereals) sugar and sugar substitutes from our diet, and to eat more raw food.

The book is optimistic â€" it is possible to trick our genes into reversing chronic disease.  Dr Gundry provides patient testimonials of people of all ages â€" some with obesity and some ‘normal’ weight.

Dr Gundry provides eating plans for each phase, as well as what I think is the most crucial â€" an eating plan for the rest of our life.

Dr Gundry recommends that we eat meat that has grazed on plant food (not factory fed grain) to ensure that we humans get all the nutrients we need.  You may be surprised to learn that we not only get protein from meat â€" plant food contains protein too. He also advises topping up with nutritional supplements and provides dosage recommendations.

This is a book for people who are serious about getting healthy for life and/or longevity because it does take dedication and willpower to change from our lazy habits.  But it is so worth it, because the people who have already made the change are not only enjoying true health, they have more energy and are getting more enjoyment from living.

Watch this: 11 minute video of Dr Gundry explaining why he wrote the book.

Here are links to videos of Dr Steven Gundry:
Contour Dermatology: Body, Mind, Spirit Seminar â€" Dr. Gundry (1/4)
Contour Dermatology: Body, Mind, Spirit Seminar â€" Dr. Gundry (2/4)
Contour Dermatology: Body, Mind, Spirit Seminar â€" Dr. Gundry (3/4)
Contour Dermatology: Body, Mind, Spirit Seminar â€" Dr. Gundry (4/4)

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What does it take to release weight?

Do you have one of these at home?  For years I have been wishing for my husband to downsize, and instead he just kept on piling on the weight.  It wasn’t that he ate junk food, it was more that he ate too much meat, too many relishes, sauces and chutneys, and too much food generally. Combine that with lack of exercise, and slowly a health scare began forming.
(He also takes advanced quality nutritional supplements that include heart healthy CoQ10, Omega-3 and magnesium plus others. But that’s not all that is required for prevention: 10 Healthy Aging strategies).

He didn’t tell me that over the last 15 months he had been experiencing angina upon exertion.  But I did know that he was putting himself at risk of becoming diabetic (and it was getting very challenging finding size 3XL shirts).

It took the death of his much-loved 55 year old cousin (a sudden fatal heart attack) in May this year, to wake him up (not his wife’s nagging…).  He contacted his cardiologist and told him to forget the treadmill, take him straight in for an angiogram. And the results were grim.  As the cardiologist said, ‘a bit of mischief has been going on’ (my husband had two stents placed in 1997 so was on the heart watch list).

Four weeks later it was into hospital and 5 bypass grafts were performed.  (If you know anything about bypass operations, they do not perform a graft unless there is a 70% or more blockage.)  For the next 7 days, the pain of recovering began.

Back home again and then a visit to the GP’s nurse to check the stitches and get a blood test done.  Diabetes Type 2 was diagnosed.

30/7/2012 Blood test results:
Total Cholesterol 5.8 mmol/L
HDL: 0.87 mmol/L
LDL: 3.8 mmol/L
Chol/HDL Ratio: 6.7 (high)
Triglyceride: 2.5 mmol/L (high â€" normal < 2.0)
Glucose: 8.0 mmol/L (High â€" normal 3.5 to 7.7)
HbA1c: 56 mmol/L (high â€" normal 20-40)

Meanwhile, I had recommended that hubby reads a book â€" Dr Steven Gundry’s Diet Evolution.

Bingo!  Now he is on a “no grains, starchy vegetables, sugar and fruit” regime.  And boy, is it working!  The day of the operation he weighed 125 kgs and now he weighs just under 113kgs.  In less than 6 weeks. He has found it easy to do because he enjoys growing and eating vegetables, and importantly he doesn’t feel hungry. Here is a list of Heart Healthy Food Groups.

We are now waiting for next set of blood to be taken and tested. (Last weekend he had a home blood sugar test done and his result was 6.3 â€" normal!).

“The research actually shows that it’s the sugar and grains (which turn to sugar in our bodies) that cause high cholesterol as well as weight gain and type 2 diabetes, NOT the animal fats. If you eat animal products along with sugars and grains, that *will* cause your cholesterol and blood sugar to rise.”

And yet when we look at the food pyramid we have grains taking up the large portion.  What if we put vegetables where the grains are, and put grains in with the sugars at the top.  Do you think that would solve many of our chronic health issues?  I believe it would.

“Apparently wheat causes all sorts of issues, even if you don’t have a known allergy or intolerance to it….or I guess, you just don’t realize it is wheat causing trouble.”

When you visit the supermarket, how many aisles hold products based on wheat? â€" breads, biscuits, cakes, muffins, crackers, bagels, pasta, pizzas, cereals, ready made meals, sauces…wheat is everywhere â€" you could even say… “ingrained”.

“Check out the book Wheat Belly by William Davis MD.  He says the (very) genetically modified strains of wheat used everywhere these days cause havoc worldwide with the human immune system which has not been able to keep up with the change in structure of wheat products.”

“It’s interesting information at worst and very enlightening at best.  Dr Davis says going wheat free leads to weight loss, alleviation of things like diabetes, colitis and celiac disease, improvement in cholesterol, reduction of inflammation and arthritis pain.., and so on.”

Meanwhile, I began supporting my husband on the 8th August by following the same eating regime. I do have about 5kgs that I would like to release, and I have been fighting a pot belly for the last 10 years. So far, I have released 1kg and 3cms from my waist â€" the pot belly is flattening out!

For more personal accounts from real people, read and share:
Lower cholesterol unfolds mystery diet

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TIPS For Skin from Bea Kinnear

written by Bea Kinnear Your Skin & You 5th Edition.

1. Your skin protects your body, but that’s not all. It’s the face you present to the world. When healthy, it’s a source of beauty. The choices you make every day â€" what you eat, where you go, how you feel â€" affect how your skin looks.

2. Want good skin? Watch your diet. Higher intakes of vitamin C and a lower intake of fats and carbohydrates are associated with better appearance as your skin ages. Changing your diet will help your looks. Eat more fish, fruits, and vegetables to help protect against wrinkles and dryness in aging skin. To avoid breakouts, go for complex carbohydrates (like whole grains and pasta) and healthy protein. (Better still, remove all grains and sugars from your diet and be amazed by the results! Helen Wenley).

3. Your anti-aging cream may contain vitamin C or E. Put these antioxidants to work from the inside, too. Eating foods rich in these vitamins, plus the mineral selenium, can help protect your skin against sun damage. They may even help reverse signs of aging, like wrinkles and skin discoloration. Taking high quality USANA vitamins should be the top of your list.

4. Exercise benefits every part of your body â€" including your largest organ, the skin. Working out improves circulation, flushing toxins from your skin. Better blood flow also brings more oxygen and nutrients and may help your skin produce collagen, which staves off wrinkles. Don’t fret about sweat â€" exercise may actually help unclog pores. Wash your face right after a workout and avoid tight headbands, which can trap sweat and irritate skin.

5. Burn the candle at both ends for a few nights, and you may see it reflected in your face: Effect dark circles under the eyes, pale skin, and puffy eyes. Getting 7-8 hours a night will keep your body and skin in top shape. It matters how you sleep, too â€" rest your face on the pillow in the same position for years, and you’ll get wrinkles where the skin is pressed against the pillow. Solution? Sleep on your back, if you can. (Although we realize you cannot control your body movements when sleeping)

6. Stretch marks â€" 90% of pregnant women get them. They should fade after delivery. Weight gain can also cause them. Moisturizers might improve the appearance of stretch marks. Prescription Vitamin A creams or laser therapy can help. Acne is another common skin problem, caused by the extra hormones in your body. Your best bet for avoiding breakouts is to wash your face twice a day and use a mineral oil-free moisturizer. Ask your doctor before using any acne over the counter (OTC) products. (For acne: Again, remove all grains and sugars from your diet and be amazed by the results! Helen Wenley).

7. Some women develop dark patches â€" melasma, or the “mask of pregnancy” â€" on their faces when they’re pregnant. An increase in melanin, the substance that gives skin its color, is responsible for these dark patches. Use makeup or concealer to help cover the dark spots. Melasma usually fades after delivery. Reduce pigment changes by wearing sunscreen at all times and avoiding the sun.

8. Whether you were a sun worshipper in your teens or now catch some rays inadvertently while gardening, walking, or even driving, chances are your skin has sun damage. Some 90% of all skin damage is due to the sun. As your time in the sun goes up, so does your risk of skin cancer. Protect skin by always wearing sunscreen â€" even in winter. Hats and long sleeves help, too. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when rays are strongest. (To be sure that you do not suffer Vitamin D deficiency, be sure to take a good quality vitamin D3 supplement. Helen Wenley)

9. As you age, your skin changes. Your body doesn’t produce as much collagen, and the elastin that allows skin to spring back into place gets weaker. You don’t get rid of dead skin cells or produce new ones as fast. To boost aging skin, exfoliate to remove dead skin, use a non-drying soap, and moisturize often. Use an over-the-counter retinoid to reduce fine wrinkles or ask your doctor about a prescription version. Most of all, stay out of the sun.

10. Caffeine in coffee and tea is dehydrating, so it may cause your skin to dry out. But a study found that when applied topically to skin, caffeine may help reverse sun damage and lower risk of some skin cancers â€" in mice, at least. Researchers are now trying to see if topical caffeine protects human skin, too.

11. Too much alcohol is bad for your skin as well as your body. Alcohol is a diuretic; it causes the body to lose water. That can contribute to dry skin. It also dilates blood vessels. That’s why drinkers often have red, flushed faces â€" which makes rosacea worse. Over time, these blood vessels can become permanently damaged, so that skin stays red.

12. Simply put, smoking is bad for your skin: It’s second only to the sun in causing wrinkles and dry skin. In fact, under a microscope you can see wrinkles in smokers as young as 20. Smoking reduces blood flow to the skin and contributes to the breakdown of collagen. Less collagen means more wrinkling. And yes, pursing your lips repeatedly encourages wrinkles, too. You can’t reverse the damage, but you can stop it by quitting smoking.

13. Every day, your skin comes in contact with pollution â€" cigarette smoke, car exhaust, or smoggy air. Keep skin healthy by keeping it clean. Each night, exfoliate with a gentle AHA serum and toner to remove dead skin cells, cleanse with a gentle soap or wash, then apply a quality cream with moisturizers. (Oily skin still needs a moisturizer; look for mineral oil-free products.) Exfoliation might not be possible every night for those with dry/sensitive skin or sensitive skin, but exfoliation should still be done when possible to help the skin.

14. Cold weather and wind bring on dry, flaky skin and can make eczema and rosacea worse. It’s not just the weather outside â€" dry heat indoors is harsh on skin, too. Fight back by using a humidifier at home, drinking lots of water, and applying moisturizer throughout the day. Remember the sunscreen when you go out.

15. Want a tan? Get a safe one: use a bronzer or self-tanner. (But most don’t contain sunscreen, so they don’t offer any protection from the sun.) Remember to reapply sunscreen every two hours. And unless you have persistently dry skin, switch to an oil-free moisturizer to avoid breakouts in humid weather. It’s a good idea to rinse off after being in the pool to get rid of any chlorine on your skin.

16. It doesn’t take long on a plane for skin to start feeling dry and tight, thanks to low humidity in the re-circulated air. Have a travel plan for your skin that includes drinking water â€" not coffee or alcohol â€" and moisturizing before, during, and after your flight. Don’t wear makeup on the flight if you can help it. Keep Intensive Hand Therapy lotion in a clear plastic zip-top bag with your other carry-on items.

17. Hollywood lives by it: Changing the lighting can change the way you look. Fluorescent lighting can make skin tone appear more red or yellow, while incandescent lighting softens colors and imperfections. Use mirrors with varied lighting to view your skin and makeup under different conditions. That way you won’t look overdone or sallow as lighting changes. You can go more dramatic at night, when lighting is lower.

For Beautiful skin, use the Beautiful Science of Sensé, because Sensé just makes sense!

Have a Sensé-tional Day!

Your Skin and You by Bea Kinnear

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Sep 1, Skin Injectables

So, you wake up one morning, look in your mirror and see the inevitable has happened.And like millions of other people who have used anti wrinkle treatments, you consider using Skin Injectables to improve your appearance What is A Skin Injectable? These treatments can be used for people who are just beginning to show signs of facial aging, but do not want to use Cosmetic Surgery to enhance their appearance. A decision not to have Cosmetic Surgery could also be affected by a cost or time element. And for these people, the wide selection of Injectables on the market is preferable to having Cosmetic Surgery.Best Anti Aging Guide provided information on Skin Injectables Chemical Peels and Skin Cancer Prevention The benefits of Injectables include:i)Being able to have the treatment in 1 or 2 visits â€" many treatments are now marketed as ‘lunchtime appointments’, suggesting that treatment is quick and simple.ii)The Injectable is normally administered through a small gauge needle. So discomfort is minimal and no anaesthetic may be necessary. (However, with some treatments, a topical anaesthetic may be necessary â€" it may all depend on the sensitivity of the area being treated and what the patient prefers. iii)Results tend to be fairly instant with minimal bruising, redness or swelling. The disadvantages of Injectables include:i)Having repeat treatment every several months in order to maintain the visual benefits.ii)The cost implications of repeated treatments. Which Type of Injectable is Right For Me? The Cosmetic Industry Market has many brand names of these types of Anti Aging treatments available for use. Generally, they can be separated into 2 types:A.Line and Wrinkle Correctors. These are used to smooth fine lines and wrinkles.B.Facial Fillers. These are used to add shape and volume to the face. They can also be use to restore structure. I’ve put together a List of different types of Injectables and information relating to them.Remember to always take advice from your Skin Specialist. New! Comments Have your say about what you just read! Leave me a comment in the box below.
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Sep 7, Skin layers need Protection? Good results give you beautiful skin!

Let’s first look at the structure of the skin layers. Your skin layers make up the largest organ of your body, accounting for 12% to 16% body weight and covering about 4 to 6 square meters. It's unique body covering is about 70% water, 25% protein and 2% lipids. The remainder includes other substances including trace minerals and nucleic acids. Its main job is to form a protective barrier, controlling the loss of water from body cells and tissues. Without this protective barrier, your body would quickly dehydrate. And that's when you start to see all the signs of aging skin. It consists of 3 layers: Epidermis, Dermis and Subcutis. The Epidermis makes up the top layer and is the thinnest layer of about 1millimetre. It consists of 3 types of cells:Keratinocyte cells; these cells make the protein keratin. Kertinocytes are responsible for producing hair, toenails and fingernails.Melanocyte cells; these cells produce the pigment melanin. Melanin provides color, as well as giving protection from Ultra Violet radiation. Langerhans cells; these cells form part of the immune system and intercept foreign substances that try to pass through its protective structure.The epidermis itself forms four distinct layers:Stratum Corneum: this is the top layer and is made from dead, hard, tough cells that form the hard outer surface. Stratum germinativium: this forms the 3 lower layers from bottom to top.These are the Basal cell layer, the Spinous cell layer and the Granular cell layer.One of the functions of these layers is to produce millions of new cells every day. The new cells form at the bottom of the epidermis.The Dermis makes up the second layer and is just below the Epidermis. It is a thick, supple and sturdy layer and makes up about 90 percent of the skin's thickness. The Dermis contains many types of tissues, including blood vessels, nerves, muscle cells, sweat and sebaceous glands and hair follicles. It also contains the proteins Collagen and Elastin,. The Subcutis is the deepest layer and is made up mainly of fat. The Subcutis and the subcutaneous layer, manage your the functions of feeding, excreting and heat exchange. Adipocytes are the fat cells in this layer. They have several jobs which include providing energy, serving as a heat insulator for the body, acting as a shock absorber to protect tissues underneath and providing resilience. Sweat glands originate in this layer and excrete waste matter through perspiration. Your sweat controls your body's temperature by evaporating and cooling your skin surface. (That’s why "Goose-bumps" can appear when the fine layer of muscles found in this layer contract.) Where Did that Wrinkle Come From?So Collagen and Elastin are the proteins responsible for the elasticity, tone and texture.In young Adults, Collagen and Elastin are abundant, providing moisture, elasticity and strength. But over time the amount of these proteins decreases, causing aging, wrinkles and loss of elasticity. As the structural support of Collagen breaks down, skin begins to lose its tone, becoming thinner and eventually susceptible to sagging. And as Elastin fibres break down, your outer covering loses its elasticity, no longer having that “snap back” quality. So keep your skin layers moisturised with a good Anti Aging Cream or Serum Return to Best Anti Aging Guide Home Page New! Comments Have your say about what you just read! Leave me a comment in the box below.
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Sep 2, Galvanic Body Spa helps you lose fat fast

Need a Galvanic Body Spa? The Galvanic Body Spa, made by Nu Skin Enterprises, is helping people achieve amazing results to help smooth, reduce and shed stubborn areas of fat and cellulite.It's ideally suited to treat the backs of arms, thighs, belly and buttocks.And since its launch in Autumn 2011, testimonials from around the globe demonstrate how you can lose inches of your arms, belly and thighs without crash dieting or excessive exercise!To get your own Body Spa and a substantial discount, you can open your own account on the Nu Skin website, by using this referral number UKW9726744How does the Body Spa work?The Galvanic spa for the body is a hand held unit which is used in the comfort of your own home. The unit is used in conjunction with a Body Shaping Gel used to improve your skin's firmness. And there's also a contouring lotion which is used after treatment to help maintain the beneficial effects.So, you switch the unit on and apply to the area of treatment.Pulsating galvanic micro currents are then generated from the device.The unit is lightly massaged over the area to be treated, between 5 - 10 minutes.And whilst being used, the micro currents get to work to break up fat and cellulite deposits.If used regularly, about 3 times each week for between 5 - 10 minutes, improvements can be seen in as little as a few weeks!Result!Take a look at Mary's amazing results with this device........... Mary is working on her belly area.Her ‘before and after’ photos show Mary’s belly to be almost completely flat!Her abdomen is now firm, smooth and toned, as this Body Spa works to target areas where stubborn fat and cellulite tend to accumulate.Also, the body contouring lotion assists by keeping Mary's skin smooth and supple.And the most amazing fact is that Mary achieved these remarkable results in as little as 6 weeks!No needles, no surgery and in the comfort of her own home!And with treatments working out at just a few pounds / dollars each time, the Galvanic Body Spa is well worth your investment to keep your body smooth and toned.Once you lose those stubborn areas of fat and cellulite, the Galvanic Body Spa will help you to keep it off!And Nu skin always publish their clinical studies to confirm their findings: Imagine being able to lose inches of fat and cellulite from your arms, thighs, belly and buttocks without crash dieting or excessive exercise.Imagine being able to tone up your under arms without having to undergo expensive surgery.This lady did so with the help of the Galvanic Spa: So, if you need to lose inches of stubborn fat or cellulite from your problem areas, the Galvanic Spa is a safe, effective way to do so.It eliminates the need for crash dieting or furious work-outs, although it's always sensible to eat a healthy, balanced diet and take exercise.But with the help of your Body Spa, you can start to see the benefits of losing stubborn fat and cellulite in as little as 6 weeks or less!If you would like to know more about the Body Spa, please contact me using the form below: Return to previous page on Anti Aging Creams Return to Best Anti Aging Guide Home Page
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Sep 5, Is Thermage Anti Aging Treatment for Baby Boomers?

Thermage has become a very popular, non-invasive, anti aging treatment. It's a procedure that's been in use since 2000and becoming increasingly popular for facialwork and other parts of the body such asarms, thighs, buttocks and abdomen. What is this treatment?Compared to other facial treatments that can be completed in the privacy of your home, Thermage is a procedure which uses the energy of Radiofrequency to remove fine lines and wrinkles from the skin. The medical term for this Treatment is Radiothermoplasty. This indicates that Radiofrequency energy is used to heat the collagen layer of skin, resulting in skin tightening and making the skin surface smoother, more contoured and youthful. How Does this treatment Work?The Dermal layer of skin contains Collagen; these are Protein fibres which provide a structural framework. As skin ages, Collagen fibres break down, causing fine lines and wrinkles to appear. Thermage treatment involves using Radiofrequency energy to heat the skin’s collagen layer, resulting in the skin’s surface being tighter, helping to minimise fine lines and wrinkles. The tightening effect on the skin results in the skin’s surface being smoother and more youthful. Treatment is administered using a ThermaTip wand whose function is two-fold:a)The wand delivers Radiofrequency energy to heat Collagen fibres.b)The wand simultaneously cools and protects the outer layers of skin.The heating effect of the Radiofrequency energy causes the existing Collagen fibres to contract, stimulating the formation of new Collagen over time. This procedure will result in skin tightening over time, with better tone, smoother skin and visibly improved texture. Clients should see very visible benefits around the Jowl lines, Naso-labial folds, Chin, Forehead, Eye and Crows feet areas.The ProcedureThermage treatment is given in your Qualified Practitioner’s Clinic.After removing make up and face cleansing, your Practitioner may apply Anesthetic Cream to the area or areas to be treated, depending on their client’s level of sensitivity. Your Practitioner will then apply a grid to guide your treatment.The ThermaTip provides a combination of cooling and Radiofrequency energy; the energy is provided to the Dermis as an energy pulse. Each time a pulse of energy is delivered, the client may experience a brief heat sensation. This indicates that the energy pulse is working to tighten and stimulate the Collagen layer into producing new protein.After treatment, clients can normally continue with existing activities; your Practitioner may advice that you use sunscreen after treatment.How Much Does Treatment Cost?As with any Anti Aging Treatment, the cost will depend on your location and the areas of skin to be treated. Generally, a full face treatment may vary from $2000 to $5000. A partial face treatment can vary from $1000 to $3000. What are the Advantages / Disadvantages of this treatment?Advantages include:i)Treatment is completely non â€" invasive, with no downtime.ii)Thermage can be used on areas of the body which may be difficult to treat, for example, around the eye area, or acne scars.iii)Clients having treatment may experience some instant initial results: skin can appear tighter, firmer and smoother after the first treatment.iv)Clients should be able to resume normal activities immediately after their procedure.v)Clients should experience continued skin improvement several months after having just one initial results of 1 treatment may last for up to 2 years or possibly longer.vii)Can be used on a range of skin types and skin complexions.viii)The appropriate treatment can give the client a ‘face lift’ effect without the risks of surgery.ix)Treatment time normally lasts between 15 minutes â€" 2 hours, depending on the area and level of treatment.Disadvantages include:i)Initial mild redness might occur on treated areas of skin. However, this should disappear after a couple of hours, or a few days at the most. ii)Other apparent reported side effects might include blistering, bumps and minor swelling. All of these should disappear within a few days after initial treatment.iii)Thermage may not work for everyone. Clients with extremely loose skin (eg, very sagging jowls, very loose neck skin) may not see the improvement they desire.iv)Treatment would need to be repeated every couple of years in order to maintain the beneficial effects.Discover Anti Aging Skin Treatments for Baby Boomers at a Fraction of the cost of Thermage! New! Comments Have your say about what you just read! Leave me a comment in the box below.
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Aug 31, The Face Lift goes High Tech

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Know which Foods contain AntioxidantsPermalink -- click for full blog post "Antioxidants"Mar 11, 2012Fun Brain Fun Brain, Double Your Brain Power in Two Weeks or Less!Permalink -- click for full blog post "Fun Brain"Mar 05, 2012Articles Articles for Anti Aging Baby BoomersPermalink -- click for full blog post "Articles"Mar 05, 2012Tips For Acne Tips For AcnePermalink -- click for full blog post "Tips For Acne"Mar 05, 2012Best For Skin My Best for Skin ReviewPermalink -- click for full blog post "Best For Skin"Mar 05, 2012Anti Aging Skin Treatments Anti Aging Skin Treatments That Really Produce Results - Without Needles, Botox or Surgery!Permalink -- click for full blog post "Anti Aging Skin Treatments "Mar 03, 2012Restore your Energy Levels Naturally! Restore your Energy Levels Naturally!Permalink -- click for full blog post "Restore your Energy Levels Naturally!"Mar 02, 2012Lose Belly Fat Fast! Lose Belly Fat FastPermalink -- click for full blog post "Lose Belly Fat Fast!"Feb 28, 2012Body Care Treatments Body Care TreatmentsPermalink -- click for full blog post "Body Care Treatments"Feb 27, 2012Skin-Cancer Skin CancerPermalink -- click for full blog post "Skin-Cancer"Feb 27, 2012Squid Skin, the All-Natural Eco-Friendly Anti-Aging Supplement Searching for a new anti-aging health supplement? Why not Zoidberg? Taiwan's Fisheries Research Institute (FRI for short) has issued a report detailing the production of beneficial peptides from squid skin, formerly a waste product of the squid-for-food industry. Tests conducted by FRI scientists indicate that when properly processed into an easy-to-take food supplement, squid skin can help an aging population cope with some of the many health problems experienced by the elderly.Permalink -- click for full blog post "Squid Skin, the All-Natural Eco-Friendly Anti-Aging Supplement"Dec 29, 2011Nu Skin's ageLOC Future Serum Voted Best Anti-Wrinkle Serum in Annual New Beauty Choice Awards Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc.’s announced today that its ageLOC Future Serum was named “The Best Anti-Wrinkle Serum” in the second-annual New Beauty Choice Awards.Permalink -- click for full blog post "Nu Skin's ageLOC Future Serum Voted Best Anti-Wrinkle Serum in Annual New Beauty Choice Awards"Nov 18, 2011Restore Collagen and Elastin without needles, botox or surgery? Melt fat off your body? Dr Tom Pulice explains all! Americans spend over $10 billion each year on cosmetic procedures such as botox, fillers, photo dynamic therapy, photofacial, microdermabrasian, chemical peels, sclerotherapy, liposuction, and others. This number continues to rise as more and more people are looking for anti-aging solutions. Nu Skin anti-aging solutions allow people similar results in the comfort of their home, at a fraction of the cost. Special guest Physician associate Thomas Pulice as he compares Medical Spa Treatments to Nu Skin solutions.Permalink -- click for full blog post "Restore Collagen and Elastin without needles, botox or surgery? Melt fat off your body? Dr Tom Pulice explains all!"Nov 15, 2011Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Testosterone Replacement Testosterone Replacement TherapyPermalink -- click for full blog post "Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Testosterone Replacement"Sep 24, 2011Feed your Genes: How our Genes respond to the Foods we Eat What should we eat? Answers abound in the media, all of which rely on their interpretation of recent medical literature to come up with recommendations for the healthiest diet. But what if you could answer this question at a molecular level -- what if you could find out how our genes respond to the foods we eat, and what this does to the cellular processes that make us healthy -- or not? That's precisely what biologists at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have done.Permalink -- click for full blog post "Feed your Genes: How our Genes respond to the Foods we Eat"Jul 25, 2011Acne Skin Care Products Acne Skin Care ProductsPermalink -- click for full blog post "Acne Skin Care Products"Jul 25, 2011The Aging Myth explained Anti Aging Scientist Dr Joe Chang explains in this 10 minute broadcast why Aging is not inevitable.Permalink -- click for full blog post "The Aging Myth explained"
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Prevent heart disease with quality multivitamins

Taking quality multivitamins is a great way to supplement one's diet with high doses of nutrients that are often lacking in modern-day food. And a new study out of Sweden has found that women who take multivitamins help to reduce their overall risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack.For ten years, Dr. Susanne Rautiainen and her colleagues from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm monitored 31,671 women with no history of heart disease and 2,262 women with heart disease to observe their progression in overall health. Roughly 60 percent of women from both groups took some kind of dietary supplement. Read more…Cardiofy Heart Care Supplement
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Lisa Rinna Lip Reduction Surgery

Its True...Robot Wars star Actress Lisa Rinna, 47, has had her lips reduced. In an interview, she said “My lips started to define who I am. That bothered me."Rinna, who is starring in the upcoming TVLand reality show Harry Loves Lisa with her husband Harry Hamlin, says, “My lip has no lumps! It’s smooth,” she said. “It doesn’t matter what other people think. I did it for myself.”Lisa Rinna has been very open about undergoing silicone injections to her lips several years ago (an enhancement surgery done to plump up her lips).She confirmed that she is happy with the results of her lip reduction.
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Kim Kardashian Cleared Cosmetic Surgery Rumors

Reality star Kim Kardashian, despite repeated rumors she has undergone cosmetic surgery has confessed that she has tried Botox but refuses any other cosmetic surgeries.In an exclusive Kardashians-interview for ABC’s “Nightline" (May 25), Kim said she is “totally not against plastic surgery,” but “never had her nose done'. Kim insisted that her breasts are natural. She also addressed rumors about her booty being fake.While Interviewing to Cynthia McFadden, She said, “Trust me honey, if I take this bra off you will tell me I need to get them done. I’m totally not against plastic surgery. … I’ve tried Botox before. That’s the only thing that I’ve done,”.
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Omega-3 fats from fish oil and supplements prevent and slow arthritis progression

Humans have been consuming omega-3 fats from natural fish, nut and seed sources for countless generations. Our core genetic structure depends on a regular supply of the long chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA to form cell wall structures and perform millions of metabolic functions that we normally associate with vibrant health. Imbalance of omega-3 to omega-6 fats cause a surge in inflammatory cytokines that can lead to the painful and debilitating condition known as osteoarthritis. New research published in the journal Osteoarthritis and Cartilage has shown for the first time that omega-3 fats supplied by fish oil could "substantially and significantly" reduce the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis as we age. Read more…Cardiofy Heart Care Supplement
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MyChelle Fabulous Eye Cream Highly Rated by Consumer

MyChelle Dermaceuticals is a Natural Skin Care Company that uses no preservatives and makes products full of active ingredients.MyChelle Fabulous Eye CreamMyChelle Fabulous Eye Cream is advanced formula with Edelweiss Plant Stem Cells for ultimate hydration and wrinkle reduction and is so gentle that you will not feel any stinging sensation on application at all which works very well. This can also be used for creases around the lips which is great. This Product is very highly rated by many customers.Features * Recommended for all types of skin * Free of phthalates parabens propylene glycol ureas EDTA fragrance and artificial colors * Effective on those tiny creases above the lip * Leaves no sticky residue *Soothes hydrates and lubricates delicate eye area
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The immune boosting power of garlic

by: Dr. David JockersGarlic is a pungent herb and one of nature's best anti-biotics. Due to the powerful sulfur containing nutrients and immune stimulators within garlic, it is classified as a superfood herb. Consumption of garlic daily may be one of the best defense's against infection and inflammatory based disease.Garlic has been used by many cultures throughout the history of mankind as a medicinal tool. The Sumerians and other groups around the Mediterranean region had a great reverence for its ability to fight infection. An Egyptian writing dating back to 1500 BC discusses the use of garlic for over 22 common health challenges. These same Egyptians fed a heavy garlic diet to their slaves to increase their strength as they built the great pyramids. Read more...AyurGold for Healthy Blood
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Two Drugs Safe for Rare Forms of Kidney Cancer

(HealthDay News) -- Using a combination of the drugs temsirolimus (Torisel) and Bryostatin appears to be safe in patients with metastatic kidney cancer, according to early data from 25 patients in a phase 1 trial.The researchers said a pathway known as mTOR signaling promotes tumor cell proliferation and tumor blood vessel development. The temsirolimus-bryostatin combination blocks two portions of the mTOR signaling pathway, and the early data suggests the drugs may be active in patients with rare forms of renal cell cancer that are less likely to respond to other therapies."We have certainly seen sustained responses with this combination, which are encouraging," Dr. Elizabeth Plimack, a medical oncologist and attending physician at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, said in a news release from the center. Read more… Ayurtox for Body Detoxification
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Relastin Skin Revitalizer

Relastin is the light anti aging moisturizer and the first skin care product that increases the formation of elastin. Elastin is the protein that promotes the elasticity in skin. Body gradually stops producing elastin after the childhood which results in visible sign of aging. This product is very helpful for tighter and smoother skin.Study showed that Relastin Skin Revitalizer penetrates the inner layers of the skin and works with your skin’s own cells to promote elastin formation.Based on clinical studies among women (aged between 45-59) who used RELASTIN 2-4 weeks, *More than 90% said that their skin was smoother. *More than 80% experienced improved elasticity, improvement in skin firmness and texture. *More than 70% noticed the decrease in lines and wrinkles.Directions For UseUse it twice - in the morning after regular cleansing and in the evening before going to bed.
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Anti-cancer fungus found to naturally eat away plastic waste

by: Jonathan BensonWhat if it was possible to eliminate much of the world's otherwise very-slowly-biodegrading plastic waste using a natural Amazonian fungus? Well, it just might be, thanks to research conducted by Jonathan Russell and colleagues from Yale University's Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, who recently discovered that Pestalotiopsis microspora effectively eats away polyurethane (PUR) plastics, and is capable of using plastic as its sole food source in both aerobic and anaerobic environments.Entitled Biodegradation of Polyester Polyurethane by Endophytic Fungi, the study aimed to find new potential plant sources of bioremediation, also known as the use of microorganisms to biodegrade and eliminate pollutants that otherwise persist in the environment. Several students attending Yale's annual Rainforest Expedition and Laboratory course collected various samples from the Yasuni National Forest in the Amazon basin, and took them home for testing. Read more...AyurGold for Healthy Blood
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Heart disease risks lowered by five lifestyle modifications during youth

By John PhillipCardiovascular disease is the leading killer of adults in all Western cultures. Many people believe their fate has been sealed through the inheritance of 'bad' genes, and no degree of healthy living will have any effect on their risk of an untimely and early demise. More evidence that this thought process could not be more flawed is underscored by the work of researchers at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine as published in the journal Circulation.Scientists have found that maintaining a healthy lifestyle from childhood and into your 40's and beyond can have a profound effect on reducing risk of developing cardiovascular disease as you grow older. Consuming a heart-healthy diet, regular physical activity, stress and blood pressure reduction and maintaining a normal body weight combine to dramatically lower heart disease risks compared to hereditary influences. Read more…Cardiofy Heart Care Supplement
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Scientists' hopes for yacon leaf as a treatment for diabetes

Scientists' hopes for yacon leaf as a treatment for diabetes are crushed due to long-term toxicityBy Donna Earnest PravelYacon leaf (Smallantus sonchifolius) is an herb that has become popular in recent years due to a few controlled medical studies showing the positive effects of yacon leaf on diabetic rats. The herb is used in South America to control blood sugar. Some commercial green superfood formula makers list yacon leaf as an ingredient. Yacon is considered a superfood because it it high in flavanoids, fructooligosaccharides, and antioxidants. The interest in yacon leaf motivated a team of researchers in 2011 to study the long-term effects of yacon leaf extract. They experimented with yacon leaf tea on diabetic rats for ninety days. The results were that long-term usage of yacon leaf caused kidney damage in the rats. Yacon leaf is no longer being considered as a possible therapy for diabetes. Read more...AyurGold for Healthy Blood
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Sophia Loren Plastic Surgery

Sophia Loren was once voted the world's most naturally beautiful woman. She has aged very gracefully, although it looks like she had done some cosmetic surgeries.Sophia has also been rumored to have had an eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) which helps to eliminate sagging skin around the eyelids that come with age. Her eyes are freshened up and wide with little signs of under eye-bags or hooding over the eyes, which is likely due to an eyelid surgery of both the top and bottom eyelids.Sophia Loren Plastic SurgeryI believe she also had a rhinoplasty surgery. Her nose is larger in the black and white photo and making it smaller made her other features stand out more. Her neck is quite tout for a woman her age and she has little jowling along the jaw line, what it directs is a facelift and necklift. There is a rumor of her breast augmentation but i think she had done breastlift.
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Even a Little Overweight, Inactivity Hurts the Heart

(HealthDay News) -- Even a few extra pounds and just a little inactivity increased the risk of heart failure in a major study of American doctors."What this study shows is that even overweight men who are not obese have an increase in heart failure risk," said Dr. Satish Kenchaiah, lead author of a report on the finding in the Dec. 23 issue of Circulation.As for exercise, "even a little amount of physical activity appears to decrease the risk of heart failure," said Kenchaiah, who did the research as a epidemiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and is now at the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.The study has followed more than 21,000 doctors for two decades, measuring among other factors the influence of overweight and physical activity on development of heart failure, the progressive loss of ability to pump blood, which is often a prelude to major coronary events. Read more… Cardiofy Heart Care Supplement
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Life Cell | Anti Aging | Anti Wrinkle Skin Cream

Life Cell Anti Aging Cream is top Rated Anti Aging Product for 2011 which does not only works on wrinkles but work on crow's feet, dark circles, bags. It is also skin firming cream works as an lip plumper. That is why I think, it has a large number of celebrity following and become a favourite for customers.Benefits of Life Cell*Improves appearance of photo-damaged skin*Protects skin from future signs of aging*Revitalizes skin and improves firmness and elasticity.*Removes appearance of lines, wrinkles, and unsightly "crow's feet".*Effective on dark circles and age spots*Great alternative to Botox injections.Drawbacks:Cost- It is one of the most expensive wrinkle cream (60 days supply cost you almost $200)"Result in 5 min" claim - All they are talking about is, after applying Life Cell anti aging product your wrinkles just vanish within 5 min but once you wash off cream, those wrinkles return. Too see the actual result you need to apply more than 4 weeks.
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Gwyneth Paltrow Plastic surgery Boob Job

Gwyneth Paltrow probably have had done nose reshaping surgery. Back in the mid 90s, Gwyneth’s nose was much fatter. Her probocis was not too wide, nor was it a beak, but rather shapelessly fat. Now, her nose looks like it has been carved into a smaller, prettier shape. Her nose look great now, because it stands out as a distinct feature on her face. It looks much better than the overly cut, plastic looking, and desperate to be cute nose many celebrities have after rhinoplasty. Gwyneth Paltrow Plastic surgery Boob JobShe also had breast augmentation surgery, since she had previously stated that she is not against it and she feels this it’s more of reconstructive surgery. "My stomach is rippling, my breast don't feel good. I've been trying to work it out. I want to do something about it....It is such a lot of hard work. And I've been breastfeeding, which has been causing me so much problems. My breasts feel so sore."
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Obese People at Higher Risk of Infection After Colon Surgery

(HealthDay News) -- Obese patients are at a significantly increased risk for surgical site infections after undergoing partial or full removal of the colon, a new study finds.It included 7,020 patients, aged 18 to 64, who had either partial or total colectomy for colon cancer, diverticulitis or inflammatory bowel disease between 2002 and 2008. Of those patients, 1,243 were obese.The overall rate of surgical site infections was 10.3 percent, but the rate was higher in obese patients (14.5 percent) than in non-obese patients (9.5 percent). After adjusting for a number of factors, the researchers calculated that obese patients were 60 percent more likely to develop surgical site infections than non-obese patients.The average cost of colectomy for all the patients was $16,399, but the average cost for obese patients was about $295 more than for non-obese patients.The researchers also found that surgical site infections greatly increased the cost of the procedure. The average total cost for patients who developed surgical site infections was $31,933, compared to $14,608 for patients without infection. Read more...AyurGold for Healthy Blood
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The risk of a heart attack is on your plate

By Jonathan LandsmanDo you want to dramatically change the course of your life? I'm talking about avoiding a massive heart attack, ineffective stent procedures or (painful) bypass surgeries. Believe it or not, you CAN unclog arteries, lower blood pressure and improve your circulation by simply eating a better diet.It's time to update medical wisdomIn 1967, the first coronary bypass surgery was performed and everybody thought it was a "miracle" in medicine. Of course, 10 year later, the (less invasive) angioplasty was created but couldn't prevent a heart attack. By 1987, the use of stents lowered the demand for bypass surgery with NO reduction in the risk of a heart attack.Modern medicine doesn't get it! You can NOT fix a biochemical problem - like heart disease with a mechanical (surgical) solution. By 1990, Dr. Dean Ornish, a world-renowned internist popularized the fact that anyone can reverse coronary heart disease with simple changes to diet, exercise and stress management habits. Doctors must upgrade their thinking process. Read more…Cardiofy Heart Care Supplement
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