
5 Skincare Tips For The Wet Season

enjoy_rain_2I love the rains! After a long hot summer it is a welcome relief when the skies open up to cool off the parched earth. I only wish the wet season would be as skin friendly. Unfortunately for me, and a lot many others like me, our skin doesn’t seem to share the same fervor for the rains. The high humidity levels give bacteria and other infections the perfect breeding ground. This is what aggravates problems like acne and exposes you to a host of fungal infections such as red, itchy, blotchy or flaky irritated skin. So what do we need to do to stay skin happy this rainy season? Read on to find out.

  1. Stay hydrated: It might be raining outside but your skin will be thirsty, irrespective. So, give your skin the usual 8 to 10 glasses of water. Having enough water will maintain the ph balance of your skin and keep it from getting the tired and drained look.
  1. Tone up: Use a skin tonic for those oil glands that have gone on an overdrive. Excess oil can give you a dark and patchy appearance. Say goodbye to open pores and oily skin by using a flower or mint based skin tonic. Keep your favorite toner in the fridge instead of your beauty shelf.  Gently wipe your skin with this several times in a day. This will keep your skin looking refreshed and rejuvenated and make your pores almost invisible!
  1. Cleanse right: Your quest for squeaky clean skin might be leaving it dry and flaky in the end. Make sure that you use a gentle cleansing agent to wash your face. But you also have to ensure that it is strong enough to wash off the grime and bacteria from your skin. Cleanse up completely with natural home remedies like a ripe papaya, lime, oatmeal and cucumber wash. You can add yogurt to this paste if you have oily skin or milk if your skin is dry.  Make a paste of these ingredients, apply on your skin and leave it on for a while and gently scrub then rinse off.  The natural cleansing and moisturizing properties of the fruits will take care of your skins needs.
  1. Dry off: If you have been out in the wet, dry off as soon as you can. The longer you stay wet, the higher are the chances of a bacterial infection. Invest in an anti fungal foot powder that keeps the feet dry and sweat free, since the rains see a rise in feet and nail infections. Keeping an extra pair of shoes handy at your work desk also helps in reducing your chances of catching a skin infection. Also soak your feet in warm water at the end of the day. Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil and sea salt to your bath to stay free of skin infections during rains.
  1. Don’t skip the moisturizer: Moisturizing your skin in the rains is as important as any other season. Because of the constant wetting and drying off during the rainy season, our skin tends to get very dehydrated and itchy. Use a non water based moisturizer if you get wet often. If you don’t, still make a moisturizer shift depending on how your skin speaks. However, you must make sure that you slap on the sunscreen irrespective of the cloud cover to protect your skin completely.

How do you take care of your skin during the rains? Write in and let us know.


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