
Skintillating Secrets Of Miley Cyrus

Miley cyrus

Miley is anything but boring! Be it her decision to chop of those Rapunzel like locks or make jaws drop with her raunchy (and also highly inappropriate for some) act at the MTV  music awards. She’s anything but predictable.

But she does have all of us lusting after her hot body and super glam looks. Here’s a peek into Miley’s skincare secrets.

Miley’s Skintillatiing secrets

Believe it or not, Miley Cyrus too has had her battles with acne and bad skin…until she discovered Sensai Silky Purifying Cleansing Gel. She has super sensitive skin and this cleansing formulation works wonderfully to keep her skin happy and clear. Twice a week face masks from Sensai are also a must for her.

For all day skin perkiness Miley spritzes on the Julie Hewett Beauty Rose Water mist. Considering she’s only twenty, you wouldn’t think that Miley Cyrus is an eye cream fan. However, she believes that one is never too young to use eye cream. The Yonka eye cream is her favorite to banish puffy eyes and blemishes. And since this young lady is very careful with her skin, she’s not the one to step out without her sunscreen. Her favorite? Kate Somerville’s 55 SPF sun block.

It’s barely there foundation, nude glossy lips and loads of YSL mascara all the way for her. When she wants a little extra color Miley reaches out for the Kate Somerville’s Tanning Towels. Get the tanned, bronzed look without the fuss. For those Oh! so kissable lips, Miley depends totally on the Julie Hewett Camellia Lip Balm.  

Body beautiful

You cannot ignore those washboard abs that Miley has been flaunting since forever! According to Cyrus beauty creams and make up can only help you that much. Her favorite work outs include Pilates and Yoga; both work very well for the body and the skin.

VMA music award faux pas or not, this Disney star turned radical rogue gal manages to get it right all the way!


mySkin’s  dermograph™ is the world’s first transdermal skin consultation system for beauty advisers to offer credible and scientific consultations to their customers. The dermograph™ is an integrated touchscreen computer + a simple, hand-held device that measures skin health. It looks beneath the surface of skin using visible light to measure multiple characteristics of your skin and matches these results with the most effective products/treatments.

If you have any questions or need more information, call or message us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 +1 201 500 7077


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Celebrity Series: Beyonce’s Beauty Secrets Revealed

beyonce beauty secrets

Beyonce is what Dream Girls are really made up of. There would hardly be anyone who wouldn’t want her perfect glowing complexion. The dusky beauty has a few tricks up her sleeve (and also perhaps the best aestheticians in the world!) that keep her looking like the star that she truly is, even without a scrap of makeup!

Here mySkin reveals the skincare world of the Bootilicious singer!

For skin so special: Much like a lot of us; yes, believe it or not, Beyonce is a lover of at home spa treatments. We know that she swears by Carol’s Daughter Sea Salt Scrub. Since her life is always on the go, this scrub is her beauty fix for tired looking skin. The scrub is naturally moisturizing and helps her in scrubbing and getting a kick-start for her day!(instead of waiting to slather lotion all over). Beauty benefit aside, Beyonce also finds this at home treatment extremely relaxing.

The perfect pout: Ever wondered what is the secret behind Beyonce’s perfect pout? Her absolute beauty must have is the Smith’s Rosebud Salve. This soft lip salve gives her lips the intense moisturization keeping them soft and smooth. Since she wears a lot of dark lip colors her lips need deep nourishment which this salve aptly provides. Another trick up her sleeve is: before she wears her dark colors she primes her lips with the lip salve and gently scrubs with a baby tooth brush.

Lash lustrous: Beyonce’s eyes can light up any outfit. What’s her secret? Her long and thick lashes! She has been known to be a lover of fake eye lashes until recently she discovered that her favorite lip salve doubles up as her lash primer. She applies the Rosebud salve before curling her lashes for a natural mascara effect. Who says celebrities don’t make their products multi- task!

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend: If there is one skin cream that Beyonce swears by, it is Natura Bissé Cleanser and Diamond Skin Care collection. This advanced strengthening, toning and moisturizing cream and cleanser boasts of using real diamond dust in its formula. We know for sure this girl loves her sparkles!

Quick make up fix: Like every busy celebrity, Beyonce has stress and long hours taking a toll on her skin health, making it look chalky. Since make up cannot be given a miss, she swears by the MAC Fix+ after spray. Just spray on after you  brush your face powder on to make your skin look alive and bright again. Many a times, Beyonce gives the face powder a break and just uses the MAC after spray to look naturally glowing.

Mother knows best: This celebrity has always been mommy’s girl and taken her advice seriously. A believer of inner beauty, she tries to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and feel happy. Most of all she always takes off the war paint to give some precious oxygen to her skin.


mySkin’s  dermograph™ is the world’s first transdermal skin consultation system for beauty advisers to offer credible and scientific consultations to their customers. The dermograph™ is an integrated touchscreen computer + a simple, hand-held device that measures skin health. It looks beneath the surface of skin using visible light to measure multiple characteristics of your skin and matches these results with the most effective products/treatments.

If you have any questions or need more information, call or message us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 +1 201 500 7077


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3 DIY Back To School Skincare Routines That Work

shutterstock_127323395If you’ve put a check mark on your back to school wardrobe, accessories and make up then there is one last thing that you need to do. To be skin ready! Your skin needs to be radiant, glowing and healthy as you get school ready.

Here are 3 DIY skin routines that will “work off your vacation marks” and get you glowing!

Zap your zits: Nothing else affects skin appearance as a zit does! As annoying as these bumps on your face are, you must treat them with  gentle love and care. Vigorous scrubbing will simply make your acne worse. So get on an acne banishing plan with this simple DIY remedy. Make a paste of baking soda and water. It should have a toothpaste like consistency. Wash your face with a gentle, oil free cleanser, rub an ice cube and finally apply a very light oil free lotion on your face. Now before bed apply the baking soda paste on your acne and leave overnight. Do this on alternate nights. Your pimples will reduce and the scars will start fading off.  On the nights that the baking soda gets a break treat your face to the TLC of aloe gel. Extract fresh aloe gel from the leaf of an aloe vera plant and apply on the affected areas. Just aloe takes time to show its zit zapping effects, but in conjunction with the baking soda remedy  your acne would disappear faster.

Clear your tan: You spent your summer on the beach. Now you’ve been gifted with tan lines! That’s worrying, isn’t it? Let’s go DIY and skin-play with fruits and veggies. Take an over ripe papaya or tomato, mash it up so that it is still pulpy, squeeze in the juice of a lemon and apply over a clean face like a mask. The enzymes in the papaya and tomato will gently, yet very effectively, remove your tan and the lemon will give your face a nice healthy glow. Do this every day for a week for great results.

Banish your bacne: Acne on your back is reality!  Overactive sebaceous glands and blocked pores are the common triggers for bacne.  Soak yourself in a sea salt water bath for 10 minutes and then gently scrub your back with a loofah. Make your natural exfoliating scrub with sea salt, juice of one grapefruit and some sugar. Massage this on your back and then rinse off. For severe bacne,  make friends with zinc. Simply take a zinc gel tablet and squeeze out the gel. Apply on the affected areas with the help of a clean Q tip.

A regular and balanced diet and exercise is also essential to maintain your skin health. Don’t dismiss that as a part of your “getting skin ready” for school plan.

Enjoy your first day at school with confidence, fun and beautiful moments :)


mySkin’s  dermograph™ is the world’s first transdermal skin consultation system for beauty advisers to offer credible and scientific consultations to their customers. The dermograph™ is an integrated touchscreen computer + a simple, hand-held device that measures skin health. It looks beneath the surface of skin using visible light to measure multiple characteristics of your skin and matches these results with the most effective products/treatments.

If you have any questions or need more information, call or message us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 +1 201 500 7077


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5 Quick Make Up Tips For School


Being a teen is no easy job! And in addition to the million things you need to do as a teenager, there is this pressure of looking spot on. The market is flooded with cosmetic products and we are quite sure so is your make up cabinet. But what is the right look to wear to school? Here are five quick make up tips that we feel will make you school ready.

  • Cleanse and clean- Your face is your canvas and to get good results your canvas has to be squeaky clean. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser that is suited for your skin type before applying any make up. Use a gentle face scrub no more than once a week to get the natural glow. Excessive scrubbing can actually cause more damage to your skin. And finally, use a non alcohol based toner and light moisturizer with SPF.
  • Foundation Fix-So you like your foundation. But too much of this stuff can make you look cakey and old (you want to look fresh as a flower don’t you?). For a smooth and creamy finish take a small drop of foundation (use the one closest to your skin tone for that ‘Oh! so natural’ look) and mix it with your favorite moisturizer. Then gently dot all over your face, jaw line and neck and blend it all together using a face sponge. Remember the art of moderation while pumping out the foundation.
  • Peeper alert-It’s always wise to wear a very neutral eye shadow to school. Use a light creamy eye shadow in light browns, corals or pinks focusing on your skin tone. Now curl your eyelashes and apply a coat of transparent mascara. This will open out your eyes and is perfect for school. Skip the eyeliner if you are in a rush else apply a thin coat of liner close to your lids. Greys or browns work best for school.
  • Pout Perfect- Chapped and dry lips are an absolute no-no. Use a sugar scrub on your lips and then apply a thin layer of honey. Wash off after 15 minutes for deliciously soft lips. Instead of lipstick opt for a light tinted lip gloss or chapstick. Always buy a lip gloss with SPF in it to sun proof your perfect pout.
  • Flushed and healthy- Finally, aim for a naturally flushed look; like the one you get when the blood rushes to your cheeks on seeing that handsome boy! and not a candy pop one. The trick to achieve this is so simple. Smile and apply a light rosy blush on the apples of your cheeks keeping a very light hand. Still can’t figure it out? Then simply pinch your cheeks. The part that becomes pink is where you apply your blush.

Your make up is perfect when it looks like you have no makeup on! And most importantly, live healthy, be positive and eat right…you will feel and look beautiful.

More school makeup tips to share? We would love to hear from you.


mySkin’s  dermograph™ is the world’s first transdermal skin consultation system for beauty advisers to offer credible and scientific consultations to their customers. The dermograph™ is an integrated touchscreen computer + a simple, hand-held device that measures skin health. It looks beneath the surface of skin using visible light to measure multiple characteristics of your skin and matches these results with the most effective products/treatments.

If you have any questions or need more information, call or message us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 +1 201 500 7077


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Why Is The dermograph Successful At Spas

spa dermograph

At a spa what do your esteemed customers need? What is it that makes them comfortable with your services? What makes them your friends forever?

You need to meet their unmet need of understanding their skin better and then guiding them to the correct treatments and products. The trial and error era in beauty is long gone and your customers want services that befit their skin, their lifestyle and their purse. Its complex but when you as a spa can give them credibility, genuineness, and science coupled with your esthetician’s friendly and knowledgeable demeanor, you have a customer for life!

The dermograph™ is the world’s first transdermal skin health measurement system that brings in science, credibility and friendliness to your customer. The system was developed by the combined effort of a world-class plastic surgeon, dermatologist and nano-physicist and two Harvard graduates. It is based on the sciences of dermoscopy, nanotechnology and spectroscopy.

Benefits to your spa:

  • Enhances the beauty advisor’s credibility via a scientific analysis
  • Grows revenues by helping sell targeted products from your inventory
  • Builds loyalty amongst customers by bringing them back regularly to track skin health over time
  • Brings R&D to the point of sale with a powerful back-end that captures detailed data on demographics, concerns, product sales and samples handed out

Benefits to your clients:

  • Helps them achieve their skincare goals by analyzing the skin and identifying problem areas
  • Guides them to the products/treatments from your inventory, that are best suited for their skin and their preferences
  • Personalized recommendations and tracking ability helps tweak and provide an optimal skincare routine

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The dermograph™ is easy to use and safe, since it uses visible light. As the light interacts with various tissue structures like oil glands, collagen, and elastin, the imager decodes the information to give a detailed assessment of the characteristics of the skin tissue. While the science is rigorous, the user interface is slick and friendly and presents the readings in an easy to understand method. The algorithms enable selecting from 13 skin characteristic measurements like moisture, firmness, luminosity, texture and pigmentation, amongst others. This scientific innovation packaged within a cool, touch-screen enabled, customer experience helps beauty consultants enhance their credibility and engage the customer on concerns related to their skin, further firming the consultant-client relationship.

Bottom line, when customers get a scientific measurement, it builds credibility for your spa practice and grows revenue.


If you have any questions or need more information, call or message us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 +1 201 500 7077

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5 Skin Benefits Of Sex

sexWouldn’t it be great if there was just one work out that could give us clear and beautiful skin? Your wonder work out to flawless skin is enjoying sex! A study conducted by the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland claims that having sex an average of 4 times a week made women (and men!) appear at least 10 years younger. Your most effective skincare boost is a regular dose of Vitamin S :) besides a diligent  skincare routine, eating right and slapping on sunscreen.

How does a good dose of  ‘between the sheets‘ action help your skin?

Better sleep, better skin

Research shows that the hormone oxytocin and vasopressin are released into our bodies during sex which promotes better sleep. And a good nights shut eye is essential for the health of your skin since it helps in regulating your weight, manages stress and keeps you healthy.

Improve your oxygen flow

Since blood circulation in the system is greatly improved during sex the oxygen your skin receives is also higher. This helps in eliminating toxins from our system making it look healthier. Also improved oxygen flow to the skin means brighter skin!

Encourage collagen production

You can increase your collagen production by having sex! Sex leads to increase in the levels of DHEA which helps in repairing tissue damage, boosts estrogen levels and collagen production. All this automatically keeps the skin firm and younger looking and prevents wrinkles and skin sagging.

Reduce your acne

Stress is one of the main triggers of acne. Research shows that couples who have regular sex handle stressful situations much better which in turn controls stress related break outs. Sex also helps in opening up the pores because of the hot action. The sweat generated during sex actually cleans out your pores of grime and dirt giving you a free facial. Sex also balances out hormone levels and helps control acne. Ah! this doesn’t mean that you have unsafe sex and just “Do-It” for your skin :) Practice safe sex with someone you are in a committed relationship with.

Kicks out dry skin

Sex helps in keeping dry skin conditions in control. With sex, your blood circulation revs up leading to your body cells getting more of oxygen which in turn keeps your skin hydrated for a longer period of time. Again, indulging in sex is not the ‘holy grail’ to skin hydration- you must continue sipping on 6/8 glasses of water daily.

What are you waiting for?  Sex-ercise for healthy, glowing skin!


mySkin’s  dermograph™ is the world’s first transdermal skin consultation system for beauty advisers to offer credible and scientific consultations to their customers. The dermograph™ is an integrated touchscreen computer + a simple, hand-held device that measures skin health. It looks beneath the surface of skin using visible light to measure multiple characteristics of your skin and matches these results with the most effective products/treatments.

If you have any questions or need more information, call or message us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 +1 201 500 7077


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5 Spa Treatments To Enjoy In Summer

shutterstock_69608986Although there are many ways you can care for your skin without visiting a spa, there are some treatments that may be too difficult to perform yourself or are unavailable to be used within the home. No doubt, we try to bring all aspects of the spa to you but it could get expensive and difficult to convert a certain area of your home for the spa experience. Also at home you don’t get the pampering, the ambiance and the wow feel to your experience.

Enjoy these 5 spa treatments in this hot season:

1. Turkish Detox - While it may seem like you’re being prepared to be baked, the Turkish Detox is an elaborate treatment to make you look and feel more centered and relaxed. Your body is rubbed down with a lime and ginger salt creation before being lathered by a body wash. A stretching message is then implemented using an oil that is said to revitalize both body and mind. “Bake for 30-minutes until a golden brown and add a garnish” seems like the next instruction that should be presented. However, the treatment is quite popular and has left many feeling like a new person.

2. Fishy Pedicures â€" In Japan, tiny fish are used to exfoliate dead skin by eating away at the layers. These fish do not have teeth and only remove the dead skin from your body. This procedure is one of the most eco-friendly methods of delivering beauty as no harm is brought to you and you are promoting the lifestyle of a living organism. Just don’t try this in areas that have piranhas!

3. Nightingale Leavings â€" Another form of odd Japanese technique for skin beauty is in the form of nightingale droppings. Treated with UV in order to kill off any bacteria, the excrement of the nightingale has been used to brighten and repair skin problems of varying degrees. While many may scoff at the idea of letting a bird poop on his or her face, it is a method that has been in practice for a great deal of time. However, this doesn’t mean that you should welcome the flock of pigeons to spray you down at the park :)

4. More Food Products â€" It is quite a common practice to use consumables in skin and spa treatments. While herbs are a common addition to any treatment, taking a soak in wine could help rejuvenate your skin after experiencing a chardonnay sugar scrub. While the effects of wine on your skin can promote a healthier persona, it may not have the same effect if you fill your tub up with Cold Duck and take a bath. Just don’t chase it with a beer shower.

5. Tequila Massage â€" Tequila is made with blue agave which has been used as a form of anti-bacterial agent in the past. Since alcohol opens the pores of your skin, the contents of the drink are able to rejuvenate your body in ways other than consumption. Normally, the tequila is mixed with sage oil in order to promote easing the tension of your muscles during the massage.

While you may be capable of being pampered at home, there is something alluring about the spa that increases the effect. Take time to treat yourself to a relaxing session- improve your mindset and your skin simultaneously.


Today’s guest blogger is Allison Foster. Blogging was a natural progression for Allison once she graduated from college, as it allowed her to combine her two passions: writing and children. She has enjoyed furthering her writing career with


Note:  All views expressed in this blog post are the personal opinions of the guest blogger. doesn’t favor any particular skincare brand or take advertising from any of them. The dermograph (TM) is the world’s first transdermal skin analysis system from the innovation rooms of mySkin Inc.
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5 Spa Treatements To Enjoy In Summer

shutterstock_69608986Although there are many ways you can care for your skin without visiting a spa, there are some treatments that may be too difficult to perform yourself or are unavailable to be used within the home. No doubt, we try to bring all aspects of the spa to you but it could get expensive and difficult to convert a certain area of your home for the spa experience. Also at home you don’t get the pampering, the ambiance and the wow feel to your experience.

Enjoy these 5 spa treatments in this hot season:

1. Turkish Detox - While it may seem like you’re being prepared to be baked, the Turkish Detox is an elaborate treatment to make you look and feel more centered and relaxed. Your body is rubbed down with a lime and ginger salt creation before being lathered by a body wash. A stretching message is then implemented using an oil that is said to revitalize both body and mind. “Bake for 30-minutes until a golden brown and add a garnish” seems like the next instruction that should be presented. However, the treatment is quite popular and has left many feeling like a new person.

2. Fishy Pedicures â€" In Japan, tiny fish are used to exfoliate dead skin by eating away at the layers. These fish do not have teeth and only remove the dead skin from your body. This procedure is one of the most eco-friendly methods of delivering beauty as no harm is brought to you and you are promoting the lifestyle of a living organism. Just don’t try this in areas that have piranhas!

3. Nightingale Leavings â€" Another form of odd Japanese technique for skin beauty is in the form of nightingale droppings. Treated with UV in order to kill off any bacteria, the excrement of the nightingale has been used to brighten and repair skin problems of varying degrees. While many may scoff at the idea of letting a bird poop on his or her face, it is a method that has been in practice for a great deal of time. However, this doesn’t mean that you should welcome the flock of pigeons to spray you down at the park :)

4. More Food Products â€" It is quite a common practice to use consumables in skin and spa treatments. While herbs are a common addition to any treatment, taking a soak in wine could help rejuvenate your skin after experiencing a chardonnay sugar scrub. While the effects of wine on your skin can promote a healthier persona, it may not have the same effect if you fill your tub up with Cold Duck and take a bath. Just don’t chase it with a beer shower.

5. Tequila Massage â€" Tequila is made with blue agave which has been used as a form of anti-bacterial agent in the past. Since alcohol opens the pores of your skin, the contents of the drink are able to rejuvenate your body in ways other than consumption. Normally, the tequila is mixed with sage oil in order to promote easing the tension of your muscles during the massage.

While you may be capable of being pampered at home, there is something alluring about the spa that increases the effect. Take time to treat yourself to a relaxing session- improve your mindset and your skin simultaneously.


Today’s guest blogger is Allison Foster. Blogging was a natural progression for Allison once she graduated from college, as it allowed her to combine her two passions: writing and children. She has enjoyed furthering her writing career with


Note:  All views expressed in this blog post are the personal opinions of the guest blogger. doesn’t favor any particular skincare brand or take advertising from any of them. The dermograph (TM) is the world’s first transdermal skin analysis system from the innovation rooms of mySkin Inc.
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War Of The Moisturizers – Is A $10 Moisturizer As Effective As A $100 One?

moisturizer2Isn’t the promise of eternal youth packed in the tiny vial of a very expensive cream a lure to many of us? We associate a ‘pricey’ product with better effectiveness, uber- style, exotic wellness and luxury!

No doubt,  buying that expensive product definitely makes you feel special but was it doing anything more than that? It was time to do a reality check.

Most cosmetic experts and formulation chemists claim that a $10 moisturizer is just as good as a $100 one.  The reason? Since most of the familiar high end brands are owned by the same parent company, the only thing that changes is the label. Usually the ingredients in an inexpensive product are virtually the same as that of an expensive brand coming from the same company. Try comparing La Mer moisturizers to that of Clinique, both from Estee lauder or compare Lancome to L’Oreal products to see what we are talking about!

Another thing that these cosmetic giants do to make their products expensive is ‘fairy dusting’. This means that the companies add trending ingredients such as green tea, seaweed etc. in minimal quantities making a product attractive and exotic. In most cases, just enough of the ingredient is added to get listed on the label and not enough to make the product really effective. This makes the product seem attractive and more interesting thus raising the perceived value of the product.

Packaging is another factor that is responsible for scaling the price index. Often packaging costs are actually higher than that of the cream itself! It feels more luxurious using a cream from an attractive glass bottle than from a plastic jar doesn’t it?

So how do we buy that perfect moisturizer? The answer lies in the ingredient list. Look at the active ingredients and their percentages in the cream. A lower priced product might have the same active ingredients as a higher priced one but in different concentrations making the latter more effective. But in some cases, such as in anti aging creams percentages are not listed. Your dermatologist will give you the right prescription in that case.  You should also know that all ingredients are listed in order of concentration but any ingredient in less than 1% concentration can be listed anywhere in the end of the list.

Some moisturizers claim to have natural or green ingredients in them, making these products more expensive. But if you do a little research then you will know if these ingredients are worth the price or not. The La Mer cream boasts of using seaweed extract which is the reason why this cream is so expensive. But according to experts seaweed is not a luxurious, expensive ingredient. It can be found readily and is used in almost everything from food products to medicines to cosmetics.

So while you do pay a bit extra for cutting edge research and more active ingredients you really need to see if the results are worth it ( Do you know the 99% Skin Secret?) . Remember that only because you pay more doesn’t always mean you get more. While your experience is definitely enhanced using that silky super expensive moisturizer, you need to see if it makes any difference in your appearance.

To find out if a certain product is meant for you, you should be knowing what your skin needs and asks from you! You should be knowing the current status of your skin health to decide what will work for your skin. To understand your skin, to know your skin health, to know what works- check out the dermograph™ skin analysis system from mySkin Inc.


mySkin’s  dermograph™ is the world’s first transdermal skin consultation system for beauty advisers to offer credible and scientific consultations to their customers. The dermograph™ is an integrated touchscreen computer + a simple, hand-held device that measures skin health. It looks beneath the surface of skin using visible light to measure multiple characteristics of your skin and matches these results with the most effective products/treatments.

If you have any questions or need more information, call or message us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 +1 201 500 7077


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5 Super Foods That Make Your Skin Glow

green lipped mussel oilacerola fruitcupuacu fruit

Maqui berry


Do you believe in enjoying foods for healthy, glowing skin? Wouldn’t you be gorging on these amazing foods to get great looking skin instead of searching for that flawless complexion over cosmetic counters. While you love the products that help you get great skin, its true to believe that we are what we eat. I am, like many of you, a fan of super foods that help us become healthy and concurrently promote skin health.

Do you know the latest super foods that are doing the rounds? If you know your acai berries and load up on your flax-seeds and even add that dash of spirulina to your morning smoothie to maintain your skin health then read on to discover the new super foods that help get great skin!

  • Maqui Berry: The maqui berry looks deceptively similar to the blueberry. It grows in Patagonia and has the highest oxygen absorbing capacity amongst all other fruits making it a great antioxidant. It helps the body get rid of those excess toxins and free radicals and gives you beautiful younger looking skin.
  • Chia seeds: If you are a flax seed fan then you will love the Chia seed. Chia seeds are higher in their Omega 3 content than flaxseeds. These seeds have anti inflammatory properties and also work amazingly well to slow down the signs of skin aging. So reach out for the chia seeds and add them to your salads and breads and see your skin go cha cha chia!
  • Cupuaçu fruit: The Cupuacu fruit is not only heavenly to taste but is extremely dense nutritionally. If you love acai berries then you will love this fruit. It is much higher in nutrients than the acai berry and contains high levels of Vitamin B and antioxidants and fatty acids. All these are essential for beautiful skin. It also contains quercetin, a flavanoid that helps the skin preserve Vitamin C making this fruit perfect for younger looking glowing skin.
  • Acerola: Also known as Amazon cherries, Acerolas are packed with Vitamin C and other antioxidants and Vitamins such as magnesium, potassium and Vitamin B5. Apart from this acerolas also contain calcium, phosphorus and iron making them the perfect skin food. They also contain anthocyanins , riboflavin and niacin . Acerola cherries have numerous health benefits but have been in news for their ability to restore collagen.
  • Green Lipped Mussel Oil: Try the Green Lipped Mussel Oil for its high levels of ocean derived Omega 3 oils. These mussels are found in the coasts of New Zealand and have astounding health benefits. They are anti inflammatory in nature and are also known to protect the skin from within from sun damage and protects the system from oxidative damage.

Have you tried these super foods in your diet? Let us know.


mySkin’s  dermograph™ is the world’s first transdermal skin consultation system for beauty advisers to offer credible and scientific consultations to their customers. The dermograph™ is an integrated touchscreen computer + a simple, hand-held device that measures skin health. It looks beneath the surface of skin using visible light to measure multiple characteristics of your skin and matches these results with the most effective products/treatments.

If you have any questions or need more information, call or message us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 +1 201 500 7077


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