
5 Spa Treatements To Enjoy In Summer

shutterstock_69608986Although there are many ways you can care for your skin without visiting a spa, there are some treatments that may be too difficult to perform yourself or are unavailable to be used within the home. No doubt, we try to bring all aspects of the spa to you but it could get expensive and difficult to convert a certain area of your home for the spa experience. Also at home you don’t get the pampering, the ambiance and the wow feel to your experience.

Enjoy these 5 spa treatments in this hot season:

1. Turkish Detox - While it may seem like you’re being prepared to be baked, the Turkish Detox is an elaborate treatment to make you look and feel more centered and relaxed. Your body is rubbed down with a lime and ginger salt creation before being lathered by a body wash. A stretching message is then implemented using an oil that is said to revitalize both body and mind. “Bake for 30-minutes until a golden brown and add a garnish” seems like the next instruction that should be presented. However, the treatment is quite popular and has left many feeling like a new person.

2. Fishy Pedicures â€" In Japan, tiny fish are used to exfoliate dead skin by eating away at the layers. These fish do not have teeth and only remove the dead skin from your body. This procedure is one of the most eco-friendly methods of delivering beauty as no harm is brought to you and you are promoting the lifestyle of a living organism. Just don’t try this in areas that have piranhas!

3. Nightingale Leavings â€" Another form of odd Japanese technique for skin beauty is in the form of nightingale droppings. Treated with UV in order to kill off any bacteria, the excrement of the nightingale has been used to brighten and repair skin problems of varying degrees. While many may scoff at the idea of letting a bird poop on his or her face, it is a method that has been in practice for a great deal of time. However, this doesn’t mean that you should welcome the flock of pigeons to spray you down at the park :)

4. More Food Products â€" It is quite a common practice to use consumables in skin and spa treatments. While herbs are a common addition to any treatment, taking a soak in wine could help rejuvenate your skin after experiencing a chardonnay sugar scrub. While the effects of wine on your skin can promote a healthier persona, it may not have the same effect if you fill your tub up with Cold Duck and take a bath. Just don’t chase it with a beer shower.

5. Tequila Massage â€" Tequila is made with blue agave which has been used as a form of anti-bacterial agent in the past. Since alcohol opens the pores of your skin, the contents of the drink are able to rejuvenate your body in ways other than consumption. Normally, the tequila is mixed with sage oil in order to promote easing the tension of your muscles during the massage.

While you may be capable of being pampered at home, there is something alluring about the spa that increases the effect. Take time to treat yourself to a relaxing session- improve your mindset and your skin simultaneously.


Today’s guest blogger is Allison Foster. Blogging was a natural progression for Allison once she graduated from college, as it allowed her to combine her two passions: writing and children. She has enjoyed furthering her writing career with


Note:  All views expressed in this blog post are the personal opinions of the guest blogger. doesn’t favor any particular skincare brand or take advertising from any of them. The dermograph (TM) is the world’s first transdermal skin analysis system from the innovation rooms of mySkin Inc.

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