
Simple Safe Acne Anti Aging Skin Care

Are you facing the problem of your skin aging before it's time? Relax! Thanks to the advances in acne anti aging skin care treatments there is a skin care product or actual medical treatment to help you. However, you and I need to know a few things before we can choose the right skin care treatment.

As a matter of course, before you or I even think about what product or type of treatment we are going to employ, we should always consult a qualified professional first. Obviously, the well trained and licensed physician can advise us as to what our actual skin problems are. Many times we may find out that we have an underlying health condition, such as a thyroid problem or other condition, causing our skin to age faster than normal. Obviously, treating the medical problem would be the very first step in our battle; to stop the premature aging of our skin. In addition to ruling out a medical condition, there are a few other things our doctor will be able to fill us in on.

One of the first things we need to know is that, as in many other things, female and male skin is different. Big surprise! Right? As an example a man's face, when treating over exposure to the sun, wind and other environmental hazards, needs a skin care moisturizer which contains vitamin B5. Many of today's dermatologists also recommend creams with a combination of witch hazel and B5.

However, because the fairer sex, have other problems with their skin, than the old rugged male, women only need B5 in their acne anti aging skin care battle. But it really helps both men and women, to kick their skin care battle up a notch, to include lotions and moisturizer creams with vitamins such as coenzyme Q10. In addition there are many other ingredient’s found in today's moisturizer creams and lotions.

A great many of the over the counter lotions and moisturizer creams contain an ingredient known as petrolatum. Emphasis on the petro! Because it is so common many of us have used it for years and guess what? Yep! You guessed it. It may cause our skin to age that much faster. Studies which have been conducted, over the years, by well qualified skin specialist; bear this theory out. One of the easiest and simplest things to do in our acne anti aging skin care treatment; is to avoid the products which contain petrolatum. But we need to remember there are other chemical and preservatives which should be avoided.

We should take the time to read every label on every bottle and tube of skin treatment products. However you and I know, we normally can’t spell many of the ingredients listed, much less pronounce them or know what they mean. Here’s a little tip, a science teacher friend of mine gave me. If the word is about 2 inches long, chances are it is a chemical compound which is not natural to our body. Avoid it!

It’s easy for us to understand there is more to simple, safe acne anti aging skin care than just using any old cream or moisturizer. It will pay for us to gain as much knowledge as we can; to keep us from looking old before our time.

Are you facing the problem of your skin aging before it's time? Relax! Thanks to the advances in acne anti aging skin care treatments there is a skin care product or actual medical treatment to help you. However, you and I need to know a few things before we can choose the right skin care treatment.

As a matter of course, before you or I even think about what product or type of treatment we are going to employ, we should always consult a qualified professional first. Obviously, the well trained and licensed physician can advise us as to what our actual skin problems are. Many times we may find out that we have an underlying health condition, such as a thyroid problem or other condition, causing our skin to age faster than normal. Obviously, treating the medical problem would be the very first step in our battle; to stop the premature aging of our skin. In addition to ruling out a medical condition, there are a few other things our doctor will be able to fill us in on.

One of the first things we need to know is that, as in many other things, female and male skin is different. Big surprise! Right? As an example a man's face, when treating over exposure to the sun, wind and other environmental hazards, needs a skin care moisturizer which contains vitamin B5. Many of today's dermatologists also recommend creams with a combination of witch hazel and B5.

However, because the fairer sex, have other problems with their skin, than the old rugged male, women only need B5 in their acne anti aging skin care battle. But it really helps both men and women, to kick their skin care battle up a notch, to include lotions and moisturizer creams with vitamins such as coenzyme Q10. In addition there are many other ingredient’s found in today's moisturizer creams and lotions.

A great many of the over the counter lotions and moisturizer creams contain an ingredient known as petrolatum. Emphasis on the petro! Because it is so common many of us have used it for years and guess what? Yep! You guessed it. It may cause our skin to age that much faster. Studies which have been conducted, over the years, by well qualified skin specialist; bear this theory out. One of the easiest and simplest things to do in our acne anti aging skin care treatment; is to avoid the products which contain petrolatum. But we need to remember there are other chemical and preservatives which should be avoided.

We should take the time to read every label on every bottle and tube of skin treatment products. However you and I know, we normally can’t spell many of the ingredients listed, much less pronounce them or know what they mean. Here’s a little tip, a science teacher friend of mine gave me. If the word is about 2 inches long, chances are it is a chemical compound which is not natural to our body. Avoid it!

It’s easy for us to understand there is more to simple, safe acne anti aging skin care than just using any old cream or moisturizer. It will pay for us to gain as much knowledge as we can; to keep us from looking old before our time.

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Skin Care And Anti Aging Treatments – Three Of The Best

As we grow older and older, the skin losses its elasticity, causing wrinkles to appear. This happens because along with the age comes losing the Elastin and Collagen, the main “ingredients” for an elastic, unwrinkled skin. However, this is just half the problem, because these two natural elements stop reproducing as well. This has been a problem ever since the humankind started to put value on the looks.

The ancient Egyptians were the first to use skin makeup, but the ingredients they used only covered the imperfections that the age brought and did not prevent them. The modern history of anti-aging products started with the Josiah Macy Foundation, in the late 1930’s, when they released “Problems of Aging: Biological and Medical Aspects." This represents the foundation of anti-aging products and medicine. Cynthia Kenyon made another breakthrough, almost sixty years later, in 1993, when she was able to prolong the lifespan of a certain type of skin-helping worms. After that, a boom was registered in anti-aging products. But as the manufacturers started to grow in numbers, so did the fake products, which not only didn’t help the user, but also could threaten his/hers health. Thus, in late 2001, the U.S.’s Senate came to an agreement: there would be laws to protect the public from fake anti-aging products.

These being said, it’s time to present some of the most respected anti-aging products.

This appears to be one of the most respected anti-aging products. This is how its developer presents it.

“ProPLEXIN-CR® works by implementing a comprehensive approach targeting the primary causes of dermal decline. ProPLEXIN-CR® contains a true 10% maximum concentration of Argireline™ (AH-3) - a neuropeptide which inhibits wrinkle formation by preventing the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles that cause facial wrinkles. Argireline™ is the most recommended and effective alternative to Botulinum […]

While many competitor products may include one or two of ProPLEXIN-CR's 12-core components, no single product has ever combined all of them. Only genuine ProPLEXIN-CR™ contains this comprehensive, proprietary complex. Additionally, most of these materials are extremely expensive. Consequently, the minimal concentrations used in many competing products offer little or no efficacy and are useful only for the marketing of the product. Only ProPLEXIN-CR™ safely combines all of these ingredients in a unique synergistic manner, at levels that are consistent with the maximum safe concentrations. ProPLEXIN-CR™ defines a new standard of excellence for the treatment of facial fine lines and wrinkles.”

Prevage Anti-Aging Treatment -
Another product very intensely marketed is Beauty Naturally. A few descriptions.

“Beauty Naturally® successfully optimizes the immune properties of B-Glucans from yeast extract, combining it with the self-healing power of B-Mannans from aloe vera & other glucans, with botanical AHA/BHA’s, natural moisturizing factors (NMF’s) & anti-puffiness property of a unique phospholipid phytosme of licorice to create a Bio-Skin Care Regimen that is beyond comparison!

The only skin maintenance system you’ll ever need!

The Bio-Skin Regimen is a simple & flexible routine using the most basic skin care principles: Cleansing, Toning, Cell Renewal & Moisturization. Once your skin is normalized to its youthful potential, the same regimen can be your maintenance skin care routine for years beyond!”

Re-Storation Skin Treatment -
“The the original ‘all-in-one’ that started a skin care revolution, Re-Storation Skin Treatment is formulated to provide every essential ingredient to repair, nourish and protect skin in one indulgent step. Re-Storation Skin Treatment is a comprehensive age-defying therapy and moisturizer in one jar. Re-Storation’s innovative combination of hydroxy acids, potent antioxidants, vitamins, natural botanicals and enzymes optimize skin tone and texture, fade the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, provide resistance to damaging elements, and replace and maintain moisture necessary for beautiful skin.”

These are only three products in what is a hugely popular marketplace. When it comes to skin care, it is vital to do your own research, take heed of other peoples recommendations and find a product that suits your skin type and budget.

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Passing Time Makes Its Mark - Use Antiaging Dry-Oily Skin Care Products

We cannot stop the rolling cycle of time. But surely we can prevent it from leaving its parting signs all over us.

Yes, you can prevent your self from getting the aging marks by using antiaging products. The anti-aging treatments will make the show of your aging process less evident on your skin. The result will be that you would look much younger. Are you ready for all that?

As your age increases, your blood fails to manage the circulation speed it had shown before. This results in dehydration of your skin. In the body, the creation of collagen decelerates and this looses the elasticity of the skin. The years of continuous exposure to sunrays, harsh elements make wrinkles, lines and dark spots on your skin prominent. Aging also breaks blood vessels and decreases the production of hormones. Your skin grows to be thin and dull, with enlarged pores.

Now if your skin is dry or oily or have patches of both dry-oily skins, your problem will be grave. You need special skin care products that go well all-in-one– for anti-aging, dry skin and oily skin.

As you cross the age of 40 and your skin reaches maturity, the skin naturally starts to loose its moisture and elasticity. Now if it was dry and oily beforehand, it will develop wrinkles and lines, even more. So if you had dry, oily or dry-oily skin, it needs you to be more attentive to your aging skin. It is thus never late or early for starting taking care of the skin. Anti-aging dry-oily skin care products are the best that help you. You should select such skin care products that can provide you all the important nutrients for your antiaging dry-oily skin.

The anti-aging dry-oily skin care products moisturize, vitaminize the skin and act as anti-oxidants. They help the skin in restoring its natural moisture. It works to smooth the fine lines and wrinkles. If you regularly apply the antiaging dry-oily skin care products, it will make your skin soft and elastic and will also further prevent the new wrinkles. There will be no need for surgical or chemical procedures and your skin will be young and bright.

Aging is definitely a natural process but your skin’s dryness and oily tendency may not be totally natural. Dry skin is the result of low sebum production in your skin’s lower level. There are many factors that make your skin dry, like pollution, wintry temperature, less humidity and heating system. Moreover in many cases, you might not have dry skin before, but it can become dry as you age. You can feel the skin of your face tight, flaky and dull.

Dry skin adds more to the process of aging by pacing the development of premature wrinkles and lines. It goes right for the oily skin as well. Caused due to excess sebum production in the lower level of skin, oily skin has large pores. It sustains oily shine on its facade. This type of skin is more prone to develop blackheads, pimples, acne, whiteheads and breakouts.

The anti-aging dry-oily skin care products help you to trim down all the problems that you have because of aging dry-oily skin. They keep a balance between dryness and oiliness. Start the use of antiaging dry-oily skin care products today and forget all your skin related problems for good.

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Skin Care Anti-Aging Guide

Why is it that the skin of a newborn baby can conjure up feelings of envy in many of us? Simply because, as we age, our skin loses that satiny-smooth feeling it once had. Our environment, our age, what we eat, and the amount of sleep we get all play a part in the look and feel of our skin.

Because most of us have, at some point in our lives, not followed all the rules when it comes to proper skin care, we may feel that it is too late to do anything about it now. Thankfully, there is hope! Let’s look at a few tools that can help slow the aging process and give our skin a youthful glow:

1. What you are is what you eat
Remember that old saying? It is true that by consuming fruits and vegetables, especially brightly coloured fruit and leafy greens, we are giving our bodies vitamins and antioxidants that combat the breakdown of collagen and elastin in our skin. Also important is to make sure to drink water every day. Studies tell us different amounts to drink, from 2 glasses to 8, but they all agree on one thing: drinking water is good for you!

2. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize
Think of all the hot showers and baths you have taken; sure, they clean your skin, but they also dry it out. Our skin gets drier as part of the aging process, too. So, the best thing to combat dryness, of course, is to get some moisturizer and apply it! Your local drug store or beauty spa sells a great variety of moisturizers, and one of them will be just the right one for your skin. Ask the beauty advisor or pharmacist for assistance if you’re not sure which one to buy.

3. Sun exposure = sun damage
You can enjoy the warmth of the sun without damaging your skin simply by wearing sunscreen. An SPF rating of 15 or higher is recommended, and it’s important to reapply if you are outside for long periods of time, or have been swimming or exercising. The UVA and UVB rays that come from the sun contribute to wrinkles, dryness, and of course sunburn. There is also the risk of skin cancer. So, take a couple of minutes to slather on some sunscreen, and have fun in the outdoors while taking care of your skin!

4. The AHA Factor
AHA, or Alpha Hydroxy Acid, is a chemical commonly found in moisturizers and other skin care products. If your skin is looking dull, AHA works to get rid of old skin cells and get your skin looking soft and healthy.

5. Get your beauty sleep
Take time to get some sleep – at least 7 to 8 hours per night. While we sleep, our bodies recharge and prepare for a new day. Our skin recharges too. So, no matter how busy your day is, keep an eye on that clock, and before it gets late, take a few moments to relax and unwind. This will help you get the restful sleep you, and your skin, need.

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Some Of The Earth's Most Potent Anti-Aging Foods

Research studies have been focusing a great deal in recent years on determining which kinds of foods

have the most extensive anti-aging attributes. One factor which has assisted this process has been the invention of the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbing Capacity) score for food items. This sophisticated-sounding name just means to the overall antioxidant levels for a particular food and it's latent potential to absorb the various free radicals which are responsible for so muc cell damage and premature aging. Certain foods that we eat which have been singled out as having a very high antioxidant include such items as black beans, strawberries, sweet potatoes, irish potatoes, pomegranates, most leafy green vegetables, pumpkins, zuchini, squash, cherries, raspberries, blackberries and many other kinds of berries.

One berry that certainly stands out from the rest is the goji berry, obviously from which goji juice is made. It's Latin name is Lycium Barbarum or just Lycium. Goji berries are so wonderful because to their balanced polysaccharide profile.

As a matter of fact, Dr. Earl Mindell, R.Ph., M.H., Ph.D (one of the globe's top nutritionist) says that the Goji Berry is one of our most potent anti-aging foods that we have available to us.

He also says that scientific research has proven that many of our planet's longest living individuals injest regular daily servings of this relatively small fruit which may actually be the most potent food of it's kind. Goji berries and therefore goji juice come from the 'Rooftop of the World', the mountains of western China where water and air quality is at it's most pristine. Dr. Mendell, who is not only one of the highest profile nutritionists on the entire planet but also the writer of some fifty-odd books regarding health & nutrition such as 'The Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century', 'The New Herb Bible', and 'Peak Performance' to name just a few has stated that The role of goji berries and juice in the human body has been scientifically studied with strong results.

After gathering goji berry samples from across the world, Dr. mendell and his scientific staff have used a spectroscopic analysis, which is essentially a molecular fingerprinting technique, to choose the highest-quality and most nutritionally rich wolf berries that have the highest absorption rates in people.

Some individuals wonder how much Goji Juice they should ingest daily, and Dr. Mendell has claimed that between one to three ounces per day is ideal for most folks. Fortunately, there are no known side effects from drinking too much goji juice. It is only natural to want to replenish out bodies with healthy food. Goji berries and of course it's juice is simply one of the most prolific anti-aging foods that we have available to us in the world today. As Rodney Collin was quoted as saying from 'The Theory of Conscious Harmony':

"A physical body was given to us by Nature at our birth. Somewhere exists the original Divine spark launched from God and which refound, will be his conscious spirit."

In addition, an ancient proverb goes something like this: 'The happiest of persons do not always have the very best of everything but they simply make the most of everything that comes to them. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past and you will not move forward until you let go of your past failures as well as heartaches.

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Women's Health Advice: Discover Anti Aging Vitamins

Women age as their body cells die and when new healthy cell generation is hindered simultaneously. Premature aging can result from inadequate nutrition caused by years of poor dietary habits. Why? Because our bodies need certain amounts of vitamins to produce healthy cells and repair damaged cells. For many women, healthy cells can promote anti aging more than anything else

Free Radicals: Enemies to Your Anti Aging Efforts

When your diet lacks the vitamins needed for healthy cell rejuvenation, it will produce high amounts of free radicals, or highly reactive oxygen molecules. Free radicals will attack your healthy cells, thus, accelerating the aging process. Foods high in fat content, pesticides and ultraviolet radiation exposure can also contribute to free radical production and hinder your anti aging efforts.

Vitamins for Anti Aging

Vitamins have been a source of good women's health for years, but new discoveries through the cutting edge science in genomics reveal that certain amounts of vitamins are needed to promote healthy cell rejuvenation and anti aging. Let's look at some of the anti-aging vitamins below.


Some of the vitamins found in many berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries and grapes are natural antioxidants that help rid your body of harmful toxins that can hinder your anti-aging efforts. Green tea is also a good source of natural antioxidants. Toxins are introduced to the body every day in the foods you eat and pollutants in the air. Though you cannot feel anything, toxins are well at work to destroy good, healthy cells and speed up your aging process!

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3, or niacin, helps the body to convert calories from fat, protein and carbohydrates into energy. It aids in digestive functions as well as promotes healthy nerves and skin. This vitamin can be found in peanuts, yeast, eggs, meat, poultry and fish. It's also one of the key ingredients for anti-aging supplements.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, aids in brain function and the conversion of protein into energy. It can be found in pork, fish, poultry, eggs, soybeans, whole grains, bananas, nuts and seeds, and oats.

Vitamin Blends

There are also anti-aging products with vitamin blends that combine a number of cell-promoting vitamins into one ingredient. These vitamins are carefully measured to give you just the right amount for proper cell rejuvenation. Thanks to cutting edge science in genomics, companies are now able to include just the right balance of vitamins for each cycle of life.

Reduce Dairy Product Intake

Dairy products such as milk and cheese contain Casein, which is a common food allergen that depletes immune cells. Replace some of your dairy products with other calcium-rich foods such as soy, juice, rice, salmon, sardines, broccoli, and collard greens.

Other vitamins that promote anti aging and healthy cells include Vitamin E, Selenium, Vitamin K and Vitamin C.

As you can see, vitamins are essential for skin beauty, strong bones and joints, and healthy cell generation. With all the new anti aging products, it's easier than ever to get all the vitamins you need.

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Some words about anti-aging and disease prevention

The aging process is for the greater part no mystery anymore. It consists for a great part of daily damages done on the macroscopic, tissue, cellular and genetic levels. These add up as the years are passing. These damages have specific causes like oxidating agents, sun beams, mechanical wear and tear, psychological stress, lack of some nutritional components and too much of others, like fat.

Another component of aging is the reduction of the telomere chains at the chromosome ends, as each cell division occurs. When these are shortended enough, cells stop dividing. However, the body has means to repair these ends again, with an enzyme called telomerase. The rapidity of the aging process depends on lack of efficiency in this repair process. The above mention aging causes also slow down this repair process.

The factors causing aging, also causes other diseases like cancer and coronary heart disease. Both aging and these diseases can in great extend be prevented with the knowledge possessed today, and the damages can in great extend be reversed. The components to achieve this are:

-Adequate dayly food containing whole cereals, peas, beans, vegetables, fruit, fish, mushroms, fouls and seafood, and with just a moderate amount of red meat.

-Just a moderate amount of fat.

-Ideally most fat one eats, should be of the type mono-unsaturated. One also needs some poly-usaturated fat of the types omega-3, and omega 6, but not too much of omega-6. The consumption of saturated fat should be very little.

 - In order to achieve right fat balance, most of the fat supply should come from sources like olive, peanuts, canola, fish, nuts, sun-flower, etc. Then you will get a good balance between mono-unsaturated fat (olive, canola, peanuts), poly-unsaturated fat of the omaga-3-type (fish) and poly-unsaturated fat of the omega-6-type (sunflower).

-Just a very moderate amount of butter, soya oil, margarine, corn oil and palm oil. A high consumption of these fat sources gives you too much saturated fat and poly-unsaturated omega-6-fat.

-Just a very moderate amount of sugar, refined flour or refined cereals.

-Do not add more salt to the food than you need. Most people consume too much salt. However, some salt is needed. If the weather is warm and you are in high activity, you need more salt than by cold weather and low activity. Prefere sea-salt, beacuse of its content of valuable minerals.

-Just a moderate consumption of tranquilizers/stimulants as alchohol and coffeine, but in moderate amounts these contribute to slow down the aging process.

-No smoking or tobacco usage.

-Supplements of specific nutritional components like vitamins, minerals, lecitin and some essential fatty acids.

-Adequate training, that both gives a muscular load, work up your condition and stretches out your body. To stretch out, yoga-exercizes are ideal.

-Adequate rest and stress-reduction. Daily meditation is a method of achieving this. Natural relaxing agents or spesific tools for meditation or relaxation may also be useful.

-Supplements of specific anti-aging agents like anti-oxidants or human growth hormone.

-Use of spesific anti-aging agents to apply upon the skin surface.

-To protect the skin against excessive sun exposure.

The amount one needs of nutritional supplements, like vitamins and minerals, differs very much according to a person`s health condition, work load and exposure to environmental stress. A person having a poor digestion, doing high performance sport or being exposed to a high amount of environmental stressors, may need more than a person in an average situation

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Sun Tanning And Anti-Aging

People enjoy the relaxing experience of tanning. And they also love its result, a fabulous bronzed skin. But exposure to the ultraviolet radiation, whether from outdoors or from tanning beds, will cause the skin to age considerably. The tanning process takes away skin oils that make the skin elastic and young. Tanning can lead to the appearance of lines and wrinkles. And frequent tanning may make a person look older than his or her age. To prevent this undesirable effect of tanning, one should consider skin care products.

Skin care products are made up of cleansers, masks, toners, moisturizers, and sun blocks. The cleansers, which come as creams and gels, deeply clean the skin. The masks, which are also known as mud packs or exfoliants, peel off old skin. The toners, which should be non-stringent, remove stubborn dirt lodged in the pores. The moisturizers return the protective skin oils. Moisturizers should be different for various types of skins. And the sun blocks shield the skin from the damaging radiation from the sun or tanning bulbs. Then, there are also specialty skin care products such as eye creams that are meant to lessen facial lines, and lip protectors (for lips are special skin) that are used to prevent the lips from chapping due to freezing or scorching temperatures. Women have cosmetic foundations that have SPF (Sun Protection Factor), which range from SPF 5 to 15.

The range of skin care products seems overwhelming. But all these are important to give maximum protection for the skin. Professionals, such as models, actors and actresses, and salon owners, invest in such skin care products because the condition and age of their skin is vital to their jobs. As for regular guys and gals, the use of skin care products will enhance the beauty of their skin and slow down the process of aging. These products also contribute to the health and suppleness of the skin.

The skin care products preferred by most consumers are those made from naturally occurring substances. Synthetically produced substances for skin care products and cosmetic products may create detrimental side effects. This is why most skin care products are composed of extracts from leaves, roots, flowers, and fruits. These botanicals are known to be safe.

Taking care of your skin may seem to take a lot of effort. But you only have one skin. You spend money on it so that it will have a perfect tan. But you must also invest in skin care products to protect your skin from the aging process caused by tanning and to keep your skin health and younger looking.

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Sunless Tanning Lotions - The Anti-Aging Fake Bake that Looks Great

With so many people wanting a great tan without exposing themselves to the many dangers of UV rays, science has developed new ways to get your suntan without exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun. It wasn't long ago when many people considered indoor tanning beds a safer alternative to traditional sunbathing, we all know now that these too can cause serious damage to your skin. Sunless tanning lotions and creams have now become a popular alternative to give you that golden tan without damaging your skin.

Sunless tanning is growing in popularity and is one that health-conscious people as well as doctors can agree on. Your “fake” tan or tan in a bottle can save your life. You are avoiding skin cancer from harmful UV rays. You will also look better as you age because your sunless tan requires no exposure to UV rays which are known to accelerate wrinkles and aging.

Sunless tanning products are designed to be easy to apply although it may sometimes be a little time-consuming. If you do it regularly, you will find that it gets faster and easier. The tan lasts for about 8 or 9 days with most porducts, and you will have to reapply to maintain a tan. While it may seem like a lot of trouble, it is well worth it to protect your skin and your health. If a tan is really that important to you but you don’t want to increase your risk of sun damage, then you should not mind taking the extra time to apply sunless tanners.

If you haven’t tried sunless tanning lotions recently, you may not know how improved and advanced they have become. You no longer have to worry about turning yourself orange or looking like you need to bathe. Spotty, splotchy and orange sunless tanners are a thing of the past. Sunless tanners take about 3 to 4 hours to start developing and will reach peak coloration 24 hours after application. You get a great golden tan that appears natural as well. If you do use the tanning bed occasionally, you can use the sunless tanning products to maintain that tan so you spend less time in the damaging rays.

Sunless tanning is a great option for people who cannot tan in traditional sun UV rays. For example, people with fair skin, freckles, red hair or very light blonde hair can have difficulty tanning in natural sunlight. You should also avoid it if you have had sun damage in the past, a family history of skin cancer, are taking medications that increase your sensitivity to the sun and for several other reasons. Sunless tanners let these people get the look they want with no risk to their health.

The most important benefits to sunless tanning are the health benefits. It is a fact that exposure to UV rays causes skin cancer and creates signs of early aging with wrinkles and sun spots. Most people who are concerned with their looks enough to want a great tan will also be concerned about not getting early wrinkles and other signs of aging. Sunless tanning products are a great alternative to tanning beds and can help to maintain the look of a a healthy tanned appearance year-round without the associated risks and aging effects.

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The Key to Anti-Aging Health

Age, it's a natural part of life. But just because you're getting older doesn't mean you have to look like it. With a few simple steps anyone can look and feel younger than they actually are. One of the biggest steps someone can take in the battle against age is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Anti-aging health is all about your lifestyle, eating habits, fitness, and a number of other factors which can affect how well a person ages. Maintaining such a lifestyle requires a certain level of commitment and dedication.

Eat Those Vegetables

A major step in combating age is committing to healthy eating habits. It's important not to indulge too much on one food or another, especially when it contains a lot of fat or grease. Each person is individual in their dietary needs, and it's a good idea to find out that which best suits you, and you can find many books that will help you to determine which foods will be most beneficial for your body type. But generally speaking, a healthy cycle of fruits, vegetables, and grain along with moderate portions of meat is suggested for those wishing to live a more healthy life. Dietary needs are key to slowing the aging process to some extent, and the more efficient and healthy your body, the less work it requires to do its job.

Choosing a lifestyle

Another very important step in anti-aging health is lifestyle habits. Things like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and some eating disorders can all affect the way a person ages. Smoking for instance inhibits the body's ability to process oxygen, preventing the body from feeding your cells. It is direly important that any person concerned with their health and especially their age, maintain healthy lifestyle habits.

Exercise is perhaps one of the most important factors concerning anti-aging health. Exercise in moderation gives the body numerous benefits like more efficient blood flow, healthier muscles, increased bone stability, and even oxygen to the brain is increased during exercise. Anyone concerned with anti-aging health should be prepared to set an exercise regiment. It is important to be willing to stick with this regiment after you start; just occasionally going to the gym doesn't count.

Set reasonable goals, as starting out on a 10k run is probably not the best idea and can cause more harm than benefit. Of course in the fight against aging there can be any number of factors to consider. But for anyone generally concerned with their age and health, these few tips can be the key to adding a few extra years to their life.

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The Plan: Antiaging Human Growth Hormone

Discussing the antiaging human growth hormone is often a kind of tricky subject of opinions. I will try to shed light on this new science as much as possible by presenting the information about human growth hormones in basic and then relating it to the prospect of aging and how it can help the antiaging process.

In order to understand an antiaging human growth hormone, you first need to understand a growth hormone. A human growth hormone or HGH is not a steroid. Growth hormones are really created by the body in the pituitary gland. A growth hormone stimulates growth in humans and other animals and is also known as a somatotropin and somatotropin. The human growth hormone has an anabolic effects on the body, which means that it builds it up. This is why steroids which cause muscle growth are called anabolic steroids.

Height growth is the best known effect of growth hormone, but it is also known to generate other metabolic functions also including bone strengthening and calcium regeneration and retention. Human growth hormone helps create a solid nitrogen balance in the body by increasing the body’s synthesis of protein. This helps increase muscle mass and also stimulates the immune system.

Effects of the antiaging human growth hormone on you

Many companies out there advertise the benefits of antiaging human growth hormone replacement therapy and discuss replacing your estrogen and testosterone, proving testimonials that claim a better quality of life. The companies tell you that you are a fool (What????) to ass up human growth hormone therapy and that taking a HGH will improve the quality of your life at middle age and later.

The premise suggested is that the human growth hormone level in people decreases with age and replacement is necessary and beneficial for people. There is, however, no reputable scientific experiment that has proven yet that this is the case. Rather, the body’s normal growth is the best process and the human growth hormone levels are self-monitoring in most healthy cases and generally are sufficient to provide for a long life not taking into consideration your aging.

Do not be fooled by these companies! The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists does not recommend the use of human growth hormone in an anti-aging program at all and cites several case studies that show negative results. Many people advertising an anti-aging human growth hormone are simply out for your money and will promise the world in return. Do not be fooled but rather consult your medical and get the best advice from the best source.

Don't be fooled by the advertisement! Analyze first the antiaging human growth hormone plan.

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Do You Take Your Skin Seriously? National Healthy Skin Month Special

Do you take your skin seriously? Do you listen to your mole? Do you consult a dermatologist regularly? Do you battle with acne and blemishes? Do you know what works for your skin? These are hard hitting questions which many of you shy away from!

mySkin has the answers for you.

We take your skin seriously. We listen to your moles and want you to have a pleasant experience dealing with acne and blemishes. We want you to be aware of your skin health quotient and we help you in deciding on what skincare products will work for your skin. For NAtional Helathy Skin Month, we rededicate our efforts, our innovations, our ideas and our sweat and grime to provide you with personalized skincare solutions.



ScanZ is YOUR pocket skin expert. Introducing the first, on-the-go, iPhone connected acne scanner.Scan and track acne progress. Be in charge of what is going on under your skin,whether you are at home or on-the-go. ScanZ is your personal solution made of patented imaging technology.


skinscan windows

skinScan analyzes your moles and keeps track of your skin health. Take a picture of your mole with your Windows phone, answer a few questions, and our skin assessment technology developed by world renowned skin scientists will tell you if your mole is a high risk lesion or nothing to worry about. Our advanced automated algorithms are based on International Dermoscopy standards and vetted by our medical team through clinical tests. You can via the app. connect with a dermatologist for an expert opinion.



The dermographâ„¢ is the first ever transdermal skin consultation system that helps you know your current skin health. Using advanced science in a simple design, the dermographâ„¢ helps you understand your skin and helps you find products that work for you.



A refreshing new way to find effective skincare products that work for you.

You care about your skin. Why wouldn’t you? It’s your largest organ. But how much time can you realistically devote to researching and evaluating products? Don’t you wish you could just open your cabinet and â€" Voila! â€" have the perfect products magically appear? Products that are effective, safe for your skin, and worth every penny. Our mission is to bring clarity to the world of skincare, and give you the confidence to make better decisions. In today’s over saturated beauty market of more than 70,000 cleansers, creams, lotions, serums…dare we go on?.. There’s a constant parade of promises and conflicting claims. How do you know what works best for you? Whose advice do you trust?

Enter mySkin.

mySkin for iPhone

mySkin app

mySkin for iPhone app. gives you beauty advice on the go! Personalized, scientific, unbiased advice on skincare products that work best for you backed by real people’s experiences.

Be happy in your own skin. Know what works for it!

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The Secret Keys to Anti Aging Health

Aging, is just a natural part of life. But even if you're getting older it doesn't mean you have to appear like it. By taking a few simple steps you can look and feel younger than you actually are.

One of the most effective things you can do in the battle against age is to simply lead a healthy lifestyle. anti aging health is really all about your lifestyle, what you eat,your general level of fitness, and a few other factors which will affect how well you age. Keeping up this type of lifestyle does require a degree of commitment and dedication on your part.

A vital step in beating the effects of old age is having healthy eating habits, it's very important not to eat too much of any one food type, particularly if it contains a lot of fat or grease. Each person is different in their dietary needs, and it's very important to discover which food types that best suits you, there are several books that can help you to decide which foods will be of most benefit for your body type. As a general guide, a healthy diet of five fruits or vegetables per day, and grain along with moderate portions of meat is recommended for those want to live a more healthy life. A balance diet is one of the main factors in slowing the aging process to some measure, and the more effective and healthy your body, the less work it has to do to do to maintain health.

Perhaps the next most important thing in anti aging health is your lifestyle. Do you smoke, how about alcohol consumption, also some eating disorders may affect the way a person ages. I am not suggesting that you need to give up everything that makes life pleasurable, but it is vitally important that if you are concerned with your health and wish to reduce the signs of aging you must have a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise is considered by many experts to be one of the most important considerations in anti aging. Gentle Exercise taken in moderation provides the body with many benefits, for instance it stimulates the blood flow helping to clear those blocked veins and arteries,it builds healthier muscles,and increased bone stability so helping to off set the effects of osteoporosis. If you want to help reduce the effects of aging you will benefit from a regular exercise program. Set moderate objectives, trying to over do things at first is not a good idea and will probably cause more harm than good.

There are several thing to consider in the battle against aging, but if you are concerned with your age and health, these tips will be a very important help in adding a few more years to your life.

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Using Anti-aging Face Creams

There is a time in everyone's life when our growing age becomes a concern for us. This is the time when even a small hope seems like a lifelong promise and we tend to try out various anti-aging formulas.

The first visible sign of your passing age is your first laughter line i.e. more commonly known as wrinkle. Generally these signs are experienced in your 30s or if you are lucky enough then in your 40s. You can prolong your skin from aging by using appropriate treatments at an earlier age. This is the time when you search for an anti aging wrinkle cream.

You can use anti aging wrinkle creams even before wrinkles start to appear on your face. Even if you haven't yet cared for it, you can still do something about it. It is advisable not to ignore these symptoms. If you think that ignoring is a good option to tackle with wrinkles then you can't get more wrong.

In today's lifestyle the most inevitable sign of an aging skin is its appearance. With pollution levels rising to its extreme and harmful toxins in the air are hazardous to our skin. Acne, abrasions and other skin diseases are some of its harmful effects.

According to studies conducted by dermatologists, anti aging wrinkle creams have many nutrients and vitamins that help in slowing down the aging process. Also, you can avoid other harsh skin treatments if you use these creams.

There are many products in the market labeled as anti aging but you should choose them using little common sense. Don't get fooled by the marketing strategies which promise much and hardly give anything. Go by your instincts and choose wisely.

For more information on skin creams visit - Antiwrinkle Creams

The author is a freelance writer associated with

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Weight Loss, Body Detox And Anti Aging Are All Connected

The majority of people that try various diets and exercise to lose weight fail. Why? Because they are missing out on the most important reason that they can’t lose the weight or how to prevent the diet yoyo. The standard line you get is that you need to diet and exercise to get results, and for some people, especially the younger generation, this works. But for a huge number of the population this is just not going to work, try as they may.

The missing factor in a successful weight loss program is the cleansing of your colon. If you are not familiar with colon cleansing then this may sound like an odd statement to make. But, consider this; a backed up colon will not only prevent weight loss, but will also cause a whole host of other symptoms such as:

-Always tired and sluggish
-Interrupted sleep
-Weight gain
-Aches and pains
-Premature wrinkling of the skin
-Unexplained skin rashes
-Constipation or diarrhea
-Bloating and gas
-Menstrual cramping

These are only some of the symptoms of a clogged toxic colon. What does this have to do with weight loss?

In a normally functioning colon, the food we ingest gets broken down, nutrients are absorbed in the small and large intestine, the friendly flora produce b-vitamins and nutrients are sent to the rest of the body where all the cells are fed. This normal function produces the hormones we need and keeps the metabolism high and allows for weight management. The problem with today’s environment is that it is toxic from all the chemicals, pesticides and pollutants we are bombarded with on a constant basis.

Another huge factor is mans craving to change things all the time and that includes food. In the name of profit, the food industry is reinventing food and changing them from their natural wholesome form and adding preservatives, dyes and coloring which dramatically alter the foods we eat. It creates great profit, and the shareholders are happy, but this is at the expense of our health.

All you need to do is look around you at Americans and the answer is there for all to see. We are an obese, tired nation. Foods such as white flour, rice, pastas, dairy products, hormone filled meats and sliced meats full of sodium nitrates and processed food wreak havoc with our digestive system.

The food we eat should be digested and eliminated in 2 to 3 days, but with processed food it can take 5 to 6 days.

Undigested food starts clogging in your large intestine making it difficult for it to absorb the nutrients you need. As you get further backed up this material becomes toxic and hard making it very difficult to eliminate. You could literally have 4 to 20 pounds of old fecal matter and a narrowing of the passage so that future eliminations become difficult and constipation sets in.

When you eat the typical American diet you may feel full but may be starving for real nutrients. If the diet remains poor, the intestines remain clogged and the body becomes desperate to eliminate toxic buildup. It put tremendous stress on the liver and kidneys and can even manifest itself by trying to get rid of toxins through the skin and odd unexplained rashes appear. Premature wrinkling can occur and metabolism slows making it difficult to lose weight.

If you want to lose weight, get healthy, look and feel better, then do a good colon cleanse first. Take care of the toxic build up and you may feel like a million bucks. You’ll then lose weight, and if you eat the right foods, drink a lot of water and exercise; you should be able to reach your goal. (It would not hurt to follow with a liver and kidney cleanse)!

Disclaimer: The above is offered as information only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any disease. Always consult a qualified health care practitioner before attempting any detox program.

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Wellness Tips: Health Products for Cholesterol, Weight Loss and Anti-Aging

If you are concerned for your health and do not want to rely on prescription or over-the-counter drugs, there are other ways to encourage better health. Changing your diet and taking nutritional supplements can help you avoid serious health problems and help you feel better as you age.

Lowering cholesterol has become a major concern for many people as they enter middle age and beyond. If left unchecked, high cholesterol can become a serious health hazard. It increases the potential for heart disease, heart attack and stroke. If it is not treated, the arteries continue to build up plaque and become dangerously clogged.

Lower Cholesterol

There are many different drugs to treat high cholesterol but they also have negative side effects with continued use. There are nutritional supplements that are prepared with all natural ingredients that offer comparable benefits, often without harmful side effects. These health products usually work to lower cholesterol in your body that is not healthy. The LDL is harmful and can block arteries and cause serious health problems. Having a higher HDL can help remove the harmful cholesterol and prevent heart attacks.

Diet is also important for men's health and women's health. A diet high in leafy green vegetables and fruit can help raise your HDL, but white meat and dairy products tend to raise the harmful LDL. A healthy diet is essential for weight loss and overall health. Eating high fiber foods will help many areas of your body function more efficiently. Cut back on fatty foods, and you will see improvement in your digestion and weight.

An important factor in both lowering cholesterol and weight loss is exercise. Regular exercise promotes cardiovascular health as well. Exercise works naturally to burn excess fats and sugars. This helps your liver make HDL, the good cholesterol. It also strengthens your lymph system, improves circulation and helps fight diabetes.

There are many natural health products to help lower cholesterol, lose weight and help with aging. There are herbal and nutritional combinations to aid in weight loss by burning fat, speeding up metabolism, and suppressing appetite. These products would be much healthier to use than over the counter or even prescription weight loss pills.

Weight Loss and Anti-Aging

There are many supplements that help with aging, and include benefits such as strengthening the heart, improving blood flow, strengthening the eyes and organs, and providing antioxidants to fight cancer. Using these natural supplements will help you feel and look younger without loading your body down with chemicals.

If you want to take charge of your health, you can avoid serious health problems before they start. Unicity Health Products offers many nutritional supplements to help you regain or maintain good health. It is worth your time to learn what health products would be beneficial for you.

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Great American Smokeout Day- Quit Smoking Now

November 21, 2013 is Great American Smokeout Day.

The American Cancer Society marks the Great American Smokeout  each year by encouraging smokers to use the date to make a plan to quit, or to plan in advance and quit smoking that day. By quitting â€" even for one day â€" smokers will be taking an important step towards a healthier life â€" one that can lead to reducing cancer risk.

American smokedout_infog

mySkin supports Great American Smokeout Day and urges you to quit the cigarette now. Besides the increased risk of cancer, smoking- both active and passive creates havoc to your skin health. 

Sharing Is Loving. Please share this infographic in an effort to make a person quit smoking!


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What to Look for in an Anti-Aging Formula

There's little doubt that our society puts a premium on looking young. But appearances aside, life expectancies are increasing, but it's not enough to live longer lives - we want to live better lives. The good news is that it's not a matter of quantity versus quality; indeed, there's no reason why we can't be active and healthy throughout our later years. The key, though, is finding the right anti-aging formula that will both stop and reverse the aging process.

Important Differences

There are any number of antioxidant products on the market, but not all of them are created equally. An anti-aging natural supplement, for example, is far better than supplements that use artificial ingredients. Similarly, anti-aging products that are used externally, such as creams and lotions, are far less effective than those that work on the cellular level. This is because the first signs of aging aren't visible to the eye; rather, aging takes place deep inside the body. By the time you experience signs and symptoms, cell damage has already occurred.

The Right Combination

A good anti-aging formula won't consist of only one ingredient. Instead, an anti-aging supplement will contain a combination of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, herbs, minerals, and antioxidants that will attack the roots of the aging process. This combination should work to improve a number of the body's systems. For example, since sleep has important restorative qualities, the supplements you choose should improve the quality of your sleep. Because mental alertness is critical to quality of life, the product should work to improve memory and brain function. Likewise, because free radical damage impairs the immune system and can make you susceptible to any number of diseases, it's crucial that your supplements contain an antioxidant formula that helps the regeneration and reproduction of cells.

When you stop and then reverse the damage that free radicals can cause, several of the body's systems are positively impacted. For example, you not only boost your immune system, but you can also ensure that your nervous system remains healthy, that your hormones stay in balance, that your joints function normally, that your vision doesn't deteriorate, and that your metabolism hums along.

As was mentioned earlier, appearances matter in our society. A good anti-aging formula does reverse the aging process from the inside out, which means that the effects will be both felt and seen. Over time, your skin texture will improve, melanin will be restored in graying hair, and your circulation will improve and give you that healthy glow.

Forget Overnight Miracles

Don't trust an anti-aging formula that promises overnight results. After all, it takes the body years to age, so it only makes sense that it will take time to stop and reverse the aging process. Don't expect instant miracles, but do know that you can expect to feel positive effects within two to four weeks, and significant improvements within one to two months.

There's no reason that we can't achieve both longevity and an exceptional quality of life. The secret is simply to find the right anti-aging formula with antioxidant properties that will stop and reverse the aging process.

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Women’s Health Advice: Five Powerful Anti-aging Tips

Years ago, the word "anti aging" seemed to come only from science fiction movies. People joked about the Fountain of Youth and miracle medicines that were supposed to reverse the aging process to make one look 10 or 20 years younger. But today, anti-aging is more than a myth. Through scientific studies and the new cutting edge science in genomics, women are discovering that, by taking just a few steps, skin beauty and bodily cell health can indeed be encouraged. Here are five powerful anti aging tips for good women's health.

1. Check Your Lifestyle

A lifestyle filled with health-threatening habits can be detrimental to your skin's health and beauty. Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages in excess, eating poorly or overeating, sunbathing, etc. all can speed up the aging process. Even taking anti-aging supplements may not help if you continue to do these things regularly. Remember, just as your bodily organs are affected by everything you eat or drink, so are your skin cells.

2. Eat for Good Skin Health

Good women's health starts with eating healthy foods. Be sure to eat balanced meals with an abundance of leafy green vegetables and fruits. Eat protein-rich foods such as nuts or eggs to maintain good bone and joint health. Healthy eating and weight loss are both major contributors to good women's health as well as beauty for the skin. The anti-aging process is much easier when you provide your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to repair cell damage and build healthy new cells on a daily basis.

3. Drink Water

The diet programs always cry aloud, "Drink water!" That's because there are so many benefits to drinking water. Water is needed to help the body function properly, inside and out. Water brings life to all your body parts - and your skin as well. It brightens your complexion, helps rejuvenate skin cells to promote anti aging, and adds moisture to your body. You'll be a well-oiled machine if you can commit to drinking plenty of water daily. Water is probably the most readily available anti-aging product you can get your hands on! So, replace those sodas (and diet sodas) with a healthy dose of water.

4. Stay in Shape

Staying in shape with exercise will also help with the anti-aging battle. Exercise encourages good bone and joint health and helps with the flow of blood through your body. That's why many people say that exercise "gets your blood pumping!" The blood carries oxygen with it through your body, which is necessary for good overall health.

5. Use Anti-aging Supplements and Creams

Through the cutting edge science of genomics, anti-aging products are now being developed to aid in cell rejuvenation, which is needed for slowing down the aging process.

Genomics is the study of the complete DNA makeup of organisms. The recent discovery that is crucial to those interested in anti-aging products is that the repair of cells and the creation of healthy, strong cells is a major key to slowing the aging process. The new anti-aging products are all-natural and come in pills, creams or patches. Anti-aging products based on genomics help to provide the right amount of ingredients (vitamins and nutrients) needed by the body to repair cells and build new, healthy cells.

These five tips combined can help maximize the results for your anti-aging efforts. You'll feel and look better than ever as you pass through the stages of life.

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Yerba Mate: The Powerhouse Nutrient For Healing, Anti-Aging and Enhanced Health

Many think of Yerba Mate as a tea beverage. While the chemical components are quite similar to green tea, it is in fact far more nutritious, because scientific study has shown it to contain nearly all of the necessary life-sustaining vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It has been found to be loaded with an even richer and more potent array of antioxidants than green tea.

Yerba Mate, a popular South American beverage, is brewed from the dried leaves and stemlets of the small evergreen Yerba Mate tree found in the highlands of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. Tea comes from a different plant altogether. So while Yerba Mate is similar in chemical structure to tea, it is a completely different beverage altogether.

The Guarani Indians of Paraguay and Uruguay have long been drinking this beverage, and introduced it into modern civilization. It is now consumed by millions of South Americans every day, as a healthy and beneficial energizing coffee alternative.

Yerba Mate contains 52 more known active chemical compounds than green tea. It is loaded with potent phytochemical antioxidants, and in far greater quantities than in green tea. Like green tea, it has anti-cancer and anti-aging benefits, again, in higher quantities.

This amazing plant has an incredibly rich nutritional profile. It provides: Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin, B5, B Complex, Calcium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Selenium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Carotene, Fatty Acids, Chlorophyll, Flavonols, Polyphenols, Inositol, Trace Minerals, Antioxidants, Tannins, Pantothenic Acid and even Amino Acids. Scientists are saying it is quite likely that it contains more powerful nutrients that are yet unknown and undiscovered.

There are so many incredible benefits attributed to Yerba Mate, both from scientific studies and centuries of observation. Some of these benefits include:

- anti-aging
- boosts immunity
- increases mental clarity
- helps with digestive problems
- improvement in general well-being, mood, and sleep
- helps to lose weight
- cleanses and detoxifies the blood
- increases supply of oxygen to the heart
- supplies many nutrients needed by the heart for growth and repair
- reduces stress
- reduces the effect of debilitating disease
- allergy relief
- firmer and smoother skintone

Experiencers of digestive problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids have found these to be relieved and easily overcome over a short period of daily use. Some people who require antacids have reported they no longer need to use them after a short time of using Yerba Mate.

People with heart problems have reported clogged arteries clearing up in even just 3 weeks of using Yerba Mate - their doctors have ordered them to stop taking their pills for circulation and clogged arteries.

It has even been used as a food substitute due to its rich nutritional profile. It will eliminate feelings of hunger and give the sensation of having had a full meal. While this is important for those experiencing conditions of famine, it is also helpful for people desiring to lose weight.

There are far too many benefits to go into detail in the space of this article. This is a very powerful healing plant. Because of its vast amount of health benefits for the whole body, Yerba Mate is truly a tonic for wellness.

In addition, essential vitamins and nutrients are best absorbed by the body when taken in their live, natural state. This is why it is far more efficient to use a liquid nutrient like Yerba Mate instead of a multivitamin supplement.

Yerba Mate is one of the most excellent nutrients available in the world today, and should be given the attention of all who are interested in excellent health, anti-aging, wellness, and healing.

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The ABC Of BB Creams

abc_bbIs it possible to streamline our beauty routines and also save on some space (and some money) on our beauty counters? Can one beauty product really do it all? The beauty industry has capitalized on this need and has come up with the trending BB Cream making it the hottest beauty buy. BB Creams are flying off the shelves everywhere, from makeup counters to drugstores. So do you know the ABC of your BB cream?

BB Creams â€" What are they? BB stands for ‘beauty balm’ or ‘blemish balm’. This cream packs in the power of a moisturizer, sunscreen, concealer and foundation into one product making it the only product you need on your cosmetic shelf. These creams are lightweight and help in making your face look naturally and effortlessly flawless. They spread evenly and help in concealing skin flaws and be used as a skin moisturizer as well!

BB Creams â€" Do they really work? What BB Creams offer are not just tall claims. Here are a few benefits of using a BB Cream.

  1. Sunscreen

Your BB cream already contains the sunscreen component making it great for your skin. Unlike your tinted moisturizers and foundations, BB creams have a much high sunscreen component but don’t leave you with a chalky or whitish look.  Now the additional hassle of applying sunscreen over your moisturizer and then applying foundation is done away with.

  1. Light formulation

The BB cream can be used as an alternative to foundation. If the cakey, made up look is not for you then a BB cream can become your best friend. These creams are easy to apply and give smooth coverage. Initially these creams did not offer the option of multiple hues for different skin tones. But today you can choose from more textures and colors in this cream’s range.

  1. Anti aging and skin refining

The BB cream formula is mineral based. These creams are also laced with anti oxidants and some creams also contain Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid since these creams intend to not just cover skin imperfections such as blemishes and sun spots but also reduce their occurrence. Some BB creams also have anti inflammatory, anti wrinkle and soothing properties making it perfect for everyday use.

  1. Skin enhancers

BB creams are very subtle and should not be confused with concealers. They actually enhance your skins appearance by blending easily right into the skin leaving behind a radiant and fresh look. Most BB creams have a lightweight, almost airy texture which gives your skin the nourished feeling while covering up those wrinkles and age spots.

Are BB creams meant for you?

Since BB Creams combine the benefits of a moisturizer, serum, foundation and concealer in one, switching to one is an absolute no-brainer. But, if you don’t fall into the three to five shade category finding a BB cream to match your skin tone can be a challenge.  Also BB’s are suited for skin types that need light coverage. If you have large red spots, active acne or major skin discoloration you will require more than the sheer cover these creams provide.

All in all, if you want skin brightness and light coverage the BB cream is meant just for you.

What has been your experience with BB creams? What’s your verdict?


mySkin’s  dermograph™ is the world’s first transdermal skin consultation system for beauty advisers to offer credible and scientific consultations to their customers. The dermograph™ is an integrated touchscreen computer + a simple, hand-held device that measures skin health. It looks beneath the surface of skin using visible light to measure multiple characteristics of your skin and matches these results with the most effective products/treatments.

If you have any questions or need more information, call or message us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 +1 201 500 7077


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Acne Skincare Tips For The Winter Season


Winter brings unique challenges to the health of your skin, particularly if you are prone to acne breakouts. Part of the problem is that the cold weather can dry out your skin and further clog your pores. In most cases, people tend to use more moisturizer on their dry skin, leading to occasional breakouts. Also, let’s not forget the stresses that are unique to the start of winter season, with children having time off from school during the holidays and Christmas to think about.

Here are  five skincare tips to keep your acne to the minimum this winter:

A ‘healthy’ winter season

Summer and autumn are over, finally you can forget about getting your body in shape and let the layers build up for, you know, protection against the cold weather. No, this is wrong! You should continue to exercise as this will help to lessen levels of stress and anxiety. Also, stay away from foods linked to acne breakouts, such as burgers, caffeine, processed foods, and pizza. Yeah,  stay away from the foods that taste naughty good :)

Cover up your skin

The cold air is your enemy during winter, but one of the things you can do is cover up. Maybe don’t go for the Eskimo look, might be a bit too obvious, but a scarf and cute bobble hat can keep the cold air away. If you really want to go all out a balaclava could work. But, you know, don’t get any ideas about robbing a bank.

Don’t stop your acne routine

The winter season is the time of the year when there tends to be loads to do, but it is important that you do not stop your important acne routine. Being consistent will provide a sturdy barrier against potential acne breakouts.


Remove those outer layers of dull, dry skin by exfoliating on a regular basis. Stay away from harsh, abrasive exfoliators, which could otherwise lead your skin to produce more oil and potentially aid acne breakouts. Instead, opt for mild, natural options and only carry out this skin care routine two times a week at most.

Finally, don’t pop!

This tip goes for all year round, but popping those pimples will only aid the spread of bacteria, which can lead to the spread of acne breakouts meaning  they’re around for longer.

Enjoy your winters! Stay happy in your skin.


Today’s guest blogger, Jessica Fowler writes for VISS Beauty where you can learn more about acne skin care.


mySkin recently launched its NEW DEVICE- ScanZ. ScanZ is your pocket skin expert! ScanZ is your personal, on-the-go iPhone connected ACNE scanner solution made of an imaging device and iPhone app.

CONTRIBUTE NOW- We are now raising funds to refine the mechanicals, add more app features, and complete the design. If you feel this project should live (yes!) please take a few minutes and visit our campaign at indiegogo . There is special discounted pricing for early adopters and a number of rewards and specials you could choose from on Indiegogo.

Contribute/ Donate NOW-


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Spice It Up With Pumpkins


Fall is the season of Orange, Red and Yellow……Fall is the season of Pumpkins!

While you use pumpkin to prepare that delicious soup, do not throw the remains.  Instead put them to a better use that will leave your skin soft and supple.

Your Cinderella Pumpkin Scrub

This homemade pumpkin scrub is fun to make while exfoliating and nourishing your skin.

Ingredients :

1/2 cup pureed pumpkin

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon honey

Optional ingredients : You can also add a small amount of powdered cinnamon or a few drops of essential oils to make it more uplifting.

Directions : Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Take a shower so as to soften your skin. Pat skin dry and then apply the body scrub in circular motion starting from legs. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes and just shower it off and feel how silky soft your skin feels. After drying off put on your favorite moisturizer or oil.

Your Pumpkin Facial (To Fade Dark Spots)

Ingredients :

1 tablespoon pureed pumpkin

1 teaspoon honey

1 teaspoon lemon/lime juice

1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil

Optional ingredients for : Dry or Combination Skin

1 tablespoon pureed pumpkin

1 tablespoon yogurt (whole milk)

Optional ingredients for : Oily Skin

1 tablespoon pureed pumpkin

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

Directions : Mix together the ingredients, apply to damp face, leave on until dry or up to 30 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.  Use cold water as a final rinse.

Your DIY Pumpkin pedicure

Ingredients :

1/4 cup pumpkin puree

1/2 teaspoon honey

1 raw egg

Directions : Mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl. Apply mixture to feet and wrap them up in plastic wrap. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and follow up with your favorite foot cream or moisturizer leaving your feet incredibly soft.

Do give these D.I.Y beauty recipes a try and let us know what wonders it did to your skin.


mySkin recently launched its NEW DEVICE- ScanZ. ScanZ is your pocket skin expert! It is your personal, on-the-go iPhone connected ACNE scanner solution made of an imaging device and iPhone app.

CONTRIBUTE NOW- We are now raising funds to refine the mechanicals, add more app features, and complete the design. If you feel this project should live (yes!) please take a few minutes and visit our campaign at indiegogo . There is special discounted pricing for early adopters and a number of rewards and specials you could choose from on Indiegogo.

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mySkin Launches ScanZ- Your Pocket Friendly Acne Scanner

miniz_Introducing ScanZ- The first, phone-connected, pocket acne scanner in the world

Berlin, October 28th â€" mySkin, the company behind one of the largest online social beauty platforms and creator of the world’s first transdermal skin analysis system (dermographâ„¢) has revealed their latest new product, ScanZ, at TechCrunch Disrupt in Berlin.

ScanZ is an on-the-go device that connects to your smartphone that scans and tracks acne progress.

It understands your skin and answers three questions for you:

• When will your pimple go away?

• What should you do to make it go away faster?

• Will you break out if you don’t have a pimple?

ScanZ takes transdermal images of your skin and is based on a combination of spectroscopy, dermoscopy and proprietary non-invasive, light technologies.  The app leverages Mayo Clinic algorithms to solve acne problems. The app displays results, solutions, and concerns and communicates with the user. The more you use it, the better it knows you, and the more effective the solutions. 

The idea behind this ground breaking product is to enable users to have control over their skin. ScanZ enables you to leverage science and helps you know what is going on under your skin.  It also keeps you prepared for what is coming â€" whether you are planning a date, have an important meeting or a lifetime event, you can track changes on your skin and know what to expect.

ScanZ will be an open platform, with API and SDK access for developers to create apps for new skin conditions, hair, and other opportunities. It will also enable advanced image analysis to address consumer needs.

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Read About The ScanZ Launch on Tech Crunch-


About mySkin- mySkin Inc. was founded in 2007 to help people understand their skin and find products that world. mySkin has invented the world’s first  transdermal skin analysis system (dermograph™). The dermograph uses a novel approach to measure skin health through a proprietary imaging technology. We are also behind one of the largest online social beauty platform with over 1 million product. Scanz is the latest addition to the family of mySkin products and has been launched at Tech Disrupt event in Berlin.

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DIY- Wipe Your Make Up Clean Naturally

makeup removal woman

Having a bad day? Struggling to remove make up without using make up remover? Try these simple and effective make up tips straight from your kitchen. You will love your skin for that.  

Coconut Oil â€" Coconut oil is one of the most effective remedy for removing makeup. While removing your make up, it moisturizes your skin making it soft and supple. Just add a small amount on cotton balls and run all over your face and eyes. It easily cleans your mascara and eye liners. Make it a part of your makeup removal routine.

Honey â€" Try this natural make up remover from your kitchen. Mix raw honey with a small amount of warm water. Now wash your face with this natural cleanser. Honey acts as a natural cleanser and removes dead skin easily.

Milk â€" A number of makeup removal products contain milk but they may not be safe to use as they are processed along with many other chemicals which may  harm your skin. You can just use raw milk or milk powder on your skin. This will even remove thick layers of foundation in a flash.

Almond Oil â€" Almond oil is a rich source of vitamin E. This oil works as a great make up remover. Just pour a small amount on your palm and apply on your face and wash your face. You will notice not a single stain of make up on your face and eyes.  

Gram Flour â€" Gram flour is another good make up remover. Make a paste of it with water and apply on your face and eyes. Leave it on for 5 minutes and notice the change. You will have a stain free glowing face in no time.

Olive Oil â€" Olive oil is not only good for your health but also for your skin. It is a great make up remover when applied in a small quantity. It is gentle on the skin and easily cleans your face from the dirt and chemicals while removing  make up.

Jojoba oil â€" Give this oil a try to remove your make up. It is good for all skin types. You will feel the essence of it throughout the day and  it keeps your skin moisturized and glowing.

Cucumber â€" For removing make up, you can also apply cucumber juice on your face. It is known for its soothing properties. While removing  makeup, it soothes your skin allergies and irritations.

Yogurt â€" Plain yogurt is used by many women as a face cleanser. You would be happy to know that it can also be used to remove make up. Being a milk based product, it is as good as milk.

Aloe Vera â€" If you have oily skin and you avoid using oil to remove make up, aloe vera will be right choice for you. It has anti-inflammatory properties which will help sooth skin irritations.

Remove your make up with a natural twist while using these easy and beneficial home products and get that natural glow on your skin!


Today’s guest blogger Kelly Hanson has an extensive experience of writing on health-related topics. Her quest to know more about healthy living has developed into a passion of disseminating information through her articles. She appreciates the feedback of the readers, so don’t shy away from commenting. Read more for Anti-Aging Skin Care Advice.


mySkin recently launched its NEW DEVICE- ScanZ. ScanZ is your pocket skin expert! ScanZ is your personal, on-the-go iPhone connected ACNE scanner solution made of an imaging device and iPhone app.

CONTRIBUTE NOW- We are now raising funds to refine the mechanicals, add more app features, and complete the design. If you feel this project should live (yes!) please take a few minutes and visit our campaign at indiegogo . There is special discounted pricing for early adopters and a number of rewards and specials you could choose from on Indiegogo.

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Celebrity Scares For You – BOO!

Can These Celebrities Get Any More Scary?

Lindsay Lohan

Let’s just say Lindsay loves vampires!


La Toya Jackson gives us the supreme BOO!

Pamela Anderson

Should we call her Pamela the Witch?

Jocelyn wildenstein

Here is Jocelyn the plastic witch


Look at Katy Perry, the green ghoul!

Happy Halloween!


The images have been taken from various sites across the web. mySkin would like to thank each one of them.

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