
Skin Care And Anti Aging Treatments – Three Of The Best

As we grow older and older, the skin losses its elasticity, causing wrinkles to appear. This happens because along with the age comes losing the Elastin and Collagen, the main “ingredients” for an elastic, unwrinkled skin. However, this is just half the problem, because these two natural elements stop reproducing as well. This has been a problem ever since the humankind started to put value on the looks.

The ancient Egyptians were the first to use skin makeup, but the ingredients they used only covered the imperfections that the age brought and did not prevent them. The modern history of anti-aging products started with the Josiah Macy Foundation, in the late 1930’s, when they released “Problems of Aging: Biological and Medical Aspects." This represents the foundation of anti-aging products and medicine. Cynthia Kenyon made another breakthrough, almost sixty years later, in 1993, when she was able to prolong the lifespan of a certain type of skin-helping worms. After that, a boom was registered in anti-aging products. But as the manufacturers started to grow in numbers, so did the fake products, which not only didn’t help the user, but also could threaten his/hers health. Thus, in late 2001, the U.S.’s Senate came to an agreement: there would be laws to protect the public from fake anti-aging products.

These being said, it’s time to present some of the most respected anti-aging products.

This appears to be one of the most respected anti-aging products. This is how its developer presents it.

“ProPLEXIN-CR® works by implementing a comprehensive approach targeting the primary causes of dermal decline. ProPLEXIN-CR® contains a true 10% maximum concentration of Argireline™ (AH-3) - a neuropeptide which inhibits wrinkle formation by preventing the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles that cause facial wrinkles. Argireline™ is the most recommended and effective alternative to Botulinum […]

While many competitor products may include one or two of ProPLEXIN-CR's 12-core components, no single product has ever combined all of them. Only genuine ProPLEXIN-CR™ contains this comprehensive, proprietary complex. Additionally, most of these materials are extremely expensive. Consequently, the minimal concentrations used in many competing products offer little or no efficacy and are useful only for the marketing of the product. Only ProPLEXIN-CR™ safely combines all of these ingredients in a unique synergistic manner, at levels that are consistent with the maximum safe concentrations. ProPLEXIN-CR™ defines a new standard of excellence for the treatment of facial fine lines and wrinkles.”

Prevage Anti-Aging Treatment -
Another product very intensely marketed is Beauty Naturally. A few descriptions.

“Beauty Naturally® successfully optimizes the immune properties of B-Glucans from yeast extract, combining it with the self-healing power of B-Mannans from aloe vera & other glucans, with botanical AHA/BHA’s, natural moisturizing factors (NMF’s) & anti-puffiness property of a unique phospholipid phytosme of licorice to create a Bio-Skin Care Regimen that is beyond comparison!

The only skin maintenance system you’ll ever need!

The Bio-Skin Regimen is a simple & flexible routine using the most basic skin care principles: Cleansing, Toning, Cell Renewal & Moisturization. Once your skin is normalized to its youthful potential, the same regimen can be your maintenance skin care routine for years beyond!”

Re-Storation Skin Treatment -
“The the original ‘all-in-one’ that started a skin care revolution, Re-Storation Skin Treatment is formulated to provide every essential ingredient to repair, nourish and protect skin in one indulgent step. Re-Storation Skin Treatment is a comprehensive age-defying therapy and moisturizer in one jar. Re-Storation’s innovative combination of hydroxy acids, potent antioxidants, vitamins, natural botanicals and enzymes optimize skin tone and texture, fade the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, provide resistance to damaging elements, and replace and maintain moisture necessary for beautiful skin.”

These are only three products in what is a hugely popular marketplace. When it comes to skin care, it is vital to do your own research, take heed of other peoples recommendations and find a product that suits your skin type and budget.

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