
Anti-Aging Health: The Three Foundational Principles

"Do You Want Rapid Results That Last? Then Follow This Roadmap to Accelerated Anti-Aging Health and Wellness" This presentation was developed to help you grasp all the essential principles of anti-aging health in one simple paradigm. When this "clicks" for you, and it will, you will know how to achieve the greatest measure of results for the least amount of effort. Having studied anti-aging health in depth, believe me when I tell you that there is so much information about this subject, that it is difficult to put it all into perspective. It becomes, as they say, difficult to tell the forest from the trees. It is for this reason, that I created this PowerPoint presentation entitled, "Understanding the Big Picture: A Roadmap to Accelerated Anti-Aging Health and Wellness." Believe me when I tell you that it's taken a LONG time for me to come to these realizations. The great news is that you can now benefit from them, without spending valuable time and money on disciplines and activities that don't produce much fruit. It is my sincere hope that after viewing this presentation and reviewing the notes below, you will know very clearly and succinctly how to get the most anti-aging health benefit with the least amount of effort and money. I hope you enjoy this PowerPoint presentation. Here are the detailed notes for each slide, so you can read along with the presentation. Understanding the Big Picture: A Roadmap to Accelerated Anti-Aging Health and Wellness The Goal of this Video To help you achieve greater energy, vitality and long-lasting health as quickly and efficiently as possible, so that you can spend your time enjoying your life and your family, knowing that you are doing all you can to prevent the overwhelming majority of chronic illness, disease and disability. The Benefits Once you understand this information, you will be able to build a strong foundation of nutritional and anti-aging health that will bring you an unprecedented level of well-being in less than 30 seconds a day. How Is This Possible? New understandings in anti-aging medicine now point to a single factor responsible for an overwhelming number of chronic illnesses including: Alzheimer’s, arthritis, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia, depression, cancer and more. What is that factor? Silent inflammation. What Is Silent Inflammation? It is inflammation that falls below the threshold of pain and is not usually related to any specific injury or infection Silent inflammation is hazardous to your health. Silent inflammation is mostly caused today by a poor diet, excessive in omega-6 fatty acids. What Can We Do To Prevent Illness Caused By Silent Inflammation? What you are about to learn is one of the most revolutionary ideas ever promoted and it is based upon the work of distinguished researcher and author, Barry Sears, Ph.D. and what he calls “The Zone Wellness Pyramid.” I call it the Pyramid of Prevention. To understand the big picture, let’s look at the Pyramid of Prevention. Level 1: Treat Food As A Powerful Medicine This is by far the most important level of the pyramid. This is by far the most difficult level, in that it takes discipline, time and effort. This level involves balancing carbohydrates, proteins and fats at every meal so that your hormone levels (glucagon, insulin and eicosanoids) stay balanced, thereby decreasing pro-inflammatory pathways and increasing anti-inflammatory pathways. Level 2: Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Aspirin Takes 15 seconds a day to do. Costs $1 to $3 a day for pharmaceutical grade fish oil Amount of fish oil needed is determined by a simple blood test measuring serum phospholipids. Low dose aspirin is (41 mg a day) or ½ of a baby aspirin daily High dose fish oil + low dose aspirin induce the synthesis of a group of very powerful “good” (i.e. anti-inflammatory) eicosanoids known as resolvins. Level 3: Phytonutrients Phytonutrients are plant based compounds found predominately in the skin of fruits and veggies that are responsible for their color (pigment). Each different colored fruit has 1000’s of unique phytonutrients. When you combine fruits from the color spectrum of the rainbow, you insure adequate intake of phytonutrients.. One particular subgroup of phytonutrients is called polyphenols, of which there are over 20,000. Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in red wine, which may be responsible for the French Paradox. To achieve the necessary level of phytonutrients, you must consume 10 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This is very difficult for most people. The good news is that there is a new functional beverage that tastes great and is made from 19 potent, richly pigmented and nutrient dense fruits (skin, pulp and seeds) that lets you meet this phytonutrient requirement by drinking only 4 ounces a day. That is easy. Depending on how much you buy at a time, the cost will be $3 to $5 a day. For more information, click here. Level 4: Exercise, Stress Reduction, Prescription Medications, Nutritional Supplements The “myth of supplementation” is over. The key is using whole foods and whole fruit juices. You cannot fool Mother Nature. There are 1000’s of phytonutrients in each different fruit. All the potential benefits of Level 4 activities can be undermined by a poor dietary foundation, which causes excessive silent inflammation. Final Thoughts The Bad News: Level 1 prevention takes discipline, effort and learning. To learn more about the principles of Level 1 prevention, click here. The Incredibly Good News: In only 15 seconds a day, you can establish solid Level 2 prevention by taking high dose pharmaceutical grade fish oil combined with low dose aspirin (41 mg =½ of a baby aspirin) that will cost you about $2 to $3 per day. For more information on taking the right kind of fish oil, please click here. More Incredibly Good News: In only 15 seconds a day, you can establish solid Level 3 prevention by taking a potent fruit juice blend rich in phytonutrients that will cost you about $3 to $5 day. For more information on drinking the right kind of phytonutrient juice blend, please click here. Think about whatever money and however much time you are spending on Level 4 prevention and divert it to Level 1, 2 and 3, so you can build a solid foundation for health. Remember, if you expend all your efforts on Level 4 activities and fail to build a strong foundation on Level 1,2 and 3, you will never reach your full health potential. The Pareto Principle of Prevention In order to get an 80% improvement in your health from only 20% of your effort, you must focus on Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 prevention. Just imagine: in only 30 seconds a day, with virtually no sweat, no pain and no suffering, you can swallow 4 to 8 fish oil capsules, take one-half of a baby aspirin and drink 4 ounces of juice and achieve a dramatic improvement in your health. That 30 seconds a day will cost you around $5 to $8 per day. Put into the context of how precious the maintenance of your health is and the simplicity with which you can consistently build and maintain a strong foundation of wellness in only 30 seconds a day, at a cost of $5 to $8 a day, I would have to call this the health bargain of the century. Why Not Incorporate These Practices Into Your Life Now? If you would like individualized help learning how to safely incorporate these principles of anti-aging health into your life, please email me or call my nurse Cathy for details on setting up a private anti-aging health consultation. My email address is: You can reach my nurse, Cathy, at 949.502.5656 I wish you well on your journey to wellness via these simple but powerful actions that you can take to reduce silent inflammation in your body, thereby achieving an unprecedented level of anti-aging health and well-being in your life.To Go From "Getting Results: An Accelerated Roadmap to Anti-Aging Health and Wellness" Back To The Home Page, Please Click Here.

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