
Diet and the Skin: How to Control your Cravings


In order to keep your skin clear and glowing, it’s critically important to maintain a healthy diet. (You can read our blog posts on this to learn more about the inextricable link between diet and skin here.) As a quick refresher, the top foods that you want to avoid for the sake of your skin are:

  1. Sugar
  2. Dairy
  3. White flour

While most of us know that it’s important to eat well, not just for the sake of our skin but for our general health, it becomes very difficult when cravings take over. I understand this more than anyone; my personal weakness is sugar. Nearly every day I get an intense craving for something sweet (and they say that sugar cravings are stronger than a cocaine addiction!) And almost every time, no matter how hard I tried, I gave in. Then I went on a journey to try to understand why I was having such strong cravings. What I learned is that when we think we’re craving something bad, our body is really craving something else â€" typically nutrients that we are not getting from our diets.

The chart below is a helpful source in helping you to decode and get past your cravings. Now, when I am craving a cupcake I eat a bunch of grapes or a hard boiled egg instead and suddenly the craving is gone. I recommend that you print this and keep it with you so that you have it nearby in times of need. 


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The Benefits of Topical Vitamin C for Your Skin


In addition to using a moisturizer containing antioxidants (like Day 25), topical applications of highly concentrated Vitamin C has been shown to prevent premature skin aging by fighting free radicals, lighten skin discoloration and actually increase the sun protection in a sunscreen!

How it works

Vitamin C, when applied topically, has two primary benefits to the skin: the first is that it works to increase and strengthen the synthesis of collagen. The second is that it’s a powerful antioxidant that reduces skin damage caused by free radicals. The combined effect of Vitamin C on the skin is the reduction in skin wrinkles and improved skin texture. When using high quality Vitamin C skincare products, the results can de dramatic.

What to Look For

It is critical to be able to distinguish the Vitamin C-based products that work from the synthetic fluff. Especially with this type of skin care product, all are not created equal. Here is what to look for:

1) Oxidation. When exposed to air for long periods, Vitamin C loses it’s skin benefits and actually can contribute to the formation of free radicals. Many Vitamin C skin care products become oxidized during the manufacturing process by being exposed to air for long time periods before being packed and sealed. Vasseur Skincare’s Vitamin C cream, Ester C, is formulated to minimize exposure to air and then immediately pumped into airless containers as to keep the product at its most potent. In addition to purchasing Vitamin C products that are in airless containers, you can also increase the quality of the product by putting it in the refrigerator.

To avoid purchasing products that are already oxidized, you should look for high quality manufactures and for your product to be white of off white in color, not dark yellow. In general, the more yellow the product, the more it has been oxidized. Vasseur takes special care while we make our products to avoid exposing the active ingredients to air- we will also be switching to all airless containers in Fall 2011 to prevent oxidation while applying the product.

2) Concentration. Vitamin C products have very little effect on the skin if they are not in a concentration of 10% or higher. When in doubt, ask the company the percentage of active Vitamin C in the product that you are considering. Vasseur products containing Vitamin C have a concentration of 15%.

3) Type of Vitamin C. Look at the ingredient list and ensure that your Vitamin C products are made with Ascorbyl palmate rather than L absorbic acid. L absorbic acid is a cheaper alternative with a higher PH (more acidic) and oxidizes much faster. Ascorbyl palmate, by contrast, is faster to penetrate the skin, has a lower PH and is more stable. Based on empirical observation, we have seen that about 75% of Vitamin C skin care products on the market contain L absorbic acid.

Vasseur Skincare’s concentrated Vitamin C product, Ester C, and is made with high potency Ascorbyl palmate. You can learn more about it here:

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Avoid These Skin Care Marketing Traps

Learn how to avoid easy marketing traps 

In today’s stimuli-driven consumer world, it’s very tempting to buy skin care products for their fancy packaging, great advertisement, convincing sales rep or big celebrity endorsement (“Jenifer Aniston uses this product, I love Jenifer Aniston!”). Here are common traps to avoid.

Drugstore Skin Care Products

The mass-merchandised brands sold at drugstores are created to work for hundreds of thousands of users, so these lines play it safe with low concentrations of active ingredients and a lot of added “fluff” â€"fillers, synthetics, sulfates and parabens, which are designed to keep costs low and extend the shelf life. Often times these added chemicals, fillers and preservatives actually make the skin worse by clogging the pores and increasing skin sensitivity.  While these options may be less expensive than alternatives, just remember: you get what you pay for. 

Expensive Department Store Skin Care Products

The products sold at department stores have one goal in mind: selling. Since these companies are in fierce competition with one another, the consumer’s satisfaction isn’t always the top priority. With that in mind, they focus on fancy packaging and marketing materials. After all, these companies know they have to catch your eye when you walk through the department store aisles. Also, these companies know that people will open and smell the products, so they use a lot of perfume additives because they know that smell sells. But beware, because fragrance (along with harsh chemical preservatives) is the number one cause of reactions from skin care products. In fact, many people who believe they have sensitive skin are in fact just sensitive to added fragrances and chemicals!

Private Label Skin Care Products

Here’s a big secret in the skin care industry â€" most “professional skin care lines” are actually private label products. Private label products are generically manufactured product lines that individuals or spas can contract to sell with their name and label â€" often with a huge mark up. When a spa uses a private label product, they are not involved in the product formulations, ingredients or quality of the products and these products are typically no better than inexpensive drug store brands, just with fancier packaging and a higher price. We can tell a private label product from a mile away, but many consumers can’t. Here’s what to look for â€" if a skin care line does not tell you that they formulate and make their own products then they are likely a private label brand. Also, you can look up the lab where the product is made (typically listed on the label) to determine if it’s outsourced. The most common private label products are found in spas and by ce lebrities that have their own skin care lines.

We hope you enjoyed our guide â€" becoming an educated skin care consumer you will get more bang (and results) for your buck. Unfortunately, skin care is too often about fancy packaging and good marketing then about high quality products that actually work.


Learn more about Vasseur Skincare’s professional strength, 100% healthy & freshly made products here. 

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The skin care product that you should be using — but probably aren’t

Here’s something that I’ve noticed in my 25+ years working with skin:  the people who take care of their eye area tend to be the people who have the best skin. This is because these are a self-selecting group of people who understand that the eye area is extremely delicate and requires special care.

In an informal poll of our clients and friends, we found that less than 10% of people use a specialized eye cream on their face. Most people are not aware that the eye area is particularly important: it’s the area that first shows signs of aging on the face (and is consequently a dead giveaway of your age if not cared for properly) and it’s also different and distinct from the rest of the face and thus requires special attention and care.

Since age 16 I’ve taken special care of my eye area and now at age 56 I’m one of the few women in my age group who still has a beautiful, natural & botox-free eye area. Most people who meet me think I look 10-20 years younger than I am. When they ask me my secret, I always say “take care of your eyes”.  Here’s what you need to know:

The eye area shows signs of aging first

The eye area is often the first place where signs of aging appear on the face. One of the key ways you can tell the difference between a 30 something and 40 something is the appearance of their eye area. 40-somethings are a lot more likely to have fine lines and bags under the eyes â€" some will even have crow’s feet. So, if we want to keep your skin looking fresh and ageless, you will need to take special care of your eye area.

The eye area requires special care

Here’s how your eye area is different from the rest of your face:

  • It has virtually no sebacious glands, which makes it highly prone to dryness.
  • It is much thinner and more sensitive than other facial skin.
  • It overlies a particularly dense capillary network and has minimal fat padding, which makes it prone to puffiness.
  • It is stressed by frequent eye movements and squinting.

Because the eye area skin is particularly fragile it requires extra efforts for optimal protection and preservation.

Prevention is key

It is critical that you invest in the proper products to care for your eye area. The following set of three products will ensure your eyes are properly cared for â€" they are ranked by order of importance:

1. Sun protection to prevent further damage. Make sure to use sun screens that are gentle, designed for the face and won’t irritate the eyes â€" like our Day 25 Cream. Make sure to apply your SPF around the eyes liberally, 365 days a year, rain or shine.
2. Eye cream for deep hydration and nutrients. Eye creams are formulated differently than regular moisturizers and face creams. Vasseur Skincare’s eye cream contains Ginseng and Gynostemma, which are known to increase circulation and respiration of the skin. Because of the stimulated blood flow, the rate of oxygen delivered to the skin increases so the appearance of pooling blood beneath the skin is less likely to occur. It also contains highly concentrated Vitamin K, which helps to reduce the appearance of puffiness and discoloration res ulting from dark circles.  Use your eye cream in the PM before bed.

3. Firmness/tightening treatment products (if needed). There are many great products designed to firm and tighten the area. Last year we developed our Eye Q Gel, a lightweight eye treatment gel that contains a dynamic combination of GABA (topical botox), DMAE, vitamin K and hyaluronic acid that instantly tightens and brightens the eyes.

The bottom line is this: eye care is a gateway to great skin. Start taking special care of your eye area as the easiest way to look fresh and ageless.

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Massages: Not Just For Pampering

Below is a recent article published by the Wall Street Journal discussing the latest reserch showing that massage acutally provides tangible health benefits. A must read!


While massage may have developed a reputation as a decadent treat for people who love pampering, new studies are showing it has a wide variety of tangible health benefits.

Research over the past couple of years has found that massage therapy boosts immune function in women with breast cancer, improves symptoms in children with asthma, and increases grip strength in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Giving massages to the littlest patients, premature babies, helped in the crucial task of gaining weight.

Is massage just for pampering or does it have true biological effects? A recent study showed muscles rebounded better if massaged after exercising to exhaustion. Andrea Petersen on Lunch Break has details on Lunch Break.

The benefits go beyond feelings of relaxation and wellness that people may recognize after a massage. The American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society now include massage as one of their recommendations for treating low back pain, according to guidelines published in 2007.

New research is also starting to reveal just what happens in the body after a massage. While there have long been theories about how massage worksâ€"from releasing toxins to improving circulationâ€"those have been fairly nebulous, with little hard evidence. Now, one study, for example, found that a single, 45-minute massage led to a small reduction in the level of cortisol, a stress hormone, in the blood, a decrease in cytokine proteins related to inflammation and allergic reactions, and a boost in white blood cells that fight infection.

There’s been a surge of scientific interest in massage. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, part of the National Institutes of Health, is currently spending $2.7 million on massage research, up from $1.5 million in 2002. The Massage Therapy Foundation, a nonprofit organization that funds massage research, held its first scientific conference in 2005. The third conference will be in Boston next year.

The research is being driven, in part, by massage therapy’s popularity. About 8.3% of American adults used massage in 2007, up from 5% in 2002, according to a National Health Statistics report that surveyed 23,393 adults in 2007 and 31,044 adults in 2002, the latest such data available. Massage was expected to be a $10 billion to $11 billion industry in 2011 in the U.S., according to estimates by the American Massage Therapy Association, a nonprofit professional organization.

“There is emerging evidence that [massage] can make contributions in treating things like pain, where conventional medicine doesn’t have all the answers,” said Jack Killen, NCCAM’s deputy director.

The massage therapy field hopes that the growing body of research will lead to greater insurance coverage for its treatments. Washington is the only state that requires insurers to cover massage therapy.

About 8.3% of American adults used massage in 2007, up from 5% in 2002, according to a National Health Statistics report.

Elsewhere, private insurers generally provide very limited coverage for massage. WellPoint, WLP +2.79% for example, doesn’t include massage as a standard benefit in most of its plans, but employers can purchase alternative medicine coverage as an add on, said spokeswoman Kristin E. Binns. AetnaAET +1.96% doesn’t cover massage therapy as a standard benefit but offers members discounts on massage visits with practitioners who are part of an affiliated network of alternative medicine providers. Providers such as chiropractors or physical therapists, whose visits are often covered, s ometimes use massage as part of their treatment.

Massage therapists charge an average of about $59 for a one-hour session, according to the American Massage Therapy Association. Treatments at posh urban spas, however, can easily cost at least three times that amount.

Most of the research is being done on Swedish massage, the most widely-available type of massage in the U.S. It is a full-body massage, often using oil or lotion, that includes a variety of strokes, including “effleurage” (gliding movements over the skin), “petrissage” (kneading pressure) and “tapotement” (rhythmic tapping).

Research Findings

  • A full-body massage boosted immune function and lowered heart rate and blood pressure in women with breast cancer undergoing radiation treatment, a 2009 study of 30 participants found.
  • Children given 20-minute massages by their parents every night for five weeks plus standard asthma treatment had significantly improved lung function compared with those in standard care, a 2011 study of 60 children found.
  • A 10-minute massage upped mitochondria production, and reduced proteins associated with inflammation in muscles that had been exercised to exhaustion, a small study last month found.

Another common type of massage, so-called deep tissue, tends to be more targeted to problem muscles and includes techniques such as acupressure, trigger-point work (which focuses on little knots of muscle) and “deep transverse friction” where the therapist moves back and forth over muscle fibers to break up scar tissue.

Massage is already widely used to treat osteoarthritis, for which other treatments have concerning side effects. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2006 showed that full-body Swedish massage greatly improved symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee. Patients who had massages twice weekly for four weeks and once a week for an additional four weeks had less pain and stiffness and better range of motion than those who didn’t get massages. They were also able to walk a 50-foot path more quickly.

“If [massage] works then it should become part of the conventionally recommended interventions for this condition and if it doesn’t work we should let [patients] know so they don’t waste their time and money,” says Adam Perlman, the lead author of the study and the executive director of Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, N.C.

Scientists are also studying massage in healthy people.

In a small study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine last month, a 10-minute massage promoted muscle recovery after exercise. In the study, 11 young men exercised to exhaustion and then received a massage in one leg. Muscle biopsies were taken in both quad muscles before exercise, after the massage and 2½ hours later.

The short massage boosted the production of mitochondria, the energy factory of the cell, among other effects. “We’ve shown this is something that has a biological effect,” says Mark Tarnopolsky, a co-author of the study and a professor of pediatrics and medicine at McMaster University Medical Center in Hamilton, Ontario.

A 2010 study with 53 participants comparing the effects of one 45-minute Swedish massage to light touch, found that people who got a massage had a large decrease in arginine-vasopressin, a hormone that normally increases with stress and aggressive behavior, and slightly lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, in their blood after the session. There was also a decrease in cytokine proteins related to inflammation and allergic reactions.

Mark Hyman Rapaport, the lead author of the study and the chairman of psychiatry and behavioral science at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, says he began studying massage because, “My wife liked massages and I wasn’t quite sure why. I thought of it as an extravagance, a luxury for only people who are very rich and who pamper themselves.” Now, Dr. Rapaport says he gets a massage at least once a month. His group is now studying massage as a treatment for generalized anxiety disorder.

published 9/29/2012 by  By ANDREA PETERSEN


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Conf. Nro 6: Curso Anual AntiAging: Fibromialgia, Dr. Andersson, OCT/2012

Curso Anual Superior de Formación en Medicina Orthomolecular Anti Aging, organizado por la Sociedad Argentina de Ciencias de Longevidad y Estética, Sociedad que la Dra. Melamed preside. Dicha disertación sería el sábado 20/10/2012, de 10 A 14:00 hs
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Conferencia Nro 1 Curso Anual AntiAging: DEMENCIA. Dr. Alejandro Andersson, OCT/2012

Curso Anual Superior de Formación en Medicina Orthomolecular Anti Aging, organizado por la Sociedad Argentina de Ciencias de Longevidad y Estética, Sociedad que la Dra. Melamed preside. Dicha disertación sería el sábado 20/10/2012, de 10 A 14:00 hs
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Conf. Nro 5: Curso Anual AntiAging: Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica (SFC), Dr. Andersson, OCT/2012

Curso Anual Superior de Formación en Medicina Orthomolecular Anti Aging, organizado por la Sociedad Argentina de Ciencias de Longevidad y Estética, Sociedad que la Dra. Melamed preside. Dicha disertación sería el sábado 20/10/2012, de 10 A 14:00 hs
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Amaya Antiaging and Weight Loss Clinic .mp4

Amaya Antiaging and Weight Loss Clinic Katy , serves Cinco Ranch , Sugar Land , Greater Houston Area . Balance your Hormones like Thyroid Adrenal, Testosterone ,DHEA ,Estrogen Progesterone and bring your life back to health , Lose weight shed pounds with balancing neurotransmitters and slim down with Zerona Lipo Laser . Now you can get "Free 25 Days HCG Meals or Injections when you buy 6 Zerona Sessions" . Call 7137727887
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AntiAging Eyelift WITHOUT Surgery! Liner&Lashes Techniques REAL BEAUTY FOR REAL WOMEN by Darlene

Easy tips,tricks and techniques for hooded or aging, droopy eyelids to look more wide awake, open, lovely and lifted without costly or painful surgery! Makeup - Natural-Radiance False Eyelashes -Model21eyelashes
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Conferencia Nro 3: Curso Anual AntiAging: EL SUEÑO. Dr. Andersson, OCT/2012

Curso Anual Superior de Formación en Medicina Orthomolecular Anti Aging, organizado por la Sociedad Argentina de Ciencias de Longevidad y Estética, Sociedad que la Dra. Melamed preside. Dicha disertación sería el sábado 20/10/2012, de 10 A 14:00 hs
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Protandim Testimony

This testimony is amazing! Call for more information about the Antiaging Science behind Protandim that can change your life forever! 787-900-3030 Ivan Belen. Este testimonio es impactante! Para saber mas sobre la ciencia detrás de Protandim como tratamiento Antiaging que combate a más de 250 enfermedades escuche al Dr. William Ruiz en 787-900-3030 Ivan Belen.
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BANDO Corso SAPIENZA Metodologie AntiAging Prof.Alessandro GELLI.wmv

CORSO UNIVERSITARIO IN METODOLOGIE ANTI-AGING E ANTI-STRESS UNIVERSITA' LA SAPIENZA, FACOLTA DI FARMACIA E MEDICINA, DIPARTIMENTO DI FISIOLOGIA E FARMACOLOGIA, PER: OPERATORE SETTORI FITNESS-SALUTE NATURALE, SCIENZE CORPO MENTE. Psicofisiologia, efficaci tecniche pratiche e rimedi naturali d'avanguardia per incrementare la performance e prolungare il senso di giovinezza corpo-mente Corso voluto e coordinato dal Prof. Alessandro Gelli Anti-Aging Head Master Certificated, docente dell'Università degli Studi La Sapienza di Roma in Metodologie Anti-Aging ,Eziologia e Gestione dello Stress per scaricare il bando visitare il sito:
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