
The skin care product that you should be using — but probably aren’t

Here’s something that I’ve noticed in my 25+ years working with skin:  the people who take care of their eye area tend to be the people who have the best skin. This is because these are a self-selecting group of people who understand that the eye area is extremely delicate and requires special care.

In an informal poll of our clients and friends, we found that less than 10% of people use a specialized eye cream on their face. Most people are not aware that the eye area is particularly important: it’s the area that first shows signs of aging on the face (and is consequently a dead giveaway of your age if not cared for properly) and it’s also different and distinct from the rest of the face and thus requires special attention and care.

Since age 16 I’ve taken special care of my eye area and now at age 56 I’m one of the few women in my age group who still has a beautiful, natural & botox-free eye area. Most people who meet me think I look 10-20 years younger than I am. When they ask me my secret, I always say “take care of your eyes”.  Here’s what you need to know:

The eye area shows signs of aging first

The eye area is often the first place where signs of aging appear on the face. One of the key ways you can tell the difference between a 30 something and 40 something is the appearance of their eye area. 40-somethings are a lot more likely to have fine lines and bags under the eyes â€" some will even have crow’s feet. So, if we want to keep your skin looking fresh and ageless, you will need to take special care of your eye area.

The eye area requires special care

Here’s how your eye area is different from the rest of your face:

  • It has virtually no sebacious glands, which makes it highly prone to dryness.
  • It is much thinner and more sensitive than other facial skin.
  • It overlies a particularly dense capillary network and has minimal fat padding, which makes it prone to puffiness.
  • It is stressed by frequent eye movements and squinting.

Because the eye area skin is particularly fragile it requires extra efforts for optimal protection and preservation.

Prevention is key

It is critical that you invest in the proper products to care for your eye area. The following set of three products will ensure your eyes are properly cared for â€" they are ranked by order of importance:

1. Sun protection to prevent further damage. Make sure to use sun screens that are gentle, designed for the face and won’t irritate the eyes â€" like our Day 25 Cream. Make sure to apply your SPF around the eyes liberally, 365 days a year, rain or shine.
2. Eye cream for deep hydration and nutrients. Eye creams are formulated differently than regular moisturizers and face creams. Vasseur Skincare’s eye cream contains Ginseng and Gynostemma, which are known to increase circulation and respiration of the skin. Because of the stimulated blood flow, the rate of oxygen delivered to the skin increases so the appearance of pooling blood beneath the skin is less likely to occur. It also contains highly concentrated Vitamin K, which helps to reduce the appearance of puffiness and discoloration res ulting from dark circles.  Use your eye cream in the PM before bed.

3. Firmness/tightening treatment products (if needed). There are many great products designed to firm and tighten the area. Last year we developed our Eye Q Gel, a lightweight eye treatment gel that contains a dynamic combination of GABA (topical botox), DMAE, vitamin K and hyaluronic acid that instantly tightens and brightens the eyes.

The bottom line is this: eye care is a gateway to great skin. Start taking special care of your eye area as the easiest way to look fresh and ageless.

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