
5 Quick Anti-Aging Tricks - Good4Utah

Do you need to look a little younger right his minute? These quick tricks can help you take a few years off so you can put your best face forward!

Whether you’ve got an important business meeting, a high school reunion, or a hot date coming up, sometimes you need to look 10 years younger right now! These in-a-pinch beauty tips can help you to instantly reduce the signs of aging, and put your best face forward.

  1. De-Puff- Puffy, tired looking eyes take all the vibrance right out of your appearance. Cucumbers are rich in ascorbic and caffeic acids, which can release water retention when applied topically. Placing cold cucumber slices over puffy eyes, even for a few minutes, can clear out puffiness and lighten dark circles. Potato slices work well too!

  1. Put on Makeup, Then Take a Bath- It seems counterintuitive to put on your makeup before getting in the bath, but you should try it. The steam from a hot bath sets your makeup, making it look more smooth and natural. The steam also plumps up and moisturizes your face, so you’ll look fresh and youthful.

  1. Coffee Grounds Body Paste- Coffee grounds are rich in caffeine, which is a natural diuretic. When you rub a paste made from them over an area, it tightens the skin, and smoothes out cellulite temporarily. This is also a great trick for firming up a double chin, just don’t get it close to your eyes. The results only last a few hours, but that’s long enough to get you through a big event!

  1. Pepto Facial- That peppermint pink antacid is good for more than just clearing up tummy troubles. Pepto Bismol can be applied to the face as a mask. Let it dry and sit for 20 minutes, and then rinse it away. It’s antibacterial properties shrink pores, tighten the skin, and dry out zits.

  1. Lose the Bloat- Whether it’s that time of the month or you had too much salt at dinner last night, being bloated can take your look from fabulous straight to frumpy. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a half cup of water and knock it back. Within 30 minutes, that bloat will start to clear out, leaving you sleek and camera-ready.

Start Living the Younger You Today!


The Younger You with Troy Thompson, Season 1 is a double Emmy nominated show for 2014

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