
Anti-Aging Treatments for 20-Somethings - Good4Utah

If you’ve been wondering when is the right time to start an anti-aging skin care routine, the answer is right now. Taking preventative measures to keep the signs of aging at bay should be a lifestyle practice as early as possible, even in the teen years, and becomes even more important in your 20s. Collagen and elastin begin breaking down significantly around age 25, and sun damage sustained in your 20s can set the stage for rapid aging later on. While it’s probably not time for a facelift, there are a lot of productive things to do to prevent aging in your 20s.

Keep it Clean:  Never go to bed with your makeup on, because damage is being done that will make a difference later on when you do. Implement a daily cleansing routine that is formulated to match your skin type to keep things in balance.

Wear Sunscreen: The vast majority of damage done to the skin during your 20s could be prevented by protecting your skin from the sun. Wear sunscreen every day, and remember to reapply every 2 hours when you’re out in the sun. Avoid tanning beds like the plague.

You are What You Eat: Certain nutrients found in the foods you eat can fight off the signs of aging. Antioxidants, healthy fats, lean proteins, and whole grains all strengthen the skin and rid it of impurities in different ways. Staying hydrated is an important part of skin health as well.

Check the Label: You can stimulate collagen and elastin production, and slow the breakdown of these parts of the skin by using skincare products that contain antioxidants, glycolic acid, azelaic acid, and exfoliating agents. Avoid products containing Retinol at this stage, since its effectiveness wanes over time, and you want to save the big guns for when you’re a little older.

Start Living the Younger You Today!


The Younger You with Troy Thompson, Season 1 is a double Emmy nominated show for 2014

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