
There's No Such Thing as Anti-Aging - Yahoo News

There's No Such Thing as Anti-Aging

Photo: Getty Images

It’s time for some real talk: There’s really no such thing as anti-aging unless you have the lifestyle to support the products.

We have a particular phobia of getting older here in the United States, with campaigns calling for a “war against aging.” Yet, we have lifestyles that require us to be “on” 24/7/365. Many products seem positioned to stop the aging process; that somehow a jar or serum holds the key to returning a face we thought was long gone. But the truth is, every birthday is a year older, and products can only do so much. More important, how well any will work is almost entirely dependent upon how you treat your body while you use them, now and in the future.

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“Every day we’re alive, we’re aging,” explains Dr. Jeannette Graf, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at The Mount Sinai Medical Center. “What the beauty industry really means when they say “anti-aging” is slowing the process; prevention with some visible aspects slowing or even reversed. But even if you moved into a cave and did absolutely nothing, the skin would continue to get thinner.”

The ability of these products to slow the signs of aging depends tremendously on your lifestyle. “If you smoke, sunbathe, or don’t wash your face, the products won’t do very much.” Another bad habit is lack of rest. “Sleep is vital,” Graf says. “You need to get enough, or you’re going to ‘jet lag’ your skin.”

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So, what’s a realistic expectation of what anti-aging products can actually do? “They can do a lot to reverse the visible effects. Consistent usage of retinoids increases collagen and helps with cellular turnover, sunblock protects from UV damage, and antioxidants help eradicate free radical damage, another factor of aging. Proper cleansing supports skin health.

In other words, the products are meant to support good habits that will keep your skin healthy and acting and looking youthful manner. Used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, it’s entirely possible to improve the visible effects of aging on the skin, but inevitably it’s impossible to stop it from happening altogether.

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“Realistically, the efficacy of anti-aging products depends on your lifestyle habits,” Graf says. “If you smoke and sunbathe, an anti-wrinkle product isn’t going to do a lot for you. Products can help, but it’s also an inside job. Processes and products like mini-peels and moisturizers can reverse the effects of aging and change your appearance, but aging is aging. We’re just not as effective at repairing ourselves as we get older.”

Even though it’s impossible to stop the aging process, the right personal habits can maintain a glowing, supple appearance for years to come. “We can slow the process, and somehow reverse the effects of the process, like wrinkling and sun damage,” Graf says. “A way to prevent the appearance of aging does exist, but nothing will actually stop you from aging. How we take care of our skin ultimately effects how we look, now and as we age.”

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