
Is Coffee Beneficial for Your Health? Does It Have Anti-Aging Properties?

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It has become in common in modern days to take a cup of coffee at work in the morning, some people do it at night and others take many cups of coffee. However is it good for you or not?

Over the years some people have suggested that drinking too much coffee is not good for our health, but recent studies show some positive results.

We know that coffee improves alertness, mood and energy recent research suggest that coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, liver cancer and Parkinson's disease. So it seems that the benefits of drinking coffee outweigh the risks.

What about anti aging properties?

One recent study from the Society for Experimental Biology shows that the benefit of muscle strength of mice that have been given caffeine. Researches noticed a strong link between caffeine intake and better muscle performance on adult mice.

These findings are significant for people in their golden years that have weak muscles, coffee may help to keep their muscle tone.

Another interesting study suggest that moderate intake of caffeine is associated with a decrease in skin cancer risk.

The National Institute of Health revealed a relationship between coffee consumption and a decrease in mortality risk. They said that men cut their risk of death by 12% after 4 cups of java and women reduced their risk of death by 16%.

All of these studies are very interesting and prove that coffee can be very beneficial for our health and our longevity. However keep in mind that most of these studies were done on mice so a lot of research still have to be done.

But be aware, there is also a correlation between people who take coffee and live less years, but why is that dilemma? A simple explanation could be that people who drink coffee also tend to smoke a lot.

So the solution may be simple, drink coffee and quit smoking. It is still difficult to show a cause and effect relation between the benefits of coffee with the current studies. But for one reason or another people who drink coffee have a lot of health benefits.

If you want to drink your cup of coffee in the morning do it, just dont abuse it, nothing is good in excess and remember to eat healthy, exercise and avoid smoking if you want to live longer. There is no magic pill no need to have a healthy lifestyle to have longevity.

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