
Foods That Accelerate Skin Aging

Did you know that your daily diet can affect how your skin ages? Unknown to many, certain foods can help accelerate skin aging. Regular intake of such foods can quicken the development of aging signs such as dull leathery skin, wrinkles and and fine lines. Surprisingly, most of these foods are a huge part of the regular American diet. So if you want to preserve your beauty and stay young looking for a long time, you must try to slowly eliminate, or better yet, completely eliminate these foods from your daily diet. So without further ado, let me share to you some of the foods that accelerate skin aging. Here are some of them.

1. Animal protein. Animal protein is acidic. When the foods that you eat is out of your body's range of alkalinity, your cells won't function properly. In cases like these, the body pulls out mineral salts from the cells and the bones in order to restore the body's normal pH level which is 7.0. This process can result in free radical formation which can accelerate the skin aging process. This is why the result of eating lots of animal protein such as red meats is accelerated skin aging.

2. Foods high in saturated fat. Diets high in saturated fat such as butter, whole milk and other full fat dairy products can increase skin inflammation and lead to accelerated skin aging.

3. Sweets and refined carbohydrates. Sweets and refined carbs such as cakes and pastries can raise the amount of glucose in our blood. As an effect, this can increase the production of AGEs or advanced glycation end products. These end products can interfere with the skin's collagen and elastin repair, making the skin less elastic and tight.

4. Alcohol. Alcohol can make your skin dry, taut and lined. Furthermore, the liver produces free radicals when it metabolizes alcohol, which as we all know is the weakness of youthful skin.

5. Crash diets. Unknown to many, quick weight loss diets can cause your skin to age fast. By not eating properly, your body gets depleted of the essential vitamins, minerals and proteins that the skin needs to nourish itself.

6. Fizzy drinks. Did you know that regular consumption of soda can make you look old even before you get old? Research shows that phosphate, the ingredient responsible for giving soft drinks their tangy taste can actually accelerate skin aging. Apart from damaging the skin, it can also damage the heart and the kidneys.

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