
5 Must-Do’s For Aging Skin

helen mirrenWouldn’t you love to age gracefully? Think Helen Mirren! The last thing this celebrity does is walk around with a stoic expression- less, botox filled face. Instead of trying to look ‘younger’ when in your ‘golden‘ years focus on your inner youthfulness, rejoicing laugh lines and rich experiences!

Here are 5 ways to maintain and enhance your skin’s natural beauty when you hit the golden 60′s.

Go green: The best thing that you can give your skin is the benefit of natural skin care. Avoid skin care creams with heavy processed ingredients. Most of the times simple products from your kitchen shelf such as that divine pure olive oil or coconut oil work wonderfully to achieve glowing and healthy skin. Also look for soaps and skin moisturizers that contain herbs and natural oils as a part of your skin care regimen.

Eat your way to good skin: Eating healthy and staying hydrated will ensure good nutrition for your skin health. Vitamin boosts are essential when you want to look your best. So pack in a Vitamin punch by munching on fruits, nuts and veggies since these are rich in vitamins A,C,E, Selenium and Omega 3 fatty acids. Add pecans, hazel nuts, oily fish, flaxseed, avocados, citrus fruits, bell peppers and sunflower seeds to your diet. The more colorful your food plate, the more skin benefit you receive.

Humidify: Mature skin tends to become very dry and scaly. Say goodbye to dry skin conditions by using a humidifier. You also need to switch to very gentle skin care products that are meant for dry skin. Use products that have cocoa butter, shea butter and olive oil. Always moisturize your skin when still damp for maximum absorption.

Secure your skin with a serum: Use a face serum instead of a moisturizer since these provide deep skin moisturization. Also, you only need to apply these twice in a day. It’s always better to use a separate day and night serum since night serums are a lot heavier and don’t have an SPF component. Along with this, invest in a hypoallergenic under eye cream/serum for brighter peepers.

Power up your face pack: A monthly facial is a must for you once you hit 60. Follow that up with a twice in a week moisturizing face pack.

  • 1 table spoon  honey
  • ½ an avocado mashed
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 1 tsp of milk or full cream

Mix all the ingredients to make a thick paste and apply on your face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water. Apply some ice on your face for a beautiful glow.

Be sure to visit a doctor to get any new moles, spots or alterations in birth marks checked out to eliminate chances of skin cancer. Don’t fret about those crow’s feet or laugh lines. After all, these are signs of a happy life well spent (Y).


mySkin’s  dermograph™ is the world’s first transdermal skin consultation system for beauty advisers to offer credible and scientific consultations to their customers. The dermograph™ is an integrated touchscreen computer + a simple, hand-held device that measures skin health. It looks beneath the surface of skin using visible light to measure multiple characteristics of your skin and matches these results with the most effective products/treatments.

If you have any questions or need more information, call or message us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 +1 201 500 7077


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