
How Does Menopause Affect Your Skin?

sueSay menopause and it sends a shiver down most women’s spine. But the Big M needn’t be feared. Instead of freaking yourself out over all that hype, just arm yourself with the right information and make an easy transition into another fulfilling phase of your life.

Get in the know with what your skin can experience when you hit menopause. Be informed!

Adult acne: Some women experience adult acne with menopause. This is because as estrogen levels decrease, the testosterone produced in the women’s body is no longer hidden. The increased testosterone levels stimulate the sebaceous glands making sebum thicker and making the skin oily and acne prone.

Wrinkles and sagging skin: Decrease in estrogen levels results in the loss of supportive fat beneath the chin, face, hands and neck. Fat tends to get redistributed and concentrated over the abdomen and buttocks. This drop in estrogen levels also affects collagen and elastin production which helps in keeping the skin firm and supple and aid its repair mechanism. This leads to condition called Elastosis where the skin’s resiliency towards wrinkles and repair is affected.

Dry skin: Menopause also leads to skin thinning because of the slowdown of blood flow to the dermal capillaries. This means less nutrients and oxygen is delivered to the skin leading to less cell turn over, increased trans- epidermal water loss and very dry flaky skin.

Hyper pigmentation and age spots: Menopausal women are more at risk of sun damage since the melanocytes are controlled by estrogen.  Lower estrogen levels in the body mean less melanocytes, which in turn means less melanin. Hence extra sun hours affect menopausal women significantly leading to age spots and hyper pigmentation.

Diet and lifestyle changes can make a huge impact on your menopausal years. Get a grip on your menopausal years with:

  • Start low impact aerobic exercises or start playing a sport to increase your heart rate, pump more oxygen and improve blood circulation.
  • Get your dose of Vitamin D from the early hours of the sun.
  • Have a balanced diet of dark leafy veggies, dairy, cheese, sardines, salmon and legumes.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water and incorporate fresh fruit and vegetable juices in your diet.
  • Start using a prescription Vitamin A cream to help build collagen. Retinoid creams also give very good results. Speak to your dermatologist and get a cream to suit your skin.
  • Use a gentle skin refining product regularly to stimulate the deeper layers of the skin to make your skin more active.
  • Explore alternative options like HRT, BOTOX and lasers for collagen building.
  • Stop smoking and reduce your caffeine intake.
  • Regulate alcohol consumption and preferably stick to spirits like red wine, but in moderation.

Making the right skincare and lifestyle shift to deal with your menopause will ease your concerns.

Laugh in the face of menopause :) It works!


September is National Menopause Awareness Month. mySkin joins hands in an unbiased way ( this is not a sponsored post) with MAM’s goal to educate people about menopause, and help women all over the world to embrace menopause rather than suffer from its symptoms.


mySkin’s dermograph is the world’s first transdermal skin health measurement system that brings in science, coupled with credibility and friendliness to your customer. The system was developed by the combined effort of a world-class plastic surgeon, dermatologist and nano-physicist and two Harvard graduates.

To see the dermograph in action visit us at Booth 1125 at the ISPA conference in La Vegas Oct 21-23 at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.


If you have any questions or need more information, call or message us. We would be delighted to hear from you!

 +1 201 500 7077

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