
A Facial Exercise Analysis: Evaluating Cosmetic Surgery And Facelift Exercises

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Facial exercises, or cosmetic surgery, in the quest to look younger, or for countenance perfection, are all about choice after weighing up the advantages and cons. We look at the pros of both options.

You get two types of cosmetic surgery: aesthetics and reconstructive. Aesthetics or cosmetic is when you choose to enhance or improve upon a certain feature of one's appearance. Reconstructive surgery is repairing a malformation or wound e.g. Help for an accident or burn patient.

Cosmetic surgery has the following pros:

1. Cosmetic surgery has immediate, radical results. After healing, you can literally look 10 to 15 years younger in a space of about 3 weeks.

2. Cosmetic surgery, in the form of repairing or reconstructive operations, can work miracles for the patient to permanently perfect his or her look.

3. Subject to the talents of your surgeon, you can get the precise result that you ask for.

4. One can concentrate on very specific regions on the face and neck, such as under or around the eyes, or by lifting and snipping away skin to eradicate "turkey neck".

5. One's self-assurance levels will increase because of the psychological elements. You look better, so you feel better, even indestructible!

6. Cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery can rectify certain flaws or malformations of the face to make you look better, or more youthful.

7. Nowadays, cosmetic surgery is more affordable than it was once, and the risk of plastic or cosmetic surgery gone wrong is rare, due to strict medical standards and regulations.

Face exercises, which are carried out by the patient by means of their own fingertips, on the other hand, have the following advantages:

1. You are in control of your own transformation to looking years younger, and not a cosmetic surgeon.

2. The results are permanent if you keep up a facial workout program or routine. The more you exercise the points on the face, the better the results, much like being in the gym!

3. It's completely free to perform the facial exercises as it's a form of non-surgical facelift.

4. No doctors or surgeons, no scalpel snipping into your face, no stitches or scarring, which means that your procedure is non-invasive.

5. You can execute the facial workout anywhere at home, in traffic jams, at the bus stop, while watching television etc.

6. Facial exercises and toning unblock the channels and nodal points in the face and neck so that blood can flow into the cells and skin, thereby nourishing them.

7. Not only will wrinkles smoothen, but you will also lift sagging face skin, get rid of hog jowls, and reinstate color to the face and neck.

On deciding which path to adopt between facial exercises and cosmetic surgery, you have to know what your budget is, and to be willing to accept the albeit small, risk of plastic surgery gone wrong. Also bear in mind that the results that you're looking for are quick, so they will be instantly noticed by friends, colleagues, and family. If you don't mind other people knowing that you've had some kind of cosmetic surgery procedure, then this may be the method to go. Just keep in mind that you may have to remain at home and out of view for some time until the bruising subsides and the bandages are removed.

I myself choose yoga facial exercises because they save me money and the hassle of seeing a cosmetic surgeon, plus I do not wish to risk any negative cosmetic surgery unwanted effects. When I first began a face exercise workout, it took some time for me to see the positive effects, because it's not as radical as cosmetic surgery.

My friends and family in fact began commenting in regards to the fact that I was looking fresher and younger, and that my cheeks seemed to be rosier. This was great encouragement for me to continue and even step up the routines of my facial exercise program.

Though I was skeptical in the beginning, I am now a proponent of this type of non-surgical facelift, and I appear to be years younger than when I started off. Just keep in mind that it takes about twenty minutes a day using your fingertips for the initial month. After that, simple facial toning upkeep of about 2 to 3 times a week will do the trick like a dream. It just requires a bit of perseverance when going the facial exercises route versus the rate, risk, and temporary results of cosmetic surgery.

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Anti Aging 101 - Top Five Causes of Skin Aging

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We can only hold on to our youthful skin for so long. Skin aging is inevitable, but there are actually ways that we can do to slow down its process. As they say, the only way to solve a problem is to know what causes the problem. If we know what causes skin aging, then we will know what to do to avoid it. With this, let me share to you the top five causes of skin aging. Here are some of them.

1. Unprotected exposure to the sun. The sun's ultra violet rays is the primary culprit of premature skin aging. When our skin gets exposed repeatedly to the sun, it loses its ability to repair itself. It damages the skin from the innermost layers which makes wrinkles, fine lines and age spots appear on the surface. But the good news is, premature aging due to UV exposure is highly preventable. Make sunscreen your best friend. Wear it everyday all year round, even if you are just staying indoors. Wear sunglasses when going out to protect the skin around your eyes. Wear hats, wear caps. Try to stay indoors as much as possible during the hours when the sun is strongest, which is around 10 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. By taking these preventive measures, you can help keep your skin healthy and delay the formation of wrinkles... for at least a couple of years.

2. Smoking and drinking. These are two unhealthy vices that can wreck havoc to your skin without you even knowing it. When you smoke or when you drink, the moisture on your skin gets depleted at a much faster rate. To avoid this, it's simple. Quit smoking and drinking. Exposing yourself to secondhand smoke also has the same effect to the skin so as much as possible, try to avoid it.

3. Lack of sleep. Dark circles and eye bags are the short term effects of not getting enough sleep. However, the long term effects of this unhealthy habit is much worse. Because you're disrupting the normal repair process of the body, lack of sleep can make your skin look gaunt, dull and lifeless. It is very important, and I can't stress this enough, that you should get an average of seven to eight hours of sleep a day. Make that a non negotiable rule in your life, trust me it'll make a huge difference. This gives your body ample time to repair itself and rejuvenate.

4. Too much stress. When we are stressed, we tend to pull our eyebrows closer together, we frown, we smirk and we do all sorts of facial expressions. Unknown to many, these expressions can cause permanent lines to form on our faces. Stress of course, is inevitable, but we have to keep it to a minimum so that our faces won't suffer from these nasty lines.

5. Bad diet. Those who binge on fast food and junk food all the time tend to have sallow and unhealthy complexions. This is because the skin is devoid of essential nutrients that it needs to look good. Besides, what nutrients can you get on a Big Mac or a Frosty? To avoid this, eat fresh foods and slow foods, avoid junk food and stay well hydrated by drinking lots of water.

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How to Preserve Your Youthful Skin The Natural Way

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We can only hold on to our youthful, glowing skin for so long. But thanks to the advancements in modern science, it is now possible to reverse skin aging by using products and undergoing treatments that specifically targets various skin aging problems such as wrinkles. Treatments such as botox, fillers, face lifts and other cosmetic surgeries offer quick results, but of course they do come with a hefty price tag. Fortunately, there are many other ways to preserve your youthful skin without going under the knife... or a syringe. Let me share to you some of them.

1. Eat organic. Did you know that you can dramatically change how your skin looks just by improving your daily diet? Organic fruits and vegetables are known to be rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals which can help repair damage caused by free radicals. Eating organic whole grains and other fiber rich foods everyday can also help you flush out all the toxins in your body which in turn can make your skin brighter and younger.

2. Avoid highly processed foods. Highly processed foods like white flour and refined sugar can turn into a clumpy goo once it goes inside your tummy. These foods may be yummy, but there's actually little to no nutrition to digest. It just overloads your colon with too much waste, and your colon would have no other choice but to reabsorb these toxins into your cells.

3. Take supplements daily. Supplements such as vitamins A, C, E, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, beta carotene and coenzyme Q10 can help slow down the skin's aging process and promote normal cell turnover. If you are not getting these essential vitamins and minerals on your daily diet, supplements can help you compensate for the lack of nutrients in your diet.

4. Do a full body detox at least once or twice a year. Detoxification is all about cleaning and nourishing the body from inside out. By getting rid of toxins and feeding your body with essential nutrients, body detox can help renew your ability to maintain optimum health. When toxins builds up in our system, impurities are not filtered properly and can affect our cells in a negative way - and that includes our skin cells.

5. Avoid smoking and drinking. These two vices can wreck havoc to your skin without you even knowing it. Smoking and drinking can make the moisture evaporate from your skin, resulting in a gaunt and lifeless skin.

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Foods for Your Skin - Anti Aging Secret Revealed

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Do you know that your choice of food and drink can affect your skin? Perhaps, due to its attribute as the largest organ of the body, your skin is the first attraction when people see you. This same skin is the outer and first defence against microbes and environmental pollutants. Your skin is also the converter of essential sunlight to the Vitamin D that your body requires.

Now, here comes the biggest concern of people, especially at a younger age in association with their skin - how they can get a tan. Subsequently, as age starts setting in, the concern shifts from getting a tan to preventing wrinkles and skin folds. Definitely, tanning is not the number one method to resolve wrinkles. While people are quick to resort to creams, gels and lotions plus dietary supplements as complementary therapy for skin renewal or acne treatment, enduring result may not ensue from such choices. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology emphatically states that "all-natural supplements have no proven effectiveness and may even exert some harmful effects".

Taking care of your skin by watching what you eat or drink is something you should not wait until signs of aging starts setting in. The earlier you start eating and living healthily, the better it is for you. Mark G. Rubin, MD puts it this way, "If you avoid smoking and exposing your skin to the sun early in your teen years, it will definitely pay off later, especially when you start aging". Rubin is an Assistant Clinical Dermatology Prof at the University of San Diego.

Delay Aging by Taking Care of Your Skin

Rubin went on to say, "Prevention is a powerful antidote to skin ageing, so start as early as possible to shield your skin from hazardous impacts. If you don't start early, you may discover it is already too late by the time you see the undesirable features or damages on your skin later in life". The whole essence is to try delaying skin aging. Once the body cells are kept from unnecessary oxidization, aging process on every part of your body will slow down. According to experts, the best recipe for preventing unnecessary oxidization of the body is to keep off from tobacco (smoking) and consume more of antioxidants-rich foods.

Excellent skin hydration is the most effective way to delay the signs of aging on your skin, at the physical level. In one part, creating a healthy diet plan that would include foods rich in omega-3s will help you achieve this feat. Monounsaturated fat is also helpful. You should also structure a great skin-care regimen to aid the effectiveness of diet in slowing aging process.

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Look For Retinol, Vitamin E, And Vitamin K In Your Eye Cream

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Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that plays an important role when it comes to fighting against damaging free radicals that promote the aging process and speed the appearance of wrinkles, dark circles under eyes, and fine lines. A good, vitamin E enriched eye cream should be a part of every skin care regime, as vitamin E has proven itself to be indispensable when it comes to protecting and repairing skin.

The human body doesn't produce vitamin E on its own so, when skin takes a beating, as it often does from the sun's ultraviolet rays, surgery, dehydration, stress, or the natural process of aging, it needs - it craves vitamin E to restore skin to health. The topical application of a vitamin E enriched eye cream or eye gel benefits the skin's natural healing process by soothing peeling skin, calming irritation, and decreasing swelling. This vital nutrient also helps soothe the inflammation that can be a result of aging or sun damage. The stratum corneum (top layer) of the skin is comprised partly of fatty acids and vitamin E eye cream plays a particularly significant role in protecting these fatty acids from free radical damage. Vitamin E eye cream or eye gel also helps to keep the skin smooth and soft, while offering protection to the delicate skin tone that will turn yellowish if fatty acids are allowed to oxidize.

Vitamin E can reach your skin through the healthy, vitamin rich foods you eat, as well as a topical vitamin E eye cream or eye gel to heal and repair damaged skin from the surface. The antioxidant nature of vitamin E means it will grab up and reduce the effect of free radicals that are causing damage to your skin at the cellular level. Foods high in vitamin E are easy to incorporate into your daily diet. They include dry-roasted sunflower seeds, nuts (especially almonds, but peanuts and hazelnuts are good, too), vegetable oils like cottonseed or safflower, turnip greens, tomatoes, pine nuts, peanut butter, wheat germ, and avocado.

The antioxidant properties of a vitamin E eye cream allow it to shield skin cells from tissue and cell damage, further promoting the anti-aging benefits of vitamin E for the skin. Still, studies indicate that a topical application of vitamin E eye cream or eye gel is most effective when combined with other antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin K. Ageless Derma Retinol and Vitamin K Eye Cream is a good example of this powerful blend that will enhance skin's tone and texture, while still healing and repairing sun damaged or aging skin. This particular eye cream combines all the antioxidant power of vitamins E, K, C, and A with retinol to banish dark eye circles, wrinkles, and fine lines.

Most of the age-related skin problems, for both men and women, are generally believed to result from sun exposure over time. The sun's UV radiation damages cellular DNA, which not only increases the risk of skin cancer and immune function, but limits the body's ability to repair damaged tissues. This same UV radiation also damages collagen and elastin fibers, continually contributing to the development of wrinkles, dark circles, thinning, and other age-related skin issues. The soothing and healing action of a vitamin E eye cream or eye gel will, not only improve the body's ability to fight this damage, but actually give skin the ability to repair and heal itself by rebuilding collagen and fighting free radicals.

Even though a topical application of vitamin E boosts the antioxidant level in cell membranes, vitamin E alone isn't able to withstand ultraviolet radiation from frequent and long term exposure to the sun. Once again, a product like Ageless Derma Retinol and Vitamin K Eye Cream provides the perfect combination of vitamin E, vitamin K, and vitamin C. This potent mixture of vitamins E, K, and C drastically increases the level of UV protection available, as compared to any of these antioxidant vitamins on their own. If you are suffering with dark circles, wrinkles, or fine lines under your eyes, you might want to consider a check on your lifestyle. Keep in mind that even the very best eye creams, eye gels, eye treatments, or skin care regimens can not compete with continued dehydration, lack of sleep, and poor dietary habits. Vitamin E will promote healing and cell repair regardless of whether you have had surgical eye treatments, or find yourself plagued with dark under eye circles for other reasons like poor diet and high stress. But remember, beautiful healthy skin is a reflection of the care you give it, both inside and out.

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Is Coffee Beneficial for Your Health? Does It Have Anti-Aging Properties?

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It has become in common in modern days to take a cup of coffee at work in the morning, some people do it at night and others take many cups of coffee. However is it good for you or not?

Over the years some people have suggested that drinking too much coffee is not good for our health, but recent studies show some positive results.

We know that coffee improves alertness, mood and energy recent research suggest that coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, liver cancer and Parkinson's disease. So it seems that the benefits of drinking coffee outweigh the risks.

What about anti aging properties?

One recent study from the Society for Experimental Biology shows that the benefit of muscle strength of mice that have been given caffeine. Researches noticed a strong link between caffeine intake and better muscle performance on adult mice.

These findings are significant for people in their golden years that have weak muscles, coffee may help to keep their muscle tone.

Another interesting study suggest that moderate intake of caffeine is associated with a decrease in skin cancer risk.

The National Institute of Health revealed a relationship between coffee consumption and a decrease in mortality risk. They said that men cut their risk of death by 12% after 4 cups of java and women reduced their risk of death by 16%.

All of these studies are very interesting and prove that coffee can be very beneficial for our health and our longevity. However keep in mind that most of these studies were done on mice so a lot of research still have to be done.

But be aware, there is also a correlation between people who take coffee and live less years, but why is that dilemma? A simple explanation could be that people who drink coffee also tend to smoke a lot.

So the solution may be simple, drink coffee and quit smoking. It is still difficult to show a cause and effect relation between the benefits of coffee with the current studies. But for one reason or another people who drink coffee have a lot of health benefits.

If you want to drink your cup of coffee in the morning do it, just dont abuse it, nothing is good in excess and remember to eat healthy, exercise and avoid smoking if you want to live longer. There is no magic pill no need to have a healthy lifestyle to have longevity.

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The Combo Of Peptides In A Jar Acts As A Lethal Weapon For Wrinkles!

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If anti aging wrinkle creams worked like some medical procedure, they would not be regarded as cosmetics, they would be considered medications. Several formulations are clinically tested nowadays, to make them at par with actual medical formulations.


Some of the modern treatments for wrinkles revolve around pantapeptides. They are small clusters of long-chain amino acids that work as chemical messengers in the body. Originally, pentapeptides were used to heal wounds. Later, studies showed that peptides played a vital role in skin cell multiplication for the production of collagen.

Collagen is the key element for elasticity of the skin. It keeps the skin young. When collagen is in plenty, the skin glows with freshness and suppleness. When collagen level decreases, the skin sags and forms lines. It is like a support structure or a pillar. When the support weakens or shrinks, the structure crumbles or limps.

According to researchers, application of peptides topically induces the skin to increase the level of collagen. When the levels are restored, it produces a "filling" effect on the surface and wrinkles become almost invisible. This is the reason why some of the top quality anti aging wrinkle creams contain peptides. A cream devoid of these amino acids may seem ineffective.


Manufacturers never stop at just one thing. They continue to improve their line of products. This is why they have come up with creams that not only contain peptides, but also argireline. The first is palmitoyl pentapeptide and the second is acetyl hexapeptide.

Argireline works like botox. It blocks protein action. However, the difference lies in the fact that botox blocks by destroying the protein, while Argireline simply prevents the protein to connect to the cell. Meanwhile, the palmitoyl pentapeptide helps to reactivate the production of collagen.

This seems more like a medical procedure than a destructive one. You can now get wrinkle creams that have an intelligent mix of peptides and Arigireline, which double their power to work on wrinkles. They work on the root of the cause, rather than just camouflaging wrinkles superficially.

Do you need a prescription for peptide-containing formulations? Of course not! Such creams are easily available online at an affordable rate. Several websites offer a risk-free trial period of a month, so that you get an idea of the cream's working mode and affect of ingredients.

Imagine having two powerful ingredients put together in a single jar of a cream. What if the same jar also contains Hyalyronic Acid, which is present in the body, and Matrixyl 3000? You may not dare to question the cream's efficacy. Four potent ingredients blended together to form a single anti aging cream formulation is excellent for your skin.

Such powerful anti aging wrinkle creams are certainly more medical than cosmetic. They speak of "healing" and "repairing" the skin, so that it simply stimulates its normal mechanism to stay young. The creams neither destroy nor alter any skin element or structure. These are not creams, but elixir for your skin. Buy the best and look your best!

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The Pituitary Gland And Human Growth Hormone

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Medical professionals have located the real fountain of youth through the studies of growth hormone deficiency. This happens when the pituitary gland stops manufacturing adequate amounts of hormones necessary for correct growth. However, the medical professionals have located the best-anti aging therapy.

191 amino acids are located within the cells housed within the pituitary gland. They supply essential ingredients that aid with growing and development. However, because the pituitary glands begin to decrease production, the body begins to age. Psychological and physiological aging symptoms embody impairment in cognitive operate, lowered levels of energy and a decrease in total muscle mass.

Many people examine this therapeutic method to avoid thinning hair, muscle mass loss, and wrinkles. This therapy can stimulate production within the pituitary gland. The future consequences aren't totally understood, however, it's thought to be an efficient and safe therapeutic procedure to treat aging.

There are several positive advantages afforded to people who profit of this therapy. It'll strengthen muscles and bones, increase memory capability, elevate correct immune system functions, get rid of wrinkles, and facilitate people sleep higher at nighttime. It's conjointly known for regrowing hair, increasing the vitality of skin, increase energy, stamina, and muscle mass, elevate cardiac output and libido, and reduce overall blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

When brooding about Human Growth Hormone treatments and therapies it's very important that buyers are tuned in to the various product. 2 of the foremost commonly referenced and used product on today's market are: Homeopathic HGH formulas and Human Growth professional Hormone. The HGH "commotion" will frequently be traced back to at least one or the opposite of those 2 things.

The Human Growth Hormone craze began with the embracing of (usually illegal) injection primarily based treatments. it had been a remarkable however negative starting for the treatment. This technique of HGH therapy rapidly fell to the wayside as a result of the facet effects were much more obvious to users than any of the advantages they started the treatment to get within the initial place.

This left several looking ahead to an efficient, safe treatment that might provide the total vary of advantages that are accessible through HGH while not the facet effects that almost all came to concern... homeopathic formulas were designed because the answer. these days there are a range of makers. the overall plan behind the homeopathic formula is that the same between brands. they're primarily based on the centuries previous science of homeopathy.

Homeopathic formulas are natural. they're a non-invasive different to injections. This makes them terribly fascinating to several people who are seeking the overall advantages while not the dire consequences of injections treatments of the past.

The industries most known for illegal HGH use are the bodybuilding and athletics industries. These are the industries that Human Growth professional Hormone was designed to learn. These teams prize HGH primarily based treatments for specific reasons including: increase in lean muscle, decrease in adipose tissue, increase in tolerance for exercise, decrease in recovery time needs, etc.

People who flip to prime quality homeopathic formulas on the opposite hand are accessing product formulated in a very actual fashion so as to supply all of the advantages provided by injections primarily based treatments with several extra benefits added to the list. A number of the favored "additional" advantages include: increased restfulness of sleep, increased memory talents, increased drawback solving talents, clearer cognition, higher skin and bone health, improved health of the thyroid, cardiac and digestive systems, etc.

Considering the intensive nature of the list of potential treatment advantages, the general public can still clamor for quality homeopathic HGH product. it's prized not solely as a solution for low and/or deficient levels of HGH within the system, however it's nearly simply as highly prized for its capability to extend overall health. and every one with no known facet effects.

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Why Use Hyaluronic Acid Serum?

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Hyaluronic acid serum is a cosmetic product which if used helps the skin to be more hydrated. At birth we all have hyaluronic acid which gives us a youthful and even skin tone; that is why babies have adorable skin tone. As time goes on and we start aging, the production of this acid either decreases or stops all together. That leads to a wrinkled, scarred, uneven and dry skin.

Hyaluronic acid is good for the skin

When our skin loses moisture, what happens is that it starts to wrinkle and lose its original elastic state. For your skin to stay young and beautiful it must have the ability to maintain moisture. If it is not able to do it by itself, then a little help is offered by using hyaluronic acid cream for skin. It helps the skin to retain its moisture thereby replenishing itself.

Not only does it help the skin to retain moisture, it also helps it not to lose the moisture available. When you use hyaluronic acid, it does away with sunburns, scars, blemishes and other effects of severe weather on the skin.

Hyaluronic acid reverses aging

As we age we lose the ability of the skin to produce hyaluronic acid to replenish itself. When that happens we are left with nothing to protect our skin from weather elements. At this point unless there is external help for the skin, it may end up with wrinkles and spots which are quite repulsive.

Regular use of this anti-aging serum reverses this situation by giving you a face lift. When it is applied it gets into the skin cells which have been dehydrated and adds moisture to them. Within a short while your face is renewed, revitalized and the effect is visible for all to see.

Benefits of using hyaluronic acid

One of the benefits of hyaluronic acid serum is that many people have used it after laser hair removal to reduce irritation. As we age our joints start losing their ability to retain moisture which helps to reduce bone friction. Without moisture in our joints, sometimes our joints hurt when we walk or they make certain noises when we try to stand.

Because it's a good moisture retainer it has been used by many people to rejuvenate their joints. When all is said and done, this acid is responsible for prevention of wear and tear of the bones and joints.

Most of the people who have used have had less pain and discomfort while walking or standing. Another benefit of this anti-aging serum is that it gives us healthy and lustrous hair. That is because when you have enough of it on your skin; it is supplied to the scalp leading to well moist and glossy hair.

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Foods That Accelerate Skin Aging

Did you know that your daily diet can affect how your skin ages? Unknown to many, certain foods can help accelerate skin aging. Regular intake of such foods can quicken the development of aging signs such as dull leathery skin, wrinkles and and fine lines. Surprisingly, most of these foods are a huge part of the regular American diet. So if you want to preserve your beauty and stay young looking for a long time, you must try to slowly eliminate, or better yet, completely eliminate these foods from your daily diet. So without further ado, let me share to you some of the foods that accelerate skin aging. Here are some of them.

1. Animal protein. Animal protein is acidic. When the foods that you eat is out of your body's range of alkalinity, your cells won't function properly. In cases like these, the body pulls out mineral salts from the cells and the bones in order to restore the body's normal pH level which is 7.0. This process can result in free radical formation which can accelerate the skin aging process. This is why the result of eating lots of animal protein such as red meats is accelerated skin aging.

2. Foods high in saturated fat. Diets high in saturated fat such as butter, whole milk and other full fat dairy products can increase skin inflammation and lead to accelerated skin aging.

3. Sweets and refined carbohydrates. Sweets and refined carbs such as cakes and pastries can raise the amount of glucose in our blood. As an effect, this can increase the production of AGEs or advanced glycation end products. These end products can interfere with the skin's collagen and elastin repair, making the skin less elastic and tight.

4. Alcohol. Alcohol can make your skin dry, taut and lined. Furthermore, the liver produces free radicals when it metabolizes alcohol, which as we all know is the weakness of youthful skin.

5. Crash diets. Unknown to many, quick weight loss diets can cause your skin to age fast. By not eating properly, your body gets depleted of the essential vitamins, minerals and proteins that the skin needs to nourish itself.

6. Fizzy drinks. Did you know that regular consumption of soda can make you look old even before you get old? Research shows that phosphate, the ingredient responsible for giving soft drinks their tangy taste can actually accelerate skin aging. Apart from damaging the skin, it can also damage the heart and the kidneys.

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Growth Factors For Skin - Skin Care Breakthrough

One of the reasons that Luminesce is so effective at making your skin smooth and youthful is that it contains cytokines and interleukins in its unique formula. These growth factors are created by adult stem cells that are removed once they are created. In the finished formula, these factors remain to stimulate your own stem cells to repair your damaged skin.

There are other formulas on the market that use stem cells and stem cell technology but they are plant and fruit based cells that are incompatible with human systems. They do have benefits but they are limited by being of a different species. Luminesce uses human adult stem cells to produce over 200 different growth factors, after which the stem cells are removed from the formula.

One of those growth factors is called cytokines, cell-signaling protein molecules that act as messengers between cells. They are naturally created by the immune system to carry "instructions" such as producing more collagen when your skin needs it. This category of molecules consists of peptides and proteins that regulate the body and can increase up to 1000% after a physical trauma or when the body develops an infection.

Another of the 200 growth factors is interleukins, proteins that are produced when the immune system is challenged. They trigger responses such as fever, allergic reactions and cell regeneration. Since your body has not been traumatized and you are not ill, the interleukins in Luminesce cause skin cells to regenerate where they are introduced, in this case on your facial tissues.

As we age our body begins to produce fewer and fewer growth factors. Interleukins are produced only when we are ill or injured and cytokines concentrate their communications on the processes that maintain aging internal organs. The largest organ in the body, the skin, is shunted to secondary consideration in favor of keeping the inner organs healthy as age breaks down their cells. Luminesce re-introduces these growth factors to your facial skin tissues, allowing them to increase collagen and elastin production and manufacture new, healthy skin cells to replace the old ones.

Apply Luminesce twice daily, in the morning and night. Wait 10 minutes, then apply your makeup over it so your skin can absorb the growth factors that will start repairing your skin and producing collagen and elastin. You'll be pleased and amazed at the results you'll see in just a few short days!

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Hate Wrinkles? Keep Them Away

Wrinkles are highly unloved. Lines of aging are not to be hated, but when they come earlier than expected, they are not really welcome. If you hate your laugh lines or are scared to spot them, start taking care of your skin. Many women never expect to see wrinkles. With the pollution and stress levels rising each day, wrinkles are expected to be seen quite early. Make sure you are using the best product for wrinkles, dark spots, and other signs of aging. The early you begin, the better will be the results.

Factors contributing to wrinkles

Irrespective of age, women hate to spot signs of aging. The first ones to appear are fine lines and wrinkles. Fighting them is the easiest when they are still forming. With age, the skin starts to lose its ability to produce collagen and elastin. This reduces the skin's elasticity and causes it to crease each time it is stretched. Harmful UV rays of the sun also play an important role in causing the formation of wrinkles. Smoking also contributes its bit in fastening the aging process. All these factors collectively lead to premature appearance of wrinkles. Taking care of each bit helps in delaying the fine lines.

Need of a single solution

Usually, the best product for wrinkles just works fine, but other signs of aging also start appearing. Then begins the real struggle of fighting each one of them with a different cream. Overtime, women end up using too many creams to get rid of different problems and sometimes end up being affected by harmful chemicals. It is also very irritating to use so many creams every day. Women need a single solution that can take care of aging problems without being harmful to the skin in any way.

Best anti-aging solution

To keep away not just wrinkles, but all other aging skin problems like dark spots and hyper pigmentation, use a cream that is effective on all the problems. Wrinkle reducer reviews for Hydroxatone free trial packs are quite upbeat. It is the best product for wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, and all other signs of aging. A single solution that gives you a clear and radiant skin. Most users have felt a visible improvement in their skin tone. Use it regularly and you will soon see a visible reduction in your wrinkles and dark spots. It is one of the most effective anti-aging solutions on the market currently.

If you hate wrinkles, then preventing and reducing them is not very difficult now. There are effective solutions that give amazing results. They will not take years to prove their effectiveness like most natural remedies. Hydroxatone is an all-in-one solution that makes the process much easier than ever before. Just get one single cream to stay young and glowing. Its reviews are also extremely popular on the Internet. They are buzzing the online space and reaching out to thousands of women each day. Read them to go through how it has helped women keep away the signs of aging. Use Hydroxatone, stay protected from the sun, and quit smoking. That is all you need to successfully delay the aging process. With proper care and the best product for wrinkles, stay young and glowing.

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How Can HGH Help Postpone Aging?

Aging is a condition no living organism can ever avoid. All are sure to age and grow old with time. However, the average life expectancy, which was even below 50 a few years ago, has increased now-a-days. Moreover, with the advancement in the field of science and medicine, it is now possible to postpone and slow the aging process by applying the human growth hormone or HGH. It is one of the several hormones secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain. As the name suggests, this hormone stimulates the growth of the body, regulates the regeneration of cells, and also controls metabolism. As a result, it plays an important role in controlling the process of aging. Hence, it has become a common phenomenon for people who are growing old to take HGH supplements to slow the aging process.

Postpone Aging with HGH

There are several benefits of HGH in terms of slowing down the process of aging. Researches performed over the years have revealed that HGH increases bone density in human body. Moreover, it plays an important role in decreasing body fat as well. Applying this hormone also adds to the mass of muscle in a body. This provides the person with more capacity of exercising and thus, helps to keep him fit. As a result, HGH has found extensive use in the field of body building. Moreover, this hormone is also applied to treat waste of muscle due to different diseases or due to aging. HGH helps to improve the quality of skin in terms of texture and elasticity. It even reduces wrinkles. Moreover, this hormone plays a major role in reducing hair fall.

Increase Confidence with HGH

Applying HGH has become a common form of medication to prevent early aging or even to postpone the process of growing old. It results in a healthier as well as a longer life. Old age, in many cases, makes people dependent on others and thus, makes them lose confidence. The use of HGH can help them regain the confidence by making them self sufficient and healthy. Moreover, it also reduces cholesterol and keeps the cardiac function normal, thus helping people keep fit and healthy even in old age and live longer. HGH even plays an important role in maintaining optimum blood pressure levels in human body.

With the advancement in the field of science and medicines, HGH has gained immense popularity as a medium for postponing the process of growing old. It is likely to become increasingly accepted in the days to come and find extensive use in the field of body building.

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How to Rejuvenate the Skin

It is not possible to stop aging. Your skin ages as you advance in years. To rejuvenate the skin simply means that you want to regenerate or stimulate the skin to appear less wrinkled and old. In most people's skin rejuvenation regimens, surgery, collagen injections and toxic chemical peels are employed. However, the best method to rejuvenate your skin should be the diet you eat, natural products and essential oils, which help to rejuvenate the skin from within and that are very effective in the end.

The Skin

The outer layer of the skin is called the Epidermis. With age, production of sebum by the skin is reduced leading to blotchiness, dryness and dullness of the skin. The base of the epidermis contains melanocytes. These are the cells responsible for the production of the skin pigments known as melanin. Production of melanin increases with age and repeated exposure to the sun over the years causing lentigos and blotchy discoloration. With age, the cells of the superficial epidermis or the stratum corner are not efficiently shed compared with younger age. This leads to accumulation, which makes your skin to appear lifeless and dull with a pale


Below the epidermis is the dermis. It is the layer of the skin containing elastic fibers, collagen, nerve endings, hair bulbs, sweat glands and capillaries and provides strength and support to the skin. After 40 years, elastic fibers and collagen are lost at a high rate leading to sagging.

Rejuvenation Techniques

Several natural products are available and can do wonders on your dermis and epidermis when used to rejuvenate the skin. It is sense to use only the products that are compatible with your skin when rejuvenating it.


Products containing antioxidants neutralize free radicals and stimulate production of collagen by fibroblasts in the dermis. Free radicals are harmful and can cause injurious effects on cellular DNA. They originate from various environmental pollutants like ultraviolet radiation and cigarette smoke. They are also generated by emotional stress. Antioxidants may be obtained from grape seed extract, white tea extract, green tea extract, blackberry extract, blueberry extract, beta-carotene and alpha lipoic acid. Vitamins E and C help to protect your skin against free radicals and you should increase their consumption to rejuvenate the skin.

Vitamin A and Retinoids

Vitamin A and retinoid derivatives help to provide effective exfoliation, reduce skin discoloration and make the wrinkles to look better. This restores a glowing complexion, making your skin to appear more vibrant and healthier. Retinoids stimulates the activity of the fibroblasts giving the skin a firmer appearance. It also reduces oiliness, treat acne and diminish appearance of pores. Creams containing vitamin A increase sensitivity of your skin to sun and you should use them with a sunscreen.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C improves spotty skin pigmentation, decreases bagginess under the eyes and firms the skin. It enhances fibroblast activity and acts as an antioxidant.


Certain proteins stimulate production of collagen by the fibroblasts and should be included in your regimen to rejuvenate the skin by helping the stratum corneum to retain water.

Understanding the various physio chemical effects of natural products on skin can help you to rejuvenate your skin effectively and prevent skin related conditions.

Choosing the right treatment at the right time in your life is vital for successful results for your appearance as well as your pocket. Appropriate basic skin care is always the best option at all stages of your life and may even reduce the need for skin rejuvenation treatments.

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Should You Take Human Growth Hormone?

Many people want to look younger or stop themselves from looking older and they try different ways to regain that youthful look. One of the recent additions to the long list of age defying products is human growth hormone or HGH. With so many people believing that growth hormones can slow down aging, it is not surprising that these hormone-containing products are flooding the marketplace. However, before you reach for any HGH supplements in the market, first take the time to learn about this naturally occurring hormone.

What is growth hormone?
The pituitary gland is a pea-sized structure found at the base of the brain. Its main function is to produce hormones that become major players in the growth and development of human beings. Its role during puberty is significant. Together with other hormones, HGH works to rapidly create proper bone structure and muscles in people entering adolescence. This hormone is also responsible for maintaining cells throughout the life cycle.

The release of HGH is affected by age. Once you reach middle age, the pituitary gland slows down and the amount of hormone it releases declines. According to proponents of HGH supplements, the decline in the released amount of this hormone leads to aging. They also say that you can take synthetic versions of the hormone and this will cancel the aging process and make you look youthful. Not all consumers are persuaded by such unfounded marketing gimmicks. The skeptics are abundant and object to various aspects of HGH supplements, including the fact that not everyone can tolerate synthetic hormones.

Can anyone take this hormone?
For medical reasons, some people require regular doses of HGH. These patients are not looking to unwind the hands of time, but need to ease the suffering due to growth hormone deficiency. HGH deficiency is a rare condition of people with a pituitary gland tumor. The condition can be treated through radiotherapy, surgery and hormone therapy. The purpose of hormone therapy for these people is to increase bone density and muscle mass. One significant effect of this hormone therapy is to reduce body fat. Take note, HGH is also prescribed to people with HIV/AIDS to delay muscular atrophy.

There are not many studies which conclusively determine the effects of synthetic HGH in healthy individuals. There are reports saying that HGH injections have caused an increase in muscle mass in healthy people, but the increased muscle mass was not shown to also increase strength. Its fat reducing abilities have also been noted in various studies.

However, there have been negative side effects reported upon injecting HGH in healthy people. The side effects are carpal tunnel syndrome, swelling of arms and legs, joint pains, muscular pains, and gynecomastia. There is also some evidence linking HGH use with development of heart disease and diabetes. Studies also confirm that conclusive evidence regarding the side effects of HGH injections is lacking. For the moment, the general opinion in the scientific community is it is safer not taking synthetic growth hormone if you do not need it.

HGH is usually administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly and not orally. But many websites now sell it in pill form, claiming that the supplements produce similar results as the injected hormone. Some supplements do not contain HGH, but claim they can activate the natural release of HGH in the body. Unfortunately, many of these supplements are not backed up by laboratory studies.

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The Art of Aging Gracefully - Can Supplements Really Help?

Age is something we all do: From the moment of conception it is a continual process that follows each breath we take. Women regularly enter my natural health practice looking for a way to slow down or minimize the changes associated with old age such as mental confusion, memory loss, wrinkles, sagging skin, muscle loss or balance problems. There is an old saying "you are only as old as you feel." So the big question on everyone's mind is how to go about feeling younger and more vibrant. It is important to know that you can slow down the mental and physical deterioration that often accompanies diabetes, high inflammatory markers, anemia, liver, kidney, thyroid, immune system or heart dysfunction if you can find and fix the problem before it becomes a pathology or disease.


Every cell in the body is pre-programmed to reproduce and die. In seven years every single cell in our body has been completely renewed. Accelerated aging can come from free radical damage, hormonal impacts, toxins found in the air, food, water and other environmental challenges. Metabolic aging results from all of the processes that are required of our cells such as eating, metabolism, elimination and energy creation. Because we have suboptimal diets, often the new cells are not as vital as they should be resulting in progressive decline of function. It must be remembered that our body favors short term survival over long-term health. It is more of a priority for the body to favor the functions that are absolutely necessary for survival. Therefore, micro-nutrient deficiencies could lead to increased neural (brain cell) decay, aging and the risk of cancer, while still maintain the body's critical energy production to protect the vital organs like the brain and the heart.


Drugs may be used for crisis intervention or to avoid premature death. For example, blood pressure medications are used to avoid having a seizure today. Drugs are rarely prescribed to treat the cause of the original condition and as an extra hazard have added side effects that must be taken into consideration when considering what is the long term consequence to your health and the quality of your life. Long term use of prescription drugs is generally considered a risk to long term health and longevity; just ask any health insurance or life insurance company!


Vitamin D

Studies have shown the older people with lower levels of Vitamin D may be an at increased risk of dying from heart disease, increased risk of type 2 diabetes and decreased risk of metabolic syndrome. Vitamin D must be in the active form known as Vitamin D3 and not ergocalciferol or Vitamin D2 as found in milk. Vitamin D has been shown to be essential in bone health, mood, cancer, immune system function, decreased chances of auto immune disease and more.

CoQ10 or Ubiquinol

CoQ10 is found in every cell in the body and is crucial for energy production. It has been clearly demonstrated that statin drugs deplete the production of CoQ10 and are responsible for the muscle aches and fatigue that have been listed as a side effect when taking statins medications. Even without the use of statin drugs, coQ10 levels tend to decrease with age.

B12/ Folate

Anemia is often linked with the aging process, but is not an inevitable result of getting older. Both B12 and folate are B vitamins that are dependent on adequate intake and the absorption rate in the stomach. It is necessary to have both nutrients for adequate production of both the white and red blood cells in our body. There are many medications that deplete B vitamins. A fascinating study done in 2008 demonstrated that those subjects with a higher B12 level were six times less likely to experience brain shrinkage.

This information should not be considered personalized health care advice. Any health care recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your Doctor and licensed Health Care Advisor.

If you would like some more natural tips and tools for living your life with greater health and vitality, I would like to offer you a FREE download of my "Power Up Your Day" morning routine to get your day off to the right start and live the life of your dreams at As a bonus you will be subscribed to my complementary inbox magazine and receive a timely weekly message focusing on the health and empowerment of Women of Wisdom.

Dr. Doreen Borseth, DC is a Holistic Chiropractor and Health Coach who has specialized in natural Body-Mind medicine focusing on the health and empowerment of women for over 25 years.

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The Olympics And You

The countdown to the London Olympics is well-and-truly under way. Pretty soon we lounge-chair experts will have opportunities to impress others with our knowledge of a wide variety of sports-some of which disappeared from our radar screen 4 years ago. And, when an athlete or commentator mentions 'PB', 'WR', 'DSQ', or any other performance-speak, we nod our comprehension.

The problem that the Olympics presents for most of us is that watching can replace participating. We're aware that competing at the Olympics is reserved for the (mainly) young and disciplined. And we can relate to Bette Midler's observation, that: 'After 30, a body has a mind of its own'. So we're content to sit-back and watch if Usain Bolt can light-up the track, literally.

For some, watching the Olympics can provide the motivation to join the gym, reintroduce themselves to the pool, start cycling, enlist the support of a personal trainer, and so on. But the level of motivation created by the Olympics usually dissipates after a few months.

You and I know that there's more to living longer than exercise and muesli. And, even in relation to exercise, competing on the world stage at the Olympics is not, for most of us, the be-all and end-all. There's an impressive and increasing body of research that relates longevity, not with organized activities associated with the gym (jogging, swimming, etc.), but with involvement of everyday life activities-staying active. Walking, gardening, working, and engaging in household chores, are just a few examples. And let's not forget the roles massage, yoga, and Tai Chi can play in physical and mental fitness.

Through exercise, it is possible to retard the aging process. But you don't have to go to the Olympics to find out that one of main benefits provided by exercise, and the fitness it can deliver, is that it enables us to say 'yes' more often to participating in those things that can add quality to our lives.

Take time-out to watch the Olympics, but don't stay on the couch too long-and certainly don't neglect your own activity. As that great Greek writer Anonymous said, 'Change takes place only through action. Not through prayer or meditation, but through action'.

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Top Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips

Early signs of premature aging usually appear on the skin, this can make you appear older than you actually are. It can be very annoying when people look at you and think that you are 10 years older than your actual age!

Not everyone has the finances to employ the best plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. Here are some top anti-aging skin care tips that can help you reduce the signs of aging and maintain your youthful looks.

Ensure that you get enough sleep - this is perhaps the most well known anti aging tip on the planet. Not getting adequate sleep can actually cause your skin to age prematurely. You should ensure that you get a minimum of 8 hours sleep each night.
Handle stress in most positive way - if you take stress way too personally, this can lead to age lines to form on your face. One of the best ways to deal with stress is to take up yoga, meditation or any other routine that can help you handle stress successfully.
Quit smoking - manufacturers of cigarettes make it appear cool to smoke, but they fail to mention that smoking helps speed up the aging process of the skin. They never tell you that an average smoker gives off an awful body smell, a smoker's lips and teeth become discolored after they have been smoking for a while - aside from speeding up the aging process, absolutely nothing good comes from being a smoker, period.
Drink lots of water - it is important that you get hydrated. Dehydration can make the skin dry-out and cause wrinkles to develop. You should make sure that you drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day or whatever you need to keep your skin well hydrated.
Include more Omega 3 fatty acids to your diet - these healthy fats help boost the skin's collagen production and stop wrinkles from developing. Consume more dishes that contain salmon, walnuts, tuna, canola oil and olive oil.
Eat unprocessed foods - it is impossible to go to a grocery store without seeing processed foods staring you back in the face. Try to avoid making processed foods a big part of your diet plan. Consume at least 5 servings of fresh veggies and fruits and 3 servings of whole grains.
Get enough exercise - when you get adequate exercise, this can help slow down or reverse the aging signs. You can enjoy the benefits of staying active with as little as 30 minute exercises or other light exercises each day.
Consume more antioxidants - when you take foods that are rich in antioxidants, you can count on combating free radicals which contribute to premature aging. Take fruits that are rich in vitamin C such as oranges, dark colored veggies like carrots, tomatoes and lettuce.
Drink cocoa beverage instead of caffeine-rich coffee - the cocoa beverage is known to contain "flavinoids" which protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun.
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Anti-Aging Tips - 3 Quick Steps to Eliminate Age Spots

The first step in figuring out how to get rid of age spots is to understand what they are and why they occur. Age spots are simply areas where melanin pools within in the skin, leaving a dark grey, black or brown spot that stands out from your natural skin colour. While they happen naturally as we age, they can also be exacerbated by extended exposure to the sun.

Also, the chemicals in some skin care products and shampoos and the UV rays in tanning booths can also hasten their growth. Avoiding the use of these items and being careful to use UV protection whenever you are out in the sun can help to prevent age spots. However, f you do get them, getting rid of these blemishes can be handled in several ways, some of which are natural that you can apply at home.

Some remedies that can be used to get rid of dark spots are:

Step 1: The most popular is lemon juice, which can act as a natural bleach thanks to the citric acid it contains. Apple cider vinegar and Aloe Vera gel are equally effective at naturally lightening the skin. As these are all natural products, there is no risk of exposure to toxic chemicals but you may have to wait a while to see results.

Step 2: Creams and lotions that contain hydroquinone are also useful for getting rid of or significantly lightening age spots. Hydroquinone is a chemical that inhibits the production of melanin. This can slow down the change in pigmentation, but it can also increase your skin's sensitivity to sunlight so if you opt to use one of these products you should be very careful not to spend too much time in the sun.

Step 3: For women who want a more permanent solution a dermatologist can perform chemical peels, laser therapy or cryotherapy to remove age spots for good. Of course, as with all procedures considered 'invasive', you should always approach them with greater consideration and caution. Consult with your doctor first and consider all of the possible side effects before proceeding.

No matter how you go about getting rid of age spots, you need to remember that it took a long time for the spots to develop in the first place so removing them may not happen overnight. Any method you use will require some measure of patience. It could be weeks or even months before you see noticeable results, depending on the specific method you use.

Age spots make be unavoidable but there is no reason why you have to live with them. If you take steps to protect your skin when you're younger, you can lessen their effects and when they do creep up, you can fight back with any number of products or procedures. Take good care of your skin and you can look young and healthy for years to come!

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