
3 ways to stay young

Ask me, you keep track of how you can young people seem or at least not this look old? Sometimes people will "give", after arriving in a comfort zone. The comfort zone is an established relationship, where has impress everyone else. This can be a behavior that adopted 25 years ago, but nowadays more expected of us.

There are so many things you can do to stay young and surely have some or all of this in mind:

1. let go there.

No, we are talking about not the belly! Let the stress. We tend to multitasking and more than the plane of our days on the capacity of a normal person. Stress is the most common cause of aging. You may have noticed, a friend or your boss, greyed out at an early age. Why? Because they have a great amount of stress in their lives. Stress causes cortisol and adrenaline hormones that increase blood pressure and your heart can beat tide. Diseases, including panic attacks, hostility, depression, insomnia, stress, heart attack, hypertension and road rage leads to permanent stress-related and pressure on the body.

You like himself a great and find an outlet. Learn some relaxation techniques that will help you relieve stress before it assumes and makes you sick. Take time to relax, or as a means to walk every day go to meditate, do yoga, sitting in the hot tub, soaking in your bath, read a book. The sooner such as "let go" Learn, the better. All means that you can change or is added to the load on your life. Learn how to "no" to say, if you want. Sometimes have families and friends of expectations and plans for you. Let not this kind of thing that people make when the representative of the Group of planning. Say "no" means not the end of the world, this means that you have had enough of your own, and you need some time.

2. be active

Regular exercise helps to virtually any type of stress, relieve control your weight (or may be reduced), helps keep bones and improves the general mood. The exercise is any type of activity or running, swimming, cycling, hiking, dance or martial arts, that you like, make at least three sessions of 20 minutes per week.

Exercise releases natural endorphins in your brain and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease in up to 40%. Stress and anxiety can be easily distributed with regular exercise. More may contain, so you clearly think your mind and work with your regular exercise of mental function full capacity. A fun can exercise your way to communicate with friends and family. Search for a partner in the gym with both of you can go to be physically active and stay fit.

3. outside and have fun

You work hard all week, as most of us. What should you do for a reward at the end of the week? Work from home and backyard? Take time to get and some fun. Dinner could be with friends, in a film, a picnic with your family. It is something that gets you moving and have fun and above all to laugh. Laughter really is the best cure, and so, if you're with a group of friends can get at least once or twice per month, you really should. Trade with your partner, so that once or twice, they go with their friends in the month also. You can set up the weekend alternative or a weekend where you do something together with your partner. If you want to find a trusted babysitter so that you can get at least once a week with your partner for a date night. Romantic connection with a solid has many advantages and can still lower your blood pressure. Not with a wide range of social relationships may result in isolation, that is a precursor to depression and is very lonely. This emotional isolation can lead to many health problems. A happy life and held is one of the best ways to stay young.

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