
Calcium and osteoporosis, heart attacks

Vitamin k is another vitamin like vitamin D, which is an important nutrient, most Americans. Although we get our blood clot enough vitamin K, we get enough not to the following issues:

• Varicose veins

• Arterial calcification

• Heart disease

• Osteoporosis

• Prostate cancer

• Lung cancer

• Liver cancer approved

• Leukemia

• Tooth decay

• Pneumonia

• Dementia

Vitamin-K-1 is found in green vegetables. A second type of vitamin k is vitamin K2. It just goes to the vessel wall, bones and tissues except the liver. Vitamin K2 deposit your calcium in bones and avoid that you can get stored their organs, blood vessels and joint pain. Limestone available "arteriosclerosis".

Vitamin K2 enabled protein hormone called Osteocalcin. The League of calcium prevent your bones and calcium deposit to your arteries. In addition, vitamin K2 comes form. Vitamin d helps bone development to help absorb the calcium, but vitamin k leads the calcium in bones.

Heart disease is caused when the calcium plaque damages your blood vessels to be built. This can cause a heart attack. Increased consumption of vitamin K2 reduces the risk of heart disease.

Increase may increase the risk of heart attack with calcium supplements?

Calcium and vitamin D-if it could take, if you are little worse of vitamin K, as if he were not these supplements at all.

One study showed that people thank calcium supplements had more heart attacks. Calcium may not be the only cause of heart attacks. If you take, you must also magnesium, calcium, vitamin d and vitamin k. without these supplements, calcium and negative effects, so if you're going, Omega-3 fatty acids and weight bearing exercise, like walking take magnesium, silica, calcium balance, vitamin d and vitamin k. also has.


Countries with the highest consumption of calcium are the highest of osteoporosis. Some species of coral calcium calcium, calcium citrate and calcium carbonate, oyster shell calcium are not absorbed the skeleton.

How to: increase the strength of bones

Use the calcium derived. Good sources of raw milk cows are pasture raised Greens, vegetables, citrus fruits, grapefruit and carob trees. You must also silica and magnesium. Food sources of silica are peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and various herbs. Chocolate is a good source of magnesium.

The best way to get calcium is through food.

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