
"Anti-aging" medicine: Nutrition component

Since the time of Juan Ponce de León, Spanish Explorer who was after forever famous rejuvenation, thought to be located in Florida, we were the ways to preserve our youth.

Enacting something new out of every day, this is the answer to our prayers to remain eternally young, but of course, it is especially not really the case.

Medicine "Anti-aging" has become very popular lately, but the whole of the population is not really known what it is all this topic. Let us try and give the reader a few ideas to the better understanding of this concept.

What medicine "anti-aging" is, really, is help that we can reach a longevity health through proper nutrition, hinders the natural process of aging, restores inner balance or balance and improves the quality of life in humans.

It is not only scientific but also based on evidence and well documented by journals.

Because we do not want to focus on the scientific basis of medicine "anti-aging" here, we will focus ourselves on the aspect of nutrition in medicine "anti-aging".

When we talk about proper nutrition, many consider there is a universal system to follow, and it is a big mistake. There is no such thing. Each person has individual needs and the specific gaps that some foods contribute to balance, although we here establish some general guidelines to follow.

It is very important not only eating and not skipping meals, but also to choose to ingest food and adequate quantities of the same, as well as learn how to prepare the correct way without giving up the pleasure of a delicious and healthy meals.

Although there are fantastic cooks and places to eat wonderful food, in addition to those made at home, we must recognize that modern man uses the "quick ways" of eating because of the acceleration of the pace he lives in, giving thus body food bad and dangerous to his health.

Our ancestors meals prepared a much healthier way, therefore if we followed this that our grandmothers made in the kitchen, we would start in the right path.

"Anti-aging" requires discipline. It is not magic. When we think about the way we eat, for example, we must remember that the number of times that ingest us food during the day should be of at least five, following the well-known "eat breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a prince and dinner like a poor". How many of us do just that?

Gastronomy "Anti-aging" focuses on the use of fruits and vegetables cooked properly to maintain all their richness in nutrients and vitamins and also because of their antioxidant effects and their fiber content. The fish is certainly preferable to red meat, especially the considered as "blue", such as sardines and tuna, which should be consumed at least three times a week. The salmon is another highly recommended fish, due to its high Omega-3 content.

Many of us are familiar with the Mediterranean diet, which uses high levels of oil in it, and if we use in our meals also, we get the huge benefits that it provides. We can consider to be our liquid gold in nutrition of olive oil.

There is no specific or unique to follow rules. All bearing in mind what kinds of foods, we select for ourselves and our families, try to eat the amount adequate need for our body, exercise, drinking water and of staying away from pre-cooked foods which contain about 75% more salt, will help us to live a healthier and more productive life.

Since everyone ages differently, medicine "anti-aging" studies in which our body systems, we are unable to help us achieve the same balance. This implies that it is our doctor, after proper analysis, which will be able to provide us with the correct suggestions for us to follow. Don't forget, "anti-aging" does not live as a young all our lives. This means reaching our years Golden in the best possible condition, so that we can enjoy.

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