
The theories of aging

There are several theories of aging. You understand, helps to retard or prevent diseases of old age. Many think that these conditions is a part of "normal aging are" and that there is a lot to be done to prevent it after all.

Much of the research on Ageing carried out in recent years, says that this is not the case. Panel toggle "Normal" can be slowed down considerably with the right diet and lifestyle.

According to these theories, the authors of the range from simple inflammation, mitochondrial damage Telomeres and much more. These theories of aging;

"(1) ' For the theory of wear of aging"

Your body simply falls apart due to the use on the cellular level.

"(2) ' the genetic inheritance of the theory of senescence"

How long you will live, is programmed in the genes from the beginning. Some genes only "good" people have the ability to deal with the difficulties of life, but their genes not in full control.

(3) "Neuroendocrine theory of aging"

The hormones to regulate that all functions of the body. When one is young, their hormone levels are higher, and you have the greatest ability to repair and maintain.

(Free radicals-4 theory of ageing ') '

Excess free radicals damage cells and cause this DNA damage and premature aging of the skin. The cause of the damage free radicals in all infections plays in our next edition of aging, inflammation.

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During your immune system to combat damage to tissues during infections in this fight. Constructs this collateral damage to premature aging.

(6) "mitochondrial theory of aging"

This cell ' systems ' energy and produce free radicals are a defense against the excess free radicals, they produce.

(7) "Telomeres and aging '"

Telomeres protect DNA during cell division and soon receive no less until they can. Your DNA can then be damaged, causing aging.

Many believe that this increases its length of Telomeres, which can share the number of cells and, therefore, his life. To this end are some researchers looking for a way to activate the enzyme telomerase, which manages the size of the Telomeres after replication.

Most of these theories of aging in a unified theory together offers a new theory of a Harvard Researcher. Essentially, shortened Telomeres cell damage, leading to the abolition of a protein required for the function of mitochondria. If they begin to be produced exhibition of excess free radicals and DNA molecular damage. The beginning, this leads to damaged DNA Telomeres at the ends of what is called a "death spiral".

A detailed discussion of each one of them is an article in itself. Biological theories of aging are varied and no theory explains all. Is a combination of effects, which is helping assess the age.

The more you understand the theories of aging, the easier it is to get the right tools for your anti aging Toolbox.

Their lives, to make it good, make it last! Christopher Gladden

Christopher initially interested Gladden anti-aging, health and fitness to swear to a longer, healthier life than his father, to live, poor lifestyle choices that is contributed to retire to 49 years of age.

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