
Aging does step means the deterioration of the health - unless you think that it is

Have you ever noticed how many people spoke of, or be complaint of all questions of health (including the memory problems) from past 40, 50 and 60 years experience? I find it shocking when doctors say someone over 40, it is normal that their bodies begin to fall apart and show signs of aging. I find this particularly irritating comment that they are basically saying, this is how it is. "Nothing to do about it"! And then they write a prescription to make money!

My advice? Run as fast as possible to the doctor's Office. It is out of shape, unsafe and on prescription drugs, himself, is likely. Hey, it can only do for you in what he believes and lives in his paradigm, right?

As a specialised physiotherapist, I see how people live in every day.

I view their style of life, including their eating and drinking and exercise habits - and not having enough water body actually uses - and fundamental principles as the jaw bone and neck (now it is a forward-Sculptor head is too common) misalignment!

Doubtful Gee! I look at people and see their physical diseases and causes-without them even having to test them.

I am that pain is inevitable - not at all.

Lifestyle and do not necessary activities (mental, physical and spiritual) for their welfare cause your body to deteriorate.

Look at cultures beyond the Western world for evidence of this fact. Only when the standard American diet (wisely called SAD) appears in other cultures make these people lose their vitality and well-being.

Unfortunately, when cultures become exposed to SAD, the health impact happens within a single generation. A history of long service life of many people gets frottée as fast on SAD!

One of my best vassals is 80 and is in his house and garden all by itself including mowing the acres of land and totally organic half gardening as per acre. It carries its own firewood, stack, butchers of game, makes it choppy, canned fruit and vegetables and meat - you name. Zut, it made even his own moonshine-very powerful too!

My friend of 79 lives in the same way, but at the top of a mountain. My friends in the 1970s are full of get up and go, they date and go dancing and travelling around the world.

My mother ran 3-6 miles on a daily basis carrying his groceries, when she was 80!

I went through a warrior intensive camp when I was in my 50s. My group (mainly in the 30 children) thought I was 37 because I keep me in great form and easily kept up with them.

On the other hand, I see people 60s kvetching about their problems and how they are not how they used to be. Some people in quarantine cannot yet walk a hill without effort!

You want to live well? Love yourself first, and take care of yourself, otherwise you will have to hand on your sick care to someone else (which will be cut on you or you put on the pill).


What you speak becomes the command for your subconscious to complete!

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